Chapter 110

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Chapter 110 I really want to thank Huo Yanan for not marrying

Qiao Shenbei was walking on the street at this time, feeling that he was simply empty, lonely and cold.

The world is so big, but he actually feels that he has nowhere to go, so where should he go?

He found that he really didn't have anywhere to go. After he came to this world, he got married and stayed with Huo Yanan. As a result, now that he encountered this kind of thing, he could only blame him for being lard. I was blinded, why did I fall in love with such a scumbag?

He looked up at the non-existent moon and sighed. At this moment, he felt like he wanted to go to a duck shop.

But he touched his pocket.

With this little money, forget it, with this little money to support others, he might as well be a duck by himself.

But he thought of a place he could go to, so he ran directly to the school.

When he walked to the road, someone asked him: "Do you need accommodation? We don't have to pay for accommodation here."

Qiao Shenbei: ""Are all scammers nowadays so careless?

It was almost an insult to his IQ, so Qiao Shenbei quickly ran away at a sprint speed of 100 meters.

With that flexible speed, he can join the track and field team. Ran directly to the school.

The person who asked him was shocked when he saw him running so fast. This was different from what he had promised. Someone told him to come here to pick up a man, was it him? Then they took him to a hotel and let him stay.

Why did this person run away when he saw him, and ran away? How could he do his job?

Qiao Shenbei thought that the teacher had told him that accommodation had been arranged for him and that the accommodation was in the school, so he quickly went to the building that the teacher had told him before.

When Qiao Shenbei walked to the door of his dormitory room, he was thinking about knocking on the door and calling his roommate to come out and answer it. However, when he saw that the dormitory door was unlocked, he knocked on the door but no one answered, so he pushed in curiously. He opened the door and walked in. Just after he entered, Huo Luqi happened to come out of the shower. After the shower, he only had a bath towel wrapped around his lower body.

Upper body


Qiao Shenbei wanted to have a nosebleed after opening the door and seeing his abdominal muscles. How could he have such a good figure?

I didn't expect that the two of them were roommates.

Huo Luqi saw that he had known he would come, so he pretended to be surprised and asked, "Why are you here?"

After Qiao Shenbei entered, he put his duffel bag aside, closed the door and said to him: "The teacher told me that I was assigned to this dormitory, so the two of us should be roommates."

This dormitory only has beds for two people, so the two of them are in the same dormitory.

The arrangement of this dormitory is probably too humane.

Just two people living together, and both of them are men. Didn't the school think that with this arrangement, it would increase the possibility of homosexuality among the classmates?

Moreover, this also allowed students to engage in blatant behavior among themselves.

When Qiao Shenbei had dirty thoughts, he felt like he was having fun.

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