Chapter 184

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Chapter 184 Huo Yanan probably fell in love with him (6000 words)

So he had to refuse implicitly. When he refused, he put on an indifferent look and said: "I don't want it anymore. I think I'd better go back and go home with the boy."

After hearing this, Huo Yanan glanced at him and then let go, "Okay, you can go home. Then I won't take care of you."

Qiao Shenbei leaned into his arms and pointed at his neck, then kissed his mouth, pulled his hair fiercely and said: "It's a beautiful thought, and I still want me to go home. , I won’t go back tonight, I will go home with you, torture you to death, and drain you dry.

Huo Yanan was very satisfied when he heard this, raised his eyebrows and pointed at his waist, and took him in In his arms, his voice was low and full of satisfaction, and he said: I'll wait.

When Qiao Shenbei and Huo Yanan went home, Qiao Shenbei suggested that they go to the supermarket to buy ingredients, and then cook them alone at home. After all, neither of them wanted to go out

. Huo Yanan also agreed, and then took him to the mall to buy food as soon as the car turned around.

Xiang Shenbei admired his responsiveness and learning ability very much. According to what he said, When he came to this world, there were few people

who were more experienced. He actually knew that there was a place selling condoms at the counter when he paid the bill. He skillfully selected a batch. After he fell in love with Durex and the net, Qiao Shenbei saw it.

I was really dumbfounded by how skilled he was like an experienced driver.

"Your learning ability is really strong. You have only been in this world for a few months. You are 20 fucking years older than me living here." You have been proficient for many years.

When you first came to Huoyan'an and heard this, you suddenly recalled the past: When I first came to this world, I was really confused. I didn't know anything. It was very difficult not to be proficient in anything. I can't find you either. So I can only force myself to study, study the living habits of your people here, and then understand the history here. Later it gradually became what it is now. To be honest, the process of living is very difficult, because I don’t understand anything, and it’s only at this age that I understand it. It was really difficult at the beginning, but when I think about seeing how difficult it is for you, I can endure it. .

Qiao Shenbei was so moved by his words that he almost cried.

Huo Yanan watched him squat on top of his suit, and then found a mark in the middle and shook his head away in disgust, "My nose is oily. Qiao Shenbei and Qiao Shenbei

bought something with him." After that, he carried the things downstairs.

Huo Yanan put the things in the trunk, then pushed Qiao Shenbei into the passenger seat, got up, buckled the seat belt on the driver's seat and drove, "No, this world does not have me. existence, I was already me when I came here, so I am the original me. No one will go back to the 1980s. "

Logically speaking, if you can be reborn in this era, it will only happen if there are exactly the same people. After all, there is still a body, but he turned out to be both soul and body. After thinking about it,

Xi Shenbei was moved by the love between the two people. Tears: "Probably because the love between the two of us moved God. It simply makes those who see it sad and those who hear it shed tears. It is simply the most tearful love story.


Yananqiao returned home with him in Shenbei. After seeing this big villa, he was very happy. Where did the other money come from? He can have so much money in a few months. He has lived in this era for more than 20 years. , It’s Hua Ming’s fault that he is still poor now. He actually has so much money. It’s incredible.

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