Chapter 207

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Chapter 207: My brother learned how to pick up girls at such a young age

He kept saying that his Mary Sue was sick, but it turned out that he was not such a Mary Sue, and wrote these big words on the ground, confessing to him so blatantly.

The arrogance is simply too arrogant.

However, this trick was quite effective. He felt like a spring breeze, regaining the feeling he had when he was dating the person he was dating. He was so happy.

But his happiness did not last for a few seconds. Because it was late at night, the wind started blowing away those big characters. Moreover, the wind was still a little strong, and all the firecrackers were blown away. It blew into his face, making him startled. He quickly closed the door to prevent these firecrackers from entering his nasal cavity.

After Qiao Shenbei closed the door, he locked the door and walked in.

After seeing Shen Bei go in, he first got a leg, and then called out to the people inside in a very loud voice: "Brother, Brother Huo, Brother Huo Yan'an, do you want me now? I really want to serve you, hurry up It’s clicked!

If Qiao Shenbei didn’t grab this stage, a gun head was thrown directly at his head.

“Go away, sleep, sleepy, not in the mood.

Shen Bei:

Well, just pretend that he doesn’t have such a dog-man husband.

Huo Yanan is the representative of a good husband in contemporary families. He can always make you want to divorce him in the next second.

When Qiao Shenbei went in with this pillow, he muttered to him: "Huo Yan'an, just what you asked for is that your figure will not be out of shape, you will not gain weight, and you will have a Mediterranean beer belly, otherwise you will not meet the standards." , see if I can dump you, and then find another man.

Huo Yanan: ...When you tell me this, take a look at your own hair and see if you are bald? The amount of your hair has already reminded you. Be careful.

Qiao Shenbei reached out and touched his head, feeling that he seemed a little bald: "Fuck. m

Qiao Shenbeiji didn't sleep all night because he didn't know that the fireworks here would be so harmful. They would set off fireworks once at two or three o'clock in the middle of the night, and once at five or six o'clock. Every time they got up, The sound of those fireworks and firecrackers was very loud. I was woken up while I was sleeping with two children. They kept crying. After finally coaxing them, the sound of the fireworks and firecrackers disappeared. It was dawn in the morning and I had to ask again. It's a custom here to make breakfast on the first day of the new year. In the end, I have to eat the imperial dish, so I have to get up early in the morning to make this imperial dish.

But I'm also very glad that the two of them went to bed yesterday and didn't choose to do anything sexual. Otherwise, the frequent occurrence of fireworks and firecrackers might scare Huo Yan'an to the point of having sex. After all, they started shooting this as soon as they opened their eyes. Fireworks and firecrackers are very loud and scary. So it is the safest choice to sleep, otherwise what would have happened if I was frightened by the fireworks yesterday...

Qiao Shenbei couldn't do it, so he got up and went to cook. The so-called imperial dish is to cook it without adding oil. Some vegetables and some rice money and the like.

Children also have short sleep time. They get up early in the morning, jump around and put on their clothes, then sit outside and watch TV.

Fortunately, there is a TV. Even the two children can't understand this TV, but there are those characters acting back and forth on the TV, so they are addicted to watching it. .However

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