Chapter 44 - 45

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Chapter 44 Lost five pounds!

After Cui Yingying heard this, she suddenly felt unconvinced. She looked at the fat boy just now. She was indeed much prettier than that fat boy, and her figure was even slimmer. If it was true She really wasn't willing to give up her life to Fatty. Moreover, he was such a good-looking man with such a good figure. He was simply the type of man she dreamed of. If she was asked to give up such a good man, she still wouldn't do it. I really can’t bear to part with it, after all, it will be in the future. Maybe I won’t meet such a good man, so it’s not impossible to be a mistress.

And the two of them are not compatible at all. The fat boy looks greasy and disgusting.

Huo Yanan probably stayed with that fat boy because of responsibility. It shows that he is responsible and filial, and he listens to his parents. She doesn't believe it. A normal person would like that kind of fat boy. This taste is so strong.

Cui Yingying thought this way, a good man has to snatch it away, and it is his own only if he snatches it away.

"But your brother's attitude just now, how could he like me? Even your brother doesn't like me. If I force it, I will become a mistress."

Huo Xixi knew that she had compromised after hearing these words and continued to coax her. She said: "What? You met my brother first. How could you be the mistress? That big fat pig Qiao Shenbei is the mistress. How can you have such a beautiful mistress among you?"

"And my brother looks like that, how can he like that big fat pig? The reason why he said just now is because you said that in front of that big fat pig. Privately, my brother has been praising you. He said that you are a kind-hearted person and that you are good as a teacher. If you don't like you and have no interest in you, can you not say so?"

Cui Yingying likes to hear good words, and these words have already praised her to the sky. .

"It's true, your brother likes me so much." Cui Yingying tidied her hair shyly.

Huo Xixi nodded: "Yes, so sister Yingying, you must chase my brother harder. Don't be shy. My brother just does this. On the surface, he doesn't accept it, but he feels happy in his heart. I believe that if you If you keep at it, you will definitely be able to catch up with me sooner or later. My brother will dump that fat boy. In my heart, you are my only sister-in-law." ...


Shenbei entered that space again, and then gained something. After a long bath, I felt refreshed and refreshed.

There were no scales these days, so he had no choice but to go to Uncle Niu's house next door, which sold pork. His house had a big scale for weighing pork, and he happened to move it up.

I found that I had been running every morning for a week, then not eating greasy food, dieting to lose weight, eating fruits and soaking in Lingquan water, and I actually lost five pounds.

He was so excited when he saw the change in his weight. Now he has lost 5 pounds, which is rounding up to 50 pounds, so he keeps at it.

Because he was bulky since he was born, he lost 5 pounds and only lost a little bit of body fat, so it is still not visible overall, but his face is smaller.


A lot of medicines were collected this week. Qiao Shenbei sold the medicines and made enough money to return them to Huo Yanan.

So he paid back the money he owed him last time to Huo Yanan. When Huo Yanan saw him paying back the money, his whole face darkened and he threw the money back to him with a firm attitude: "I don't want it, Qiao Shen Bei, what's going on with you? You keep the money I gave you, why are you giving it back to me?" 

Chapter 45 There is a kind of thinness that makes your husband think you are thin!

Qiao Shenbei saw that he was angry for no reason and was speechless. He explained to him: "I am paying you back. Didn't I borrow money from you before? Then you gave it to me, and now I earn it." If you have the money, I'll give it to you."

After Huo Yanan heard these words, his face became even more disgusting, and he looked at him with sharp eyes, then he grabbed a stool beside him and put it in front of him, then sat down.

She just looked up at him with a very resistant and strict expression and asked him: "Where did you earn the money? What did you do in the county town all day long? Tell me everything. Why are you going? Who are you meeting? Yes, men and women."

Qiao Shenbei: "???" Tortured to extract a confession? "I'm not lying to you. I went to work in the county town. That's why I have money. Didn't you notice that I lost weight recently? I lost weight while working."

Huo Yanan looked around at him after hearing what he said. , reminding him: "You are not allowed to work anymore. Look how thin you have become. You will blown away as soon as the wind blows." When Qiao Shenbei heard this, he turned around and looked at the mirror attached to the wall. .

...His appearance seems to be over two hundred pounds. How slim can this be?

Huo Yanan put the money in his hand back into Qiao Shenbei's trouser pocket, and warned him: "This is the household income I gave you. You take it and spend it well. If you return it to me, I will even give you your hand." They all interrupted."

Qiao Shenbei: "..."

Seeing that he didn't respond, Huo Yanan was very happy, but turned around and went into the kitchen to talk to Liang Sumei: "Mom, the dinner you made tonight should be more generous. Shenbei recently He's so thin that we have to give him some nutrition. How about I kill a chicken for you? Is there any pork left? Ask dad to bring a fish back when he comes back. I'll cook for you, Shenbei is so thin. It's so powerful, I have to eat a few more bowls of white rice."

Qiao Shenbei: "..." I really can't get a divorce! ! ! !

There is a kind of thinness that makes your husband think you are thin!


Qiao Shenbei got up early in the morning on the day of the college entrance examination. The rooster didn't even crow, but he got up, making the whole family get up with the clatter of thunder.

Huo Yanan was also awakened by him, so the whole family went out to take a look, only to find that he was leaving with his schoolbag on his back.

Liang Sumei was startled and asked: "Shenbei, what are you doing?"

Qiao Shenbei took a deep breath and said to her in a particularly sonorous and powerful tone: "Mom, I'm going to take the college entrance examination today, so wish me the best. Good luck, I can succeed."

Liang Sumei was even more frightened after hearing this. She hurried over and pulled him over and said, "Shenbei, what's wrong with you kid? Are you still sleepwalking? You haven't woken up yet. What? It's true, it's not dark now, you must still be dreaming. Go back to bed quickly, don't worry about it. What kind of college entrance examination are you going to take? You haven't even graduated from high school, you can't do it!" Huo Yan'an

After taking a breath, she stepped forward and took his hand, trying to pull him into the room. "Qiao Shenbei, are you sleepwalking? Come back to your room with me. You have to start studying in the first grade."

Huo Yan An was a man, and actually pulled him back by the strap of his schoolbag. He was so frightened that he quickly grabbed the strap of his schoolbag, and then explained: "I'm not kidding you. I have the college entrance examination qualifications. I went to ask the school before and said You can give me a chance, and although I have never read a book, I have done homework for Qiao Shennan since I was a child. During class, I would hide outside the door and eavesdrop, so I know. I took the college entrance examination. I still have the qualification certificate for the exam."

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