Chapter 135

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Chapter 135 Qiao Shenbei, you have a chance to go back to your previous world

Huo Yanan looked very angry. At this moment, he hung up the phone and walked towards him.

Qiao Shenbei was particularly timid. He was sitting upright when he saw him coming over.

When Huo Yanan walked up to him, he was much taller than him due to his height advantage, and he looked domineering. Qiao Shenbei saw him and showed a fake smile. Before the boy could say anything, he was spanked by him, "Qiao Shenbei, you are looking for death. How dare you lie in front of me. Qiao Shenbei dodge." Looking at him, he said: ...If I knew you were in front of me, I would definitely not dare.

It's too miserable, it's really too miserable. I've never seen anyone as miserable as him.

Huo Yan'an watched him suffer miserably. He didn't seem to let him go, grabbed his ear, swept his whole ear and asked: "Qiao Shenbei, please explain to me why you are here. I haven't told you so many times." , you are not allowed to come here, what is the result? You still come, do you think my words are nonsense?

Qiao Shenbei hugged him and begged for mercy coquettishly: "Don't I miss you too much? I really miss you so much. You, I like you so much that I can't leave you for a moment. If I leave you for a second, I feel like I can't breathe, so I come to you. I don't want to be separated from you.

After Huo Yanan heard what he said, she reached out and hugged him together, and said helplessly: "There is really no way, just like a clingy Maitangtang. Since you miss me so much, then you can go back later and go directly Pack your things and come to my tent. From now on, you will sleep with me here.

Qiao Shenbei finally managed to ask Huo Yanan to sleep with him. He also planned to sleep with someone else tonight, but after a long time, he still stayed with Huo Yanan. Together?

He is still too young, too young, and cannot compare to Huo Yanan.

The two of them walked back, holding hands. When the team leader saw the two of them looking so loving, a word flashed in his mind.

It's really a couple's love . Deep... Now that the earthquake has passed, and the aftershocks have not happened yet, they started rescue, sending supplies and so on. Because

these days, there is no medical equipment and all kinds of labor, etc., the follow-up aspects It is a developed country, so it is easier to rescue people these days.

They are a large force, a large force set off.

Qiao Shenbei carried his own bag of medicine boxes and followed a group of People's Liberation Army to carry the people in the ruins.

Qiao Shenbei looked at this The people who collapsed on the ruins were alive and dead, with seven or seven injuries on their bodies. Everyone's body was covered with all kinds of blood, wounds, and erosion. The eyes of those who looked at it were red, and a lot of tears fell. Qiao Shen

Bei has watched a lot of movies about earthquakes in later generations.

Although he has made a lot of tears in the movie, but now he has truly experienced the ability to be so helpless in front of Death Seven, he suddenly felt that his chest was filled with tears. He was stunned when he asked

, and his nose was sore.

He suddenly remembered that he also experienced an earthquake five years ago. The earthquake that year was particularly big and many people died. He was still in high school at the time. .

When he was in high school, he was in a small county town next to the orphanage, a small place.

Then the earthquake came without warning and suddenly.

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