Chapter 206

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Chapter 206 Qiao Shenbei, are you crazy? Why are you so numb?

After Jiang Jingchen asked the question, he wanted to bite his own mouth off. This seemed a bit embarrassing.

When Jing Ke faced this matter, he didn't just wait and see. He had already opened up the matter, and there was no need to hide it, so he denied it openly: "No." Jiang Jingchen: ...

Oh my God, what is this? He found five good men, but he didn't solve it. Doesn't it mean that there is something wrong with his body?

When Jiang Jingchen was thinking about it, he looked around and looked at it, whether there was something wrong with it. ?As a man, he doesn't even know... When

Jing Ke saw the way he stared at her, he knew that he was thinking wrongly, "Don't misunderstand me. I'm normal. Everything is normal. Put it away." Dirty head. That's because I used to live in a dormitory, and I was busy working all day long to earn money and save a wife. How could I have time to relax?

Jiang Jingchen: ...Oh.

This scene became very awkward at this moment, especially awkward. No one spoke, and the atmosphere became a little pink. The two people looked at each other so embarrassed that their ears turned red. They didn’t know what to do. What can I say?

Jing Ke threw this contradiction to him and asked him:

When Jiang Jingchen was asked this question, it seemed like he was back to the embarrassment of being called by the teacher to answer questions when he was a child. He said that he could and would not say that he could not. This seemed a bit embarrassing. Damage a man's face. After all, if neither of them knows how to continue this, then it must be half-hearted. Therefore, for his own happiness and the issue of face and dignity, he must answer without conscience. , so he stiffly said:,.-Yes, I know a little bit. If you don’t know how, can’t you humbly ask me to teach you? What’s the point? Anyway, the two of us are always the same. To take that step. How about we study and discuss it together? I think it's actually quite simple. Isn't it just a matter of finding a position?

Jing Ke and the others think so. After all, the two of them are grinding and grinding year after year. If they continue like this, they may not succeed until they are seven or eighty, and they will always have to He took that step, so I allowed him.

Jing Ke didn't want to lose face in this regard, so he reminded him of what King Deng Mei had said before: "You have to know that I don't know anything, so you have to count me, you know?

Jiang Jingchen regrets it now. When I used to work at the airport, the brothers made an appointment to go see something together. He didn't go, mainly because he was embarrassed, and now K's gesture.

"Don't worry, I will teach you, you just need to follow Teacher Jiang is leaving, I guarantee you will learn it immediately.

Jing Ke looked at his confident look and really believed him. Only later did he realize that he really couldn't believe his words.

Jiang Jingtan was so confident that he later tried what it felt like to be slapped in the face. The slap in the face hurt like hell. Qiao Shenbei was wrapping a red envelope inside, and soon he heard the bustling sound outside. Many children were coming towards their room.

These days are not like the future. During the Chinese New Year, people stay at home playing with mobile phones and computers. They are not as developed as they will be in the future. Therefore, these friends in the village can harm the new people during the Chinese New Year. The happiest days are to wear clothes and then exchange New Year greetings from house to house. Taking red envelopes and wedding candies is the happiest day. When the time came, a bunch of children put on new clothes and walked towards them, neatly forming a row at the door.

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