Chapter 171

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Chapter 171 Is this Huo Yanan 2.0 or Huo Yanan Plus?

That’s true, but what’s even more frightening is that he is not the mother of the children at all. He is afraid that these two children have something in common with their biological mother? Do they recognize each other? He is not the biological mother, but the body is the same.

That's why I don't want to get close to him. How long has it been? How long has it been? I can't even hug him. As long as I hug him, it will be useless.

But he also thought about the deal he made with the Smurfs later, and it was natural that the children would not be close to him. But who cares now, he doesn’t want to mess around with his two children now. The most important thing is to be with Huo Yanan. The children don’t want to get close to him, so they don’t want to get close to him. Then he went up and

took off Huo Yanan’s clothes. Blazer, ask him:. I'll put some water on you, you go take a bath, right?"

Huo Yanan hasn't dealt with Bai Nanxing yet, so the disgusting feeling on his body cannot be dissipated. Now after being touched like this by Xiang Shenbei, he feels uncomfortable all over. Holding back his nausea, he shook his hand away: "Pet me with water!

" Qiao Shenbei felt that this life was really sweet, so after letting go of his hand, he went in and poured water for him.

Huo Yanan went to get his pajamas. After he got his pajamas, he was about to go in, but when he entered the door of the treatment room, he saw the people inside taking off their clothes.

The way Xiang Shenbei looked like this made him very popular. Why are you so anxious?

Qiao Shenbei just took off his clothes and took a look at his figure because he saw a mirror inside. He was shocked by his figure. He thought he had a really good figure before he died. He was so fat that he would be called a fat pig when he walked on the street. He never thought that this person would make his figure so beautiful. How could he not like such a good figure? He himself was drunk just looking at it. In the past, he was not confident about himself. He thought he was very ugly, fat and ugly, but now that he is so good-looking, why should he not be confident? He looked at his figure and felt very satisfied. It happened to be at this

time , through this mirror I saw Huo Yanan behind me.

I used to be ugly and didn't dare to approach him, but now I have such a good figure that I almost stick to his side and say to him: Husband, let's wash the mandarin ducks together!

Huo Yanan almost at that moment, after he spoke She couldn't control herself at all, so she rushed into the toilet pit and vomited out. The vomiting was very violent. When Shenbei saw him vomiting so hard, she became furious on the spot: She wants to rape my husband. This kind of intimidation is not good. He should be cut into pieces, why is he not dead yet? You should stab such a powerful man to death!

Hearing this, Huo Yanan turned around suspiciously and looked at him with a strange expression, as if he was sizing him up.

Qiao Shenbei's furious look gave him a strange feeling, as if he didn't even know the person in front of him.

Huo Yanan didn't know if he became different after becoming pregnant, because old people said that after pregnancy, the temperament will indeed change drastically.

He coaxed him out now, "Beibei, the doctor said, you have to be in confinement and you can't touch the water within this month, so you can't wash Yuanyanghao. You go out, and you will do confinement later." We'll talk about it after the child comes out. Don't touch the water now.

Before Qiao Shenbei could react, he pushed the full room away and closed the door.

Huo Yanan froze in place after closing the door. Thinking of the vicious look on his face she just saw, she couldn't help but feel a kind of terrifying fear... She had

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