Chapter 210

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Chapter 210 I’m your father, I’m so great for raising you so big

I recognized it, but now I don’t know what to do. If I had known better, I would have asked clearly before coming or not to come at all, and don’t waste time at the entrance of this village.

He regretted not raising his son to be fatter.

Bai Qing thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to act like a monster. After all, his wife was sleeping with her eyes on him. Her eyes were sharp, as if she was going to jump on him if he didn't find her. He had no choice. I passed by an uncle and hurriedly went up to him and asked: "This uncle, do you know which house Qiao Shenbei lives in? I am his father, and I am here to find him." After the uncle heard this,

, I told him a bunch of summaries, but I just couldn’t understand them. This was a dialect. How could he understand the dialect here? He looked confused. Although the old man’s words were unclear, they were still useful. After all, I could show him the way. I pointed in that direction and kept talking for a long time.

Bai Qing thought it should be this location. I also picked up my luggage and walked in the direction the old man said, and then I asked people along the way. It couldn't be that the people he found along the way couldn't speak Mandarin. He didn't know what a slap in the face was until later. After asking along the way, it turned out that everyone along the way spoke dialect, and no one spoke Mandarin at all. He relied on guessing the whole time.

He felt that he had reached this house through guessing. If he could still find her biological son, it would be a fate. It must be a

special fate to become a family along the way. .

Yu Nanxi came with him on the train for three days to see his son. It didn't work out. Now he was hungry, sleepy and thirsty. As a result, he had been with him under the sun for a long time and still couldn't find his son. He was so angry that he didn't even want to think about it. I 'm telling

you, if I can't find my son, I won't be with you. Why are you so unreliable? I said you didn't ask anything clearly and just brought me here. You What kind of meeting is this?

Bai Qing was lectured and had nothing to say. At this moment, they heard a familiar voice under the same roof. The familiar voice was singing. The content of the song was as follows: "I am Your father is so great. He deserves to be so old like you.

Although Bai Qing has not seen his biological son for three years, he is still very familiar with this voice. After all, he can never forget this voice. He can sing such trendy songs. , there was no one except his son. He looked at the room and went straight in to call someone: "4 son" is that you?

Qiao Shenbei was holding a bowl and spoon to feed his sister, and his brother was eating. A. These two people They didn’t feel proud at all when they were eating. They asked people to feed them, and the two of them were riding a little wooden horse here, looking very happy. In

later shopping malls around the world, there were those kind of rocking cars, which were just rocking these cars. , and then while singing, my brother felt that riding this little water horse was very monotonous and not interesting at all, so he asked Qiao Shenbei to sing to him while he was rocking the little wooden horse.

And he still has to sing, otherwise he won’t be able to rock the water horse very well. So

when the almighty Qiao Shenbei, my brother, rocked this little wooden horse, he would automatically sing to him manually or automatically!

My brother was happy. , every time when rocking this little wooden horse, she would find Shenbei and ask him to sing.

My sister saw her brother having so much fun, so she wanted to try it too, so when she rocked this little wooden horse, she also I need to listen to music.

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