Chapter 24 - 25

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Chapter 24 You must divorce him!

Huo Xixi said that he was so anxious that he didn't want his plan to fail, so regardless of whether they agreed or not, he took advantage of a loophole and rushed in quickly. Moreover, he opened the door in front of them and rushed in. Without looking elsewhere, he walked directly towards the luggage package that Qiao Shenbei brought, and then opened the package. There was indeed a wad of money inside. The wad of money was the money of the sisters in Liang Sumei's factory. It turned out that Now they saw it on the spot inside Qiao Shenbei's package.

Huo Xixilai's still frowning face became very excited when he saw the money. He pointed at the pile of money and said to them: "Did you see it? Did you see it? I just said that this man's hands and feet are not clean and he likes to steal money. Now he was caught on the spot." I caught you! This money is the money of the sisters in Ma Dang Factory. I heard that this fat pig didn't get a penny from marriage, so he can't be rich. So this money It must be mom's money that was stolen by a fat pig."

"Brother, I told you this man is not a good guy, and now he is still stealing money. Do you still want a guy like this? Divorce him as soon as possible. ! There is something wrong with this man's character. How about we call the police and arrest him!"

Huo Xixi said that she was about to take action and rushed directly in front of Qiao Shenbei, preparing to drag Qiao Shenbei to the police station.

Just when Huo Xixi was about to take action, Huo Yanan grabbed her hand, stopped her, and ordered her in a calm voice: "Huo Xixi, this is your sister-in-law!" Huo Xixi was particularly unhappy when she heard this, and retorted with reason:

"What's wrong with sister-in-law? I don't recognize this sister-in-law! He is not my sister-in-law. If a man is my sister-in-law, he won't be afraid of making fun of others. Besides, he just stole money and he is a thief. I will He must be arrested and taken to the police station. And brother, you should divorce this man as soon as possible. People with dirty hands and feet like this don't know if they are thief!"

Huo Yanan heard Huo Xixi's words. Fan Huanyin couldn't hold back his anger and pushed her hand aside, pushing her away. After Huo Yan'an forcibly pushed her away, Huo Xixi stumbled back and almost fell.

After she stabilized herself, she burst out crying and complained on the spot: "Mom and Dad! Look at my brother bullying me! I didn't do anything wrong. My brother has been blinded by this thief. He just stole money." !"

Qiao Shenbei had been silent, but when he heard this, he suddenly asked in a cold voice: "Who said I stole this money?"

Huo Xixi heard the sarcastic saying: "Stinky fat pig, you still didn't steal it. Well, this money is in your package. You didn't steal it. Could it be that it would fly into your package with its legs? You are a thief, a cheap thief!"

Liang Sumei didn't know what to do with this money. It was really found in Qiao Shenbei's package. To put it more seriously, this means that everyone will get the stolen goods. There is nothing they can do about it, but Qiao Shenbei is their newly married daughter-in-law. If it is true, If something happens, what should we do?

So Liang Sumei looked at Huo Xixi with a troubled face and said, "Xixi, please stop arguing. How about letting this matter go? Your sister-in-law probably didn't mean it. She probably had some difficulties at home. Don't blame your sister-in-law for being so greedy... Should this matter end like this?"

Huo Xixi was unwilling to kill him, so she said with extra resistance: "No! He is a thief. He stole money, so there is no way he can just do it. If you do this, you should call the police, you must call the police to deal with him! And my brother has to divorce him, he must get a divorce! This kind of bitch is not worthy of my brother!" 

Chapter 25 Qiao Shenbei counterattacks

Qiao Shenbei couldn't bear it when he heard this. This was simply a shame, so after Huo Xixi said what she said, he took over her words and asked sternly: "Who stole the money and must be dealt with?" Huo Xixi saw his face.

He felt nauseated, so he rolled his eyes speechlessly and said, "Yes, a bitch like you must go to jail!"

After Qiao Shenbei heard this, he raised his lips with satisfaction and smiled and said, "Okay, you They say I stole money, how much is this money? Who said this money is your money, this money is obviously my own!"

Huo Xixi was stunned when he heard Qiao Shenbei's words, Qiao Shen hadn't reacted yet Bei's trap, in order to frame him, blurted out: "There are 500 yuan here! This money is the money of the workers in my mother's factory, a total of 500 yuan! How can you have so much money, and you still say it's you Money, do you want face? Where do you have so much money! You liar!"

Qiao Shenbei looked at Liang Sumei with satisfaction after hearing this: "Mom, have you told Huo Xixi before how much money he has? Money? Does she know that the sisters in your factory gave you a total of 500 yuan?"

After Liang Sumei heard Qiao Shenbei's words, she shook her head in shock and said: "No... I didn't tell Xixi this. Just say I lost the money, but she doesn’t know the exact amount!”

This was so bad, Liang Sumei herself realized that something was wrong. She never told Huo Xixi how much the money was, and how did Huo Xixi know about it? Is there 500 yuan?

After hearing what Qiao Shenbei said, Huo Xixi's face turned as white as the wall on the side, and there was no color on her face. Oops, why didn't she think of this, and now she was exposed by Qiao Shenbei...

Huo Xixi When he didn't know how to deal with it, Qiao Shenbei took advantage of the situation and asked: "Mom, since you didn't tell Huo Xixi how much the money was, how did she know? When she found it just now, in such a short time , She doesn’t know how much the money is, right? The only thing that can be explained is that Huo Xixi put in the money herself!"

Qiao Shenbei reminded them with these words, and Liang Sumei looked at her with angry eyes. Looking at Huo Xixi, Huo Xixi denied it with fury and said: "No, mom, no, don't listen to this bitch's nonsense. You said it, you told me about this, so I knew about it, You must be old and have bad memory, so you remember it wrong!"

Liang Sumei didn't know how to deal with what Huo Xixi said. At this moment, Qiao Shenbei interrupted and said: "Mom, you can count this again! Money, this money was 500 yuan, but Xixi took 100 yuan, and now it is only 400 yuan. She stole the money."

In one sentence, Huo Xixi was dumbfounded on the spot. She was extremely scared. She was really afraid of being raped. Liang Sumei thought she had stolen money, so in a hurry, she blurted out: "You fat pig, I don't have it! This money is 500 yuan. When I take it and put it in your package, it will be 500 yuan! When will I The money was stolen, and you were the one who stole the money!"

After saying this, Qiao Shenbei shrugged with great satisfaction and said, "Now everyone knows who stole the money, right? Huo Xixi admitted this on her own initiative, and she was framed mine." 

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