Chapter 82 - 83

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Chapter 82 Burn my calories!

Lu Yiyi is still very confident about her face, but she doesn't believe that she looks like this and can't seduce him to like her.

She was very thoughtful and wore a pure white dress today. Although the countryside is very conservative these days, you can't show your thighs when wearing a dress, but this is a first-tier city, so the skirt of the dress is exposed. There was nothing wrong with her legs. The dress she wore reached her knees, revealing her long, slender, fair legs.

She specially made a lady's position, and then turned her legs sideways, and her legs were deliberately stuck to his legs, deliberately attracting his attention and being seen by him.

As a result, Qiao Shenbei felt that his thigh was hit by someone, and when he saw this woman deliberately stretching her legs over, she was simply taking advantage of her position, so Qiao Shenbei reminded her with a serious face: "Pay attention. Come on, girls are sitting like this, taking up my seat. Each of us has a seat. Don’t cross the boundary. If you cross the boundary again, be careful. I will separate you from the 38th line."

Lu Yiyi: " ..."

What kind of elm head is this?

Qiao Shenbei then asked her: "Didn't you say you have questions to ask me? Do you have any questions to ask me?"

After Lu Yiyi heard this, she deliberately asked him in a low voice: "That's right, I want to know where you are going. What happened to those fingerprint collection things we got last time? Why are they so strange?"

Qiao Shenbei: "If you are ugly, you should read more. Many things are said in books."

Lu Yiyi: "..."

It happened that at this moment, the driver braked suddenly. Lu Yiyi took advantage of this moment and deliberately fell on Qiao Shenbei's body. "Oh, one by one"

Qiao Shenbei was frightened after a woman suddenly appeared on her body. One jump.

After Lu Yiyi was still reluctant to stay on his body for a while, she arranged her hair in a panic and said sheepishly: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. The driver braked, that's why." Qiao Shenbei suddenly

said Then I understood what this woman meant. She even deliberately rubbed her body against him in an attempt to let him know her side.

Qiao Shenbei just felt it. It was too small. It was really too small. This one is not as big as Huo Yanan's chest muscles

. If he really had to choose, he would rather touch Huo Yanan's chest muscles.

Before Qiao Shenbei could say anything, he felt that the collar on his back was lifted up directly. Likewise, he looked up in shock and saw that Huo Yanan had grabbed him by the collar at some point, then directly carried him over like a chicken and sat next to him.

Lu Yiyi looked at him in shock, wondering what was going on with him, "Huo Yan'an, what's wrong with you? He is my companion, he is sitting next to me, why are you carrying him over?" Huo Yan'an said gloomily

. With a face, he replied with gritted teeth: "You have questions to ask him. Now that the questions have been asked, is it my turn? I also have many medical questions I want to ask him." After Huo Yanan said this, he turned around and looked to

the side He squeezed out words from his teeth: "Can't you?"

Qiao Shenbei never expected that he still had such a studious heart, "What questions do you want to ask me?"

Huo Yan'an : "Can men have children?"

Qiao Shenbei: ""Farewell.

Huo Yanan felt relieved when he saw his sad face and reminded him: "Don't be anxious, think slowly, until you come up with it. If you can't think of it, just sit here and don't run around."

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