Chapter 26 - 27

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Chapter 26 Qiao Shenbei, Xixi asked me to meet her friend and sister
After Huo Xixi said that, her head also banged, and she was so dumbfounded. She just... didn't bring it on herself...

Huo Xixi looked at Liang Sumei awkwardly, and Liang Sumei also noticed it, so she picked up the broom and prepared to beat her. "You actually lied, Huo Xixi! You actually lied to me! You actually dared to wrongly accuse your sister-in-law! Come here, I have to beat you to death! How dare you spread rumors and wrongly accuse your sister-in-law like this!"

Huo Xixi saw the broomstick coming over. , so frightened that his whole body bounced, and then he shouted and ran all the way: "Mom, Mom, I was wrong, I was really wrong, don't hit me."

Huo Xixi ran behind Huo Yanan, asking for help Holding his clothes, he said, "Brother, save me, save me. If you don't save me, mom will beat me to death!"

Huo Yan'an saw this situation and before she could speak, Huo Xixi burst into tears. .

Huo Xixi had been pampered since she was a child, so when she cried like this, Liang Sumei couldn't bear to hit anyone. Panting, she put down the broom in her hand and said to Huo Xixi: "If you dare to make such false accusations next time, Your sister-in-law, I have to beat you to death!"

When Liang Sumei put down the broom, Qiao Shenbei was very rude.

At this time, Qiao Shenbei grabbed the feather duster that was on the cabinet nearby. He hit the table with the feather duster and said in a stern voice: "Mom, how can you do this? Xixi is stealing money. It's such a dirty thing. If you don't give her a lesson, she won't be obedient. If you can't bear to beat her, then I'll beat her. I'll help mom and you teach her a good lesson. She must be beaten to make her respect others, otherwise There will be one next time!"

After Qiao Shenbei said that, he grabbed Huo Xixi with one hand and grabbed her directly. When Huo Xixi saw him, she collapsed and shouted: "Ah! Brother, save me! "

Qiao Shenbei seized the opportunity. At this moment, the feather duster hit her directly. It was really painful and the force was particularly strong. She was hit so hard that she screamed: "Ah!" Qiao

Shenbei said He said to her in a reasonable tone: "Why are you crying? You deserve all this! You said it yourself, whoever steals money should be taught a lesson. I'm not satisfying you now? Why are you crying?"

Qiao Shenbei said, and he whipped her again: "Do you still dare? Do you dare to accuse me wrongly next time?"

Huo Xixi was beaten so hard that her skin and flesh were peeling off. She burst into tears. Qiao Shenbei felt comfortable after being beaten. Liang Sumei was still distressed, and reluctantly grabbed Qiao Shenbei and begged, "Forget it Shenbei, just teach her a lesson. She already knows she was wrong now, so don't hit her." Qiao Shenbei heard this.

He let go of his hand and looked at Huo Xixi with a warning: "I'm letting you go this time just for mom's sake. If you dare again next time, be careful and I'll beat you to death!"

Huo Xixi saw this of Qiao Shenbei After seeing it, I was so scared that my whole body was shaking.


Qiao Shenbei hummed a little tune and returned to the room. Later, Huo Yanan walked in and looked at him with complicated eyes.

Qiao Shenbei looked at this and guessed it was because he had beaten Huo Xixi just now. He probably didn't expect that his wife would act like such a tigress.

So you might think he's a little scary.

After Huo Yanan came in, she closed the door, and then said to Qiao Shenbei in a deep voice: "Qiao Shenbei, Xixi asked me to meet her classmate sister."

Chapter 27 Aren’t you jealous when I meet other women?

Qiao Shenbei was working on his own clothes and making a top. When he heard this, he didn't object at all and nodded very welcome: "Oh, oh, go ahead."

Huo Yanan's face turned gloomy when he heard what he said. Go down, continue to look at him with gritted teeth and say: "Xixi said that her sister is a great beauty." Qiao Shenbei continued to say perfunctorily: "Is it so good? Go quickly, why are you still standing there?" Huo Shenbei continued.

When Yan An heard this, his face was already stinky, and he continued to give Qiao Shenbei crazy hints: "I may come back later." Qiao Shenbei had no objection and agreed very much: "Okay, you can't come back even if you don't come back.."

Huo Yan'an couldn't bear it after hearing this, and rushed directly in front of Qiao Shenbei, grabbed Qiao Shenbei's hand, stared at him with sharp eyes, and said angrily: " Qiao Shenbei! I am your husband!"

Qiao Shenbei looked at his angry look and was speechless: "I didn't say you were my wife."

Huo Yan'an: "..."

He let go, Seeing Qiao Shenbei's nonchalant look, I couldn't help but feel angry. He was so open-minded, why wouldn't he be angry if his husband wanted to meet other women?

He raised his hand to welcome this lunatic!

Huo Yan'an was so angry when she thought of this that she turned green in the face, holding back her anger and asked him: "Aren't you afraid that I won't want you?"

Qiao Shenbei was very happy when he heard this: "I was afraid that you would want me."

Huo Yan'an : "..."

He let go, and Qiao Shenbei continued to stimulate him: "If you see the woman you like, remember to tell me."

Qiao Shenbei said these words, which made Huo Yanan very happy. It seems that this person I still care about him very much and am very jealous. If I tell him, he will make trouble, right?

Huo Yanan was thinking this in her heart, but the next second she heard Qiao Shenbei say excitedly: "I will be the first to give up my identity as your wife and give it to her."

Huo Yanan: "...Qiao Shenbei!! "

This damn man!

As his wife, she can say these words so calmly, doesn't he feel pain in his heart?

Qiao Shenbei was startled when he saw him looking so angry, "What's wrong?"

Huo Yanan's body was now covered with haze, and he looked very scary.

His deep pupils looked at him with anger, and then he stepped forward, grabbed his hand, and pushed him against the wall. Qiao Shenbei was pressed against the wall by him for no reason, and his momentum overwhelmed him, frightening him. After a jump, the two people's bodies were close to each other. Qiao Shenbei panicked and pressed the fat from his belly against him and said, "You...what are you doing?"

Huo Yanan made his flesh bulge. He raised his hands to his head, pressed him down and asked: "Are you so happy when I go out to meet other women? Aren't you jealous? I am your husband, are you willing for me to go with other women?" This

... ...There's nothing he couldn't agree to, but if he really told the truth, Huo Yan'an would probably pull out his tongue.

Qiao Shenbei immediately expressed his discomfort and covered his chest: "I'm lying to you. In fact, I feel very uncomfortable, but I want to be a very gentle and considerate wife. I can't tell you what's going on in my heart." I hope you go out with other women, so as not to make you unhappy, so I can only feel uncomfortable inside, but I also have to accept you going out with other women, so you don't have to worry about me. As long as you are happy."

Huo Huo After Yanan heard what he said, the gloom on his face gradually dissipated. He looked much happier and less angry. He withdrew his hand, with a faint smile still on his lips. He said seriously: "Oh, since you are so angry, I won't go out to avoid making you uncomfortable."

Qiao Shenbei: "???" 

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