Chapter 20 - 21

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Chapter 20 Huo Yanan blushed: Qiao Shenbei, why are you talking about this kind of thing outside!

After Liang Sumei heard this, her eyes were shining with a smile: "Oh my god, you are really young after all this trouble. Young people are full of energy. It's okay. If you do this kind of thing in the future, you can stay as late as you want. Mom and I will make breakfast!"

As soon as Qiao Shenbei said these words, Huo Xixi's face turned so stinky. She couldn't believe that her brother would touch this fat pig with such lack of foresight!

"You're lying, how could my brother touch you? Stop dreaming so much!" Huo Xixi said with arrogance. Seeing Huo Yanan come in, she immediately wanted to slap Qiao Shenbei in the face, so she arrested him Looking at her brother, she asked: "Brother, this ugly pig-head said that you slept together yesterday? Is it true? Or is this ugly guy talking shamelessly?"

After Huo Yanan heard Huo Xixi's words, she subconsciously looked at Qiao Shen Bei, those eyes seemed to be filled with accusations. Qiao Shenbei felt guilty when he was stared at, but then he heard Huo Yanan admit: "Yes." As soon as Huo Yanan said these words

, Huo Xixi's face stinked to death: " Brother, is there something wrong with you? Why can't you chew on this ugly monster?"

Huo Yan'an felt uncomfortable listening to her words. He let go of her hand and warned her in a sharp voice: "It's not big or small, this is It's your sister-in-law, you must call her sister-in-law."

After Huo Yanan said that, he called Qiao Shenbei to the room. Qiao Shenbei just slapped Huo Xixi in the face, and felt happy, so she went in with him, but after Huo Yanan walked in, Just tell him: "Qiao Shenbei, why do you tell everything outside?"

Qiao Shenbei: "???"

"You tell everyone about us sleeping together? Why are you so thick-skinned?" Qiao Shenbei: "???

" Shenbei: "..."

Qiao Shenbei was in tears. He understood why Huo Yanan admitted it. Huo Yanan thought he was sleeping on the surface, but what he said was deeper and he had to take off his clothes. The kind you can sleep on.

Qiao Shen came to the north and wanted to explain something, but in a flash he thought, Huo Yanan is such a pure elementary school kid, it would be bad if he was too violent and scared people.

To prevent Huo Yanan from thinking him as a gangster and then blushing.

He will feel guilty...


Qiao Shenbei entered, Jiang Mengmeng took Huo Xixi's hand and said with disgust: "Xixi, you sister-in-law is very ugly, fat and ugly. If you are raped in the future, When your classmates saw this, you will definitely be laughed out of

your wits!" Huo Xixi's face darkened when she heard this, and she looked heartbroken: "Mengmeng, I feel so embarrassed right now, is there any way I can do it? Replace this ugly pig head? I don't want this pig head to be my sister-in-law. It's really embarrassing! I feel disgusting!"

After Jiang Mengmeng heard this, she gave her some advice: "Yes, you can replace your sister-in-law. No, that's enough, kick him out of the house, and then I'll introduce my sister to your brother. You've met my sister-in-law before. She's as beautiful as a fairy. Your brother will definitely like her. When the time comes, my sister will match your brother. Aren't you just a talented man and a beautiful woman? You also have a face, right?"

Huo Xixi's eyes lit up after hearing this: "Really? That fairy sister of yours is interested in my brother?"

"Isn't that right? Your brother went to your parents' office for you before. During the meeting, my sister saw your brother and came here to chase him. However, you, a pig-headed sister-in-law, got in the way. Now she feels very unhappy. But it doesn’t matter. As long as we help them, it’s still okay. We can be together. Your solution now is to let your ugly pig-headed sister-in-law divorce your brother. Don't delay your brother."

Huo Xixi understood after hearing this: "Don't worry, I have a solution. That stinky pig-headed sister-in-law is of inferior quality. He is so spotty and has a lot of shortcomings. I have a way to get my brother to divorce him! But we also have to find a time for your sister to date my brother, and then the two of them will fall in love. In this way, after my brother falls in love with your sister, we will divorce him. That pig head is not necessarily the same!"

Chapter 21 You said Qiao Shenbei is the son of a prostitute?

The more Qiao Shennan thought about it, the more unconvinced she became. After returning home, she got angry with Su Chunhua and stopped eating. Su Chunhua was so worried that she would starve to death if she didn't eat. She almost knelt down and begged Qiao Shennan for him. After eating, he said, "Son, you eat. It makes me feel so sad that you don't eat. Isn't that just a man? There are so many men in this world, how about mom find you another one who is better than Huo Yanan?"

Qia Shennan angrily refused and said, "No, I don't want anyone, I just want Huo Yan'an, why should he, Qiao Shenbei? He's so ugly and fat, he dares to steal a man from me, he's here My man, since it is mine, why should I give it to him? What is he? Isn't he just a bastard that no one wants?"

Su Chunhua got angry thinking about it, and said viciously: "That's right, back then I picked him up in the garbage dump. If he wasn't a bastard, how could he be thrown on the garbage dump? Maybe I said his mother was a prostitute who was fucked to death by others and then abandoned. , he is just a bastard, the kind who doesn’t know who his father is. He has a mother who is a chicken. Maybe he served so many men in one night and got a heart disease. Otherwise, how could he be born like this? Son of a bitch. Son of a bitch, this Qiao Shenbei is just as bitchy as his mother. He knows how to rob men of their seed. I wish this bitch would be hit by a car when he went out!" When

Qiao Shennan heard this, he sat up from his seat. , said in surprise: "Really? You said Qiao Shenbei is the son of a prostitute? No one knows his father? Hahaha, let me just say, he just has dirty things on his body!" Qiao Shennan was pleasantly surprised. , ran outside.

Su Chunhua didn't understand the situation clearly. She was talking nonsense!


Qiao Shenbei went out today to ask how the business of medicinal materials was going. When he was taking a bus at the entrance of the village, many people were queuing up. He walked over to prepare to queue up, but when he took a step over, those people queuing up saw him. After that, he took a step back, just to avoid him.

When Qiao Shenbei saw this, he thought he had made a mistake. Before he could say anything, the man in line in front of him covered his nose, looked at him with disgust and said, "Can you go away? Leave me alone." You're so close, you want to get me sick?"

Qiao Shenbei looked at this man, who was from the village of the original owner Qiao Shenbei. He was speechless: "When did I get sick?"

The women in line looked scared. , so he said bluntly: "Who doesn't know that your mother is a prostitute now? Your mother is a bitch. She has been fucked by so many men. After giving birth to you, you must have some diseases!" "That's right

. , I have heard that after these chickens get infected with internal diseases, the children will also be born with internal diseases. He will look like he has those internal diseases. Don’t touch him, otherwise his skin will definitely develop and rot!"

Qiao Shenbei was particularly unhappy when he saw this woman talking and pointing at him. He hit the woman with one hand and said with a venomous tongue: "Have you ever heard of it? You just took it, right? You look like an experienced person. , so familiar with it, you are a chicken,

right?" The woman's whole face was stinking after being said like this: "You! What are you talking about? You are a chicken, your own mother is a chicken, and a thousand people can ride on it Whore, you are a bastard, you are an unwanted child, you are a bitch!"

Qiao Shenbei, a hard-core with a bad temper, said: "My mother is a chicken? You all believe these rumors, but my father is still the king. Well, do you want to kneel down and kowtow to me?" 

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