Chapter 40 - 41

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Chapter 40 Since you want to have a baby, then have it

After Huo Yanan thought of this, she slightly raised the corners of her lips in the darkness, then reached out to hold his head and kiss him, but the next second, she was pushed away by Qiao Shenbei.

Huo Yanan: "..."

Qiao Shenbei trembled and explained calmly: "Well, I'm sorry, because just now your clothes got caught on my clothes, and then you got up again, I was afraid that you would get caught My clothes were pulled up, that's why I was like this, but I didn't expect that I would taint you like this. It's my fault! Don't worry, my memory is very poor. I will forget what happened to us just in the next second. , I won't keep it in mind. By the way, what happened just now?!"

Huo Yan'an: "..."

His intolerable face couldn't be seen in the darkness. He grabbed an ordinary pillow and pointed directly towards it. Call him in the face.

Qiao Shenbei: "???"

Sure enough, he still missed his chaste kiss.

Huo Yanan was so angry that he had a myocardial infarction. He didn't really want to get up, so he just lay on the bed. The two of them were still wearing enough clothes to be together. He couldn't get up while he was lying down. He was watching in the dark. Unfortunately, there was no way to unbutton the two of them, so he lay down, and Qiao Shenbei had no choice but to lie down too.

There is nothing I can do, it has already become this situation, what else can I do, just make do with sleeping.

When it gets bright tomorrow, it will naturally be solved.

After Qiao Shenbei ignored him, his eyelids trembled. Unable to bear it, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Huo Yanan on the side was tossing and turning, unable to sleep at all. Because of what happened just now, as soon as he closed his eyes, he thought of the soft feeling that he just touched on his mouth. That soft and strong energy was like eating some marshmallows. It was special. It was soft and soft, and it seemed to have a bit of sweetness. Now that I realized it later, I felt that my taste buds were full of sweetness, but the more I thought about it, the more heat filled my body. He coughed, but it still couldn't dissipate. Now he was full of My mind is thinking about something.

He could no longer control his random thoughts. After taking a deep breath, he said to Qiao Shenbei in a calm voice, "Qiao Shenbei,

in fact, if you want to have a baby, it's not impossible -"

"Since the two of us There is no way to divorce after getting married. I think having children is also a good thing. So, Qiao Shenbei... how about the two of us have a child." "

You... don't think wrongly and regard me as that kind of person. I just think it would be good for us to have a child. At least it won’t be boring to have children in the future, and everyone will have children after they get married. We are a normal couple, and we can take care of ourselves after having children." "Qiao Shenbei,

what should I do before giving birth to a child? You know, right?" Huo Yan'an was thinking this and began to feel impatient. He swallowed, rolled his Adam's apple, and said in a low voice: "We have to get married, why don't we take advantage of this time tonight? , make up for this? What do you think?"

While taking a shower just now, he had already rehearsed the possible positions in his mind. Although he didn't have any experience the first time, it wasn't too bad. of.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that today he was going to solidify the relationship between husband and wife.

Otherwise, the daughter-in-law she marries will not even move an inch and will not be laughed at if word spreads about it. 

Chapter 41 is so exciting!

And if he doesn't touch Qiao Shenbei, Qiao Shenbei will doubt that he has a problem in that area, so in order to prove that he has no problem in that area, he must show him his glory and prove it...

". ..." Still no words, there was no movement here, no movement or a word.

Huo Yanan became impatient.

"Qiao Shenbei? Why don't you speak? If you don't speak, I'll take it as if you agree." Huo Yanan was so angry when he saw that he didn't speak, so he turned around and saw his virtue, and finally I know why he stopped talking, because he was asleep! ! !

Is it really a pig? I can fall asleep even if I talk to him.

Huo Yanan was so depressed that she turned around and went to sleep.

But as soon as I closed my eyes, I thought of the scene where he pulled him and kissed him. Although I couldn't see Qiao Shenbei's face, I could already imagine his joy.


He also said it was accidental, but it was clearly Qiao Shenbei's intention to kiss him.

When he thought about it, the corners of his lips kept curling up, he closed his eyes, and was about to go to sleep.


Early the next morning, Cui Yingying came to her door. She had a good date with her last time, and then Huo Yanan disappeared without a trace and left just like that, which made her so angry that she felt resentful. A thin-skinned girl was treated like this, and she had to come to ask for an explanation.

So she came to the door today. Huo Xixi got up and took a look. She was startled when she saw such a fairy sister. Isn't this the cute sister she had arranged before? It's terrible. Why did she come here? Didn't she know that her brother was getting married when she came here? .

Huo Xixi quickly stopped her: "Sister Yingying, why are you here? Are you here to see my brother? Why don't you go to the entrance of the village and wait for him? He just got up and hasn't finished it yet. I'm afraid that he will be You saw that he looked bad when he just got up, so I asked him to dress up and wait for you at the entrance of the village."

Cui Yingying smiled softly and refused and said: "No, Xixi, if I really want to marry in the future, To your brother, to marry into your family, at least you have to look at it, so I have nothing to mind, I will always be honest with you in the future, right? Your brother is in the room now, let me go find him. "

Cui Yingying said that after looking at a room, the closed room was probably Huo Yanan's.

Huo Xixi was startled when she heard this, her pupils widened, and she wanted to stop her, but the action was still a step too slow. Cui Yingying opened the door and shouted: "Have a good banquet." After opening it

, Seeing the scene inside, they were both frightened at the same time.

Qiao Shenbei changed clothes with his back to them, exposing half of his belly fat.

Then Huo Yanan put on his clothes. Although it was not exposed, the scene of him buttoning his shirt was enough to make people think about it. The two of them looked at it like this, as if they had done that kind of thing and were very satisfied. How it feels after putting on the clothes!

So exciting!

After Qiao Shenbei heard the sound, he turned around and saw two women looking at him with eyes as wide as bells. He was so frightened that he quickly put down his clothes and grabbed his fat Cover it.

I don't know if he is overthinking it, not to mention the situation the two of them are in now. It feels like they were caught having an affair, especially when the door was opened while they were getting dressed. 

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