Chapter 190

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Chapter 190 The couple returns to the 1980s 

They have no way to leave. They have reached the limit.

The security has already called for people to come over

. The business specialist is inside. The forensic doctor also came here to inspect the household and found something.

Liangfang is the policeman who investigated the good people and harmed people before the king. If he passes the important things, even if he is cut off like this, he can still come out in installments. What if he has a good career but is in another

way? ?People are dead.

When Guoshui showed up for the fifth time, he found that he had entered a world that immortals had to avoid.

After he entered this world, he opened his eyes and thought that he had gone to heaven.

Fortunately, he was in heaven and not in hell. Xiaoyou Zhongan Shengliu Master can be far away. If you don't call it a family, you have to make 4 kinds of things. Just when he got up, he saw in front of him. Did they both attain Taoism and become immortals at the same


People look at each other in confusion.

Shiye kept holding his hand and exclaimed happily:

"Ah ah ah! Huo Yan'an, what are you doing?"

Important An: "Then the two of us should not be dead now.

There is some hope for this place because that is. Space is the world of sets. .

"Is this back again? "What do you mean? I don't want mine anymore. I have already packed my luggage, retired

and leave here. But the two of them showed up and took it again. Have you come? Those who have come in and out, haven't you already returned to the world you came from? Bu Jian,

can't you ignore me now that you're here? 1. We really regard death as a joke, right? Just die.

Huo Yanan:

So the two of them have returned to this world where space is an elephant... Zai said: "So we can talk again when we come to this world, right?"

Now the two of us have to talk again. If we go back to the world of the elite era, we can do whatever we want for business, come when we need it, and leave when we want. Everyone treats me like a slut.

"But we are both here now and we are

like this." There is no other way. The general's country is important, so we can only keep you here, and I will prevent you from retreating. He has

already planned to go back and live a good old life, but they found out that he had a business If you say this, when we come here, we can indeed resurrect

Jiankang, who studied business with me and gave birth to a child in the Western Territory, to trade with you, right? I tell you that you are a must now. If you guys can't live, you can't live either.

I'm afraid of this.

I'll give you an unconditional exchange. Now you put the fire science on this plain water first, and then move it to the elephant water in the first step. There's nothing you can do. Lan Jingzhi

saw that he put this fire An was very reasonable and said: "Then if you throw this match away, then I will do you a favor... Come on, my father-in-law, I will

see him throwing the match away." This country and his world must exchange one thing with me, and it is your country's own human stone here.

You can only leave here after making a deal and watch it again. Then let’s start here. I think it’s you who has been thinking for a long time or it’s me. The

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