Chapter 36 - 37

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Chapter 36 Shenbei, why isn’t your stomach moving yet?
Qiao Shenbei felt that at this moment, he really had no choice but to burn incense and worship Buddha temporarily.

After all, I only had a week, so there was nothing I could do.

He also didn't believe that as a doctoral student... he couldn't win a college entrance examination question.

When he went back, he was startled to see the lanterns and colorful lights in front of his house.

Those who didn't know thought someone in their family was getting married again.

Just when he returned to the door, he was called by Liang Sumei: "Shenbei, Shenbei, come here quickly, you have become a hero now."

Qiao Shenbei: "???"

Because he went up It was really the entire village that saved him this time, so everyone was full of gratitude, because they had some untrue misunderstandings about him before, so they were particularly bad to him. Now that they know it, they are ready to apologize to him. No, the banners were all ready, and they were handed directly to Qiao Shenbei when he passed by.

It would be beautiful if we sang another song about Good Day at this time.

The leader was the village chief who handed it to him. After the village chief gave him the banner, he apologized to him: "Shenbei, I'm sorry. I misunderstood you before and thought you were a murderer. I didn't expect you to be so serious." , you saved the lives of all the people in our village, so we are very grateful. We specially ordered this banner for you. Thank you for your compassion." Qiao Shenbei heard the village chief's words , I

spread out the pennant and saw this pennant with big words written on it: Rejuvenation with a wonderful hand.

This... thank you so much.

The other villagers didn't know how to thank him. After all, the children and their own lives were all picked up by him. No, they handed him the eggs one by two, "Shenbei, we don't have anything to thank you for." Yours, so these are the chickens and eggs we raise at home, you can eat them." "

These are the sweet potatoes we have just cooked and dug out. You can eat them." "

This is the corn we have just steamed. You take it and eat it."

"This is the chili noodles made by our family. It is very delicious. Take it and eat it."

Everyone swarmed and handed him a basket. He was overwhelmed. , I can only take everyone’s things into my arms.

And the aunt who said his mother was a prostitute came up to him, handed him the homemade braised beef, and said, "Shenbei, I misunderstood you before. I am the one who said your mother was a prostitute." I apologize to you. In fact, your father is really a king, and I believe it."

Qiao Shenbei: "..." Actually, I don't believe it.

After finally getting everyone away, Liang Sumei gave him a thumbs up and said, "Shenbei, you are so awesome. So many people came to thank you. I heard that you saved their entire village." Where are you? How come you are so capable? You

also know medical skills." "...I only know a little bit about it. I have read these related books before, and I have gone to some medical clinics to listen to some doctors, and I have been in medical clinics before. I've worked there, so I know it's nothing."

When Liang Sumei heard this, she stared at his belly very curiously: "Then do you know if you can have a baby?"

Qiao Shenbei: "...I I don't know."

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