Chapter 108

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Chapter 108 Qiao Shenbei, I will be very tired if you do this

Bai Qing's words have already been made so obvious. Tell him that I will only help if you marry my son. If you don't marry my son, there is no need to talk.

Therefore, Huo Yanan also knew that there was no way to finish the meal, so he put down the chopsticks in his hands, stood up and bowed and said, "Thank you, Mr. Bai. It seems that we don't get along, and I didn't eat this meal either." There's no point in going down. I'm already married and I have to be responsible for my wife. I won't marry another man. I want to go home and have dinner with my wife." Bai Qing also understood what he meant and

smiled. He also stood up and said to him: "You can have your wife over for dinner another day."

Huo Yanan nodded and left.

Bai Nanxing couldn't stand it when he saw him leaving. He looked at Bai Qing nervously and said, "Dad, why didn't you stop him? Didn't you say you helped me? Didn't you say you would let him marry me?" Why let him go now?"

"You haven't seen that he doesn't like you, and he has a wife." Bai Qing suddenly realized, understood, and educated him: "And you lied to me. He doesn't have a wife, he's already married. Why are you keeping an eye on someone who's already married? There are so many men, so you can choose at will."

Bai Nanxing was so angry that he stamped his feet when he heard these words, "I don't want it, I don't want it. I don’t want other men, I want him. I don’t want anyone but him. I just like him! I just want him.”

Bai Qing said with all her heart: “Then just keep thinking.”

Bai Qing said with all her heart. Nan Xing: "..."

Jing Ke felt that he was really unlucky. He was suddenly called over by an adult. Before he could figure out what happened, he was caught upstairs by this devil again.

Jiang Jingchen didn't expect that he would love her so deeply, and he would follow his route to find her. He probably didn't secretly observe him when he came here.

But this was the first time he met someone who loved him so much, so he absolutely couldn't let this person go, so he carried him upstairs.

When he arrived at the door, he specifically explained to him: "Please look at it clearly and understand the route. This room is my house. If you want to come to me in the future, just come here to find me. Don't do it again." It's not good to disturb others when you go downstairs."

Jing Ke: "" "

But why did you come to see me? Do you miss me and can't sleep, so you want to come see me? You left me inexplicably last time. . You must have missed me to the bone, that's why you did this, but why were you gone last time? I've been looking for you for a long time." When

Jiang Jingchen couldn't figure it out, Jing Ke just wanted to curse, but was He figured it out and immediately said, "I understand, you were just afraid of trouble and I'm embarrassed, so you left because you were afraid that I would feel too sorry for you when I took care of you, right?"

Jing Ke: ""You Why so many dramas? You're not done with it yet, are you?

After Jiang Jingchen said what he said, he still felt that what he said was right, so he sighed: "How come you like me so much with my damn charm?" Jing Ke

: ""

Just when Jing Ke couldn't stand it anymore, he silently got a brick next to him and wanted to pat him on the head, knock him out and run away.

At this moment, Jiang Jingchen opened the door, then took his hand, and the two of them walked in.

After entering, Jiang Jingchen didn't know how to face his follower. He felt a little embarrassed. After all, he didn't know how to chat with someone who had a crush on him.

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