Chapter 88 - 89

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Chapter 88 Huo Yanan! I! Qiao Shenbei! like you!

Huo Yanan was also defeated by real life and his human nature was distorted!

hatred! So hateful! Qiao Shenbei hated herself so much that she was no longer a rich woman! I hate myself for not having any money!

When Qiao Shenbei saw this situation, he was almost furious, but he couldn't follow someone else if he wanted to, so he couldn't run with his feet.

In anger, I saw the security guard at the door who had just got off the bicycle. I hurried over and borrowed the bicycle from the security guard. Then I stood up on the stool and the bicycle followed them.

Huo Yanan looked through the rearview mirror of the car at Qiao Shenbei, who was glaring at the bicycle behind him. He was glaring hard at the bicycle. The scene was quite humorous, and he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

The man driving in front also saw this scene, and smiled similarly and said, "Sir, am I right? As long as you use this hard-to-get trick and go out with other men, you will definitely make him collapse. He will face up to his feelings for you. You are just too good to him, so he takes your goodness for granted. This kind of person should show some respect to him, otherwise he will really think that you are like an adult. You are so Excellent men only like him."

After the man said this, Huo Yanan on the side immediately interrupted him and added: "Indeed, I only like him."

The man: ""Okay, just pretend I didn't say it.

Huo Yanan thought of something and reminded him: "Drive slower, drive so fast, what if he can't keep up and can't see me? Slow down, don't drive so fast."

The man: ""

Qiao Shen Bei was really exhausted. He followed them on his bicycle. He was out of breath and sweating profusely. Moreover, he was still under the sun. He was just trying to lose weight. But fortunately, the man's driving skills were not as good as those of others. He was driving so slowly that he could catch up, staring at the bicycle. In half an hour, he and the two of them arrived at the entrance of People's Park.

He hurriedly had to hide himself, but there were places for bicycles all around, so he could only hide in this pile of bicycles with his back to them.

After Huo Yanan got out of the car with the man, the man asked him: "Sir, from now on, you hold my hand, and we will go into the People's Park hand in hand." Huo Yanan immediately exploded when he heard this

, frowning and expressing his displeasure: "Can't we just go our own way? Do we have to hold hands? We're alone, and we don't get to know each other. Besides, I'm already married. Do you want me to go home like this? Are you kneeling on the durian?"

The man said: "Sir, if you want to catch up with your wife now, you have to show off your face. If you don't hold hands with me, how can he be distorted by jealousy, and how can he know that

he likes you? He is now Chasing after you means that he must be interested in you and jealous of you going out with other men, so if the two of us don't do something intimate, how can we possibly make him jealous, jealous, and then confess to you?" Huo Yan'an

Hearing this, he had no choice but to do this, but he was very reserved and only extended a little finger to him: "That's it, no more."

The man said: ""

Okay, then. I could only hold out my little finger and join him hand in hand, and we entered the People's Park together.

After Qiao Shenbei watched them go in, he turned around and wanted to follow them, but when he saw the little fingers they hooked up, his eyes were so hot that he wanted to poke his own eyes out, what the fuck are these two bitches!

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