Chapter 58 - 59

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Chapter 58: Which university to get admitted to

Qiao Shenbei thought some family had a champion or something, so he came out to watch the fun. But after finding out that it was such a disgusting cheap brother like him, he immediately wanted to turn around and go in without looking, but when he was about to leave, he was caught by Su Chunhua He shouted: "Stop! Qiao Shenbei, what are you looking for? You don't say hello to your mother and your brother when you see them. Are you blind or wicked? Without any education, I really raised you in vain!" "

Qiao Shenbei turned around with a face in response. Su Chunhua took her son and showed off to Qiao Shenbei very happily: "Shenbei, my mother-in-law, I want to praise you for how good my son is. He actually got admitted to university. Needless to say, you all know what a prestigious thing it is to be able to get into university these days! I have long said that my child is smart and smart. He is the material for the university entrance examination. In the future, the state will definitely arrange for him to be admitted to university. Good job, no worries about food and clothing, and maybe even become a cadre. Are you regretting it? You told Shennan, our family, to marry your son a long time ago. You don't want to have an uneducated daughter-in-law now, hey, I'm so embarrassed for you. Instead of a good college student, you don't want an illiterate who can't write a name. You're blind." "

Or are you thinking of finding an uneducated person who can farm for you in the future? Pull peanuts, work for you, and be a nanny? Your wishful thinking is correct, but our college students will not serve your family, but they have to be supported!" Su Chunhua's words revealed the

meaning He was so proud that he couldn't help but show off. Now he was talking from ear to ear, feeling extremely proud.

Liang Sumei had nothing to refute what she was told. She held Qiao Shenbei's hand and said protectively: "I don't have any big demands on my daughter-in-law. Whether she can pass the exam or not is up to us." As for the family, I have never regretted marrying this daughter-in-law into the family. After all, being so obedient is much better than some black-hearted people. Besides, our family is gentle and kind, and she can also do things. This is what everyone thinks My daughter-in-law is taken by me. I am extremely lucky to have such good luck. Why should I be dissatisfied?"

Huo Xixi was so humiliated that she almost lost her face.

I was afraid of being embarrassed here, so I turned around and prepared to go into the house.

At this moment, the courier boy who delivered letters came to their door on a bicycle.

Seeing so many people, I didn't know who was the owner, so I shouted at the top of my lungs: "Who is Qiao Shenbei? There is your letter here, come and sign for it. It seems to be an admission notice from the university, hurry up Take a look."

When Qiao Shenbei heard this, he followed the voice and signed for the letter.

After Su Chunhua heard the university admission notice, her whole face changed. She looked at Qiao Shennan and said, "How could this uneducated person have a fake university admission notice?" Qiao Shennan did the same.

I'm curious, why does he have a college notice?

What's even more curious is which university this university notice is from. It shouldn't be from a good university. When I think about it, my heart is in doubt.

Qiao Shenbei took it open and took a look. After seeing the content, he smiled with great satisfaction.

Liang Sumei didn't expect that he could get this admission notice. So I went up to him very happily and asked him: "Beibei, how are you? What kind of college notice is your college notice? Have you also been admitted to college? What college did you go to?" 

Chapter 59: Full marks!

Huo Xixi came to want to go in, but when he heard this, he was also very curious. Could this fat man really be admitted to college?

She turned around and took a look at Qiao Shenbei. She was so unqualified that she rushed up to grab the admission notice in his hand, but was frightened when she saw the words inside.

Liang Sumei asked her anxiously: "What kind of university notice is this? How many points did you get in the exam? Is it a good key university?"

"Mom..." Huo Xixi was so scared that she couldn't understand. Her hands were shaking, and she looked at Liang Sumei and said, "This fat boy can't be the one who got the exam. He must have cheated and plagiarized. Otherwise, how could he have gotten such a high score, and he was admitted to the top-ranked Beidu University." ! This is a school in the capital, how can he possibly be admitted to a school in the capital?"

After Huo Xixi said these words, the faces of Su Chunhua and Qiao Shennan behind him instantly turned pale. They had heard of the school in the capital. The difficulty coefficient of the exam is equivalent to 10,000 candidates, and only a few people can be recruited.

Liang Sumei had heard that this school was the best. How could she not have heard of it? She was pleasantly surprised after hearing this: "Really? Really? Such a good university, so impressive. Great, how much does he do?" Score?"

Huo Xixi gritted her teeth even more and said: "Full marks!"

After saying this, not only Su Chunhua and her son took a breath, but everyone present took a breath.

What is the concept of full marks? It's something that only immortals can accomplish.

Qiao Shennan's face turned dark when he heard that, and he rushed forward to grab it in disbelief. After passing the admission notice, when he saw the results above and the admission to the university, he shook his head in shock, "That's impossible. , Absolutely impossible. He has never read a book, and someone who has never read a book can actually get full marks in the exam. How is it possible? He must be cheating. I want to report it, I must report it!" Liang Sumei was angry when she heard this. I

yelled at him angrily: "What's wrong with you! Our family, Beibei, has been very beautiful since she was a child. What's wrong with not having read a book? If you haven't read a book, you can be self-taught. People are self-taught and took the exam." University. You are so jealous that you are not jealous like this."

Huo Xixi felt embarrassed when she heard it and said: "Mom, why are you defending this damn fat man? How is it possible? He has never learned anything. I haven't even read the book. You tell me that he can realize his talent. How can I believe it? He may not even know what one plus one equals now, and he must be cheating if he takes the college entrance examination."

Qiao Shenbei was beaten by her  was impressed by this sister-in-law's IQ. "Sister, you are so poisonous. I don't even know one plus one, so how do I understand the questions and answers? Did you listen to me the whole time?"

Huo Xixi: "... You! Damn fat man, don’t be so harsh. According to me, you were exposed by me and that’s why you refused to admit it. You must be cheating. I’m going to report you too. How could you possibly get into college with your IQ? I'm sure I can get into Beidu University."

Qiao Shenbei immediately denied her: "No, you're too bad, don't go to Beidu, just find a technical secondary school and make do with it."

Huo Xixi was so angry at these words that she stamped her feet: "You! Qiao Shenbei, you are sick, what do you think I am doing! Mom, look at the good daughter-in-law you consider to be a good daughter-in-law, deliberately mocking me!" 

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