Chapter 140

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Chapter 140 Are you serious?

Maybe his mother is here to assassinate his father. After all, the hatred between the two of them is really here to kill people.

So Qiao Shenbei didn't tell Bai Qing about this to avoid making him sad, and he might be heartbroken now.

When picking up the phone, Qiao Shenbei stared at Bai Qing and said, "Dad, you should be careful when you go out." Bai Qing: "Why?"

Qiao Shenbei:

Bai Qing was confused and didn't quite understand. After Qiao Shenbei went to pick him up, Huo Yanan came out of Luo's room and was cleaning up the case. When he saw him coming in, he greeted him: "Go in and take a shower."

Qiao Shenbei saw the strong look in his eyes. He felt scared.

He said to Huo Yanan: "How about we say goodbye tonight? The two of us haven't stopped for so many days, how about we just stop here? After all, the child has to take care of himself." It takes time to conceive. If we do this, the child will be unable to bear it.

Qiao Shenbei was mainly worried about whether he would suffer from kidney deficiency, but if he hadn't given birth to a child yet, his kidney wouldn't work. After all, the two of them had been pregnant for a week. He felt that it wasn't him who gave Huo Yan the baby. An Guqian, but Huo Yanan drained him dry.

Seeing him like this, Huo Yanan threw the hair directly on his head and said:

Qiao Shenbei: '

I still have to take him to the hospital for a checkup someday and give his kidney treatment.

When Qiao Shenbei went out the next day, he saw the car parked at the door. He went out suspiciously and wanted to find out what the hell he was doing. So he knocked on the car's window. As a result, I heard the driver asking from inside: "Who is knocking on my window?

After Yu Nanxi saw him inside, she opened the window. Her eyes met Qiao Shenbei's. Qiao Shenbei's eyes met with Qian

's. He smiled and said hello: "Hi, why are you always here?

When Yu Nanxi saw him talking to her, she was a little scared and nervous, and asked him with a panicked expression: 'Do you know who I am?"

Qiao Shen Bei nodded: I know, you are my biological mother, so I am very curious about what you are doing here? Are you looking for me or me?

Yu Nanxi was stunned: "You know me? That bitch told you Me?

Qiao Shenbei: "Yes, it's you that Bai Jian said. I thought you were dead because he said you were dead. I only recently learned about your resurrection." Yu Nanxi

almost heard this He passed away without choking. Sure enough, he was from Qi, and he actually said that he was dead. What a wolf-hearted man, he actually said that in front of the child, saying that he was dead. Didn't he just leave

him? As for that?

Yu Nanxi I thought that Bai Qing's worst intention was to tell their son that he didn't want him anymore, to leave with another wild man, and to ask the child not to recognize him as his mother.

He had already made this preparation, so he never If you dare to come see Qiao Shenbei, because you are afraid that he will hate him, you can just watch him secretly behind his back. But you really didn’t expect that

he didn’t know the news that he had been dead for eighteen years until now!

Yu Nanxi He thought that his son would not acknowledge him, but now he did not expect that the child was so lively and cheerful. He opened the car door and said to Qiao Shenbei: "Would you like to have a meal together? Qiao Shenbei went directly up, he also wanted to

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