Chapter 105

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Chapter 105 Come on, let’s hurt each other!

Is it such a coincidence that you can see the two of them like this even if you buy a popsicle? ?

Qiao Shenbei closed the refrigerator angrily, then walked up to them and asked, "What are you doing? What are you doing? Are you having a private meeting?" Qiao Shenbei recognized this

man at a glance. who is it? Isn't he the man he and I went on a date with in People's Park last time?

Didn’t we say that there is no relationship, and there is no contact anymore? Then why are the two of them sneaking around in the corner now?

Qiao Shenbei felt that his head was quite green. There is already a green grassland above our heads.

When Huo Yanan saw Qiao Shenbei appear, he was really shocked, and the hair on his whole body stood up.

Even if he didn't mention it, this could be revealed. He was already in such a secret place, so far away from the door of his home

. When Huo Yanan was about to say something to him, he looked down and saw the hand in his hand. That popsicle, he suddenly became angry: "Qiao Shenbei, you bought me popsicles again!"

Qiao Shenbei: "That's not the point! The point is, I want to know why you two are here, and why he is here Here, didn't you

say that you two have no relationship and will never meet again? Why are you two here now, hiding it from me? What do you want to do?"

Huo Yanan felt embarrassed when he heard this It's okay.

Jing Ke saw this from the side and hurriedly went to the adult to explain: "Didn't you see? As a mistress, I plan to pry into your corner. I cried, made trouble and hanged myself, hoping that Huo Yan'an would follow. If you get divorced, stay with me."

Qiao Shenbei: "Are you such a serious mistress?

Qiao Shenbei looked at Jing Ke and became alert, and then saw that the wound on his arm was bandaged.

The gauze is outside now.

So, he was injured before?

Qiao Shenbei thought about Huo Yanan's previous departure to the hospital. Was it to see a friend?

Could it be that

Qiao Shenbei quickly asked Jing Ke: "Have you been hospitalized before?"

Jing Ke looked at him warily: "How do you know."

When Qiao Shenbei heard this, he understood instantly. Sure enough, it was true. he!

Huo Yanan said he was going to see a friend, and that friend was Jing Ke.

Well done, really well done.

He said it didn't matter, that he didn't know him, and then went to see him in the middle of the night. Was this like he didn't have anything to do with him and didn't know him?

When Huo Yanan heard Qiao Shenbei's words, she knew what was going on. She wanted to stop it, but she couldn't stop it quickly. Seeing that she could no longer stop it, because the words had already been spoken.

Huo Yanan hurriedly looked at Qiao Shenbei, wanting to explain, but Qiao Shenbei looked at them with a meaningful expression, a sneer on his lips, and said to them: "Then I really congratulate you. It's not easy for you to go out on a date at such a late night, so I wish you all a good time."

After Qiao Shenbei said this, he glanced at Huo Yanan coldly and left immediately. Huo Yanan knew that he was screwed, so he grabbed Qiao Shenbei. I wanted to explain to him, but he was walking so fast that I couldn't catch him. He was already gone.

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