Chapter 189

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Chapter 189 I’m not afraid if I die with you 

Xiang Shenbei is afraid of being afraid, which is one thing, but what he is afraid of is really too much.

Because he really only needed a belt to tie him in front of Huo Yanan. He

really had to hold him and walk like this with both hands and feet wherever he went. Even when he went to the back, he had to go to the toilet. Go in with him.

Huo Yanan was shy no matter what, so when he saw him going to the toilet, he would follow him in and block him outside the door.

"Xiang Shenbei, calm down. I'm just going to go to the toilet now. I'll come out in a moment. I won't run away while I'm going to the toilet. You don't have to worry. See,

Shenbei has been holding him unwillingly. , just stuck to his face.

She grabbed his waist and said coquettishly: "I don't want, I don't want to go, I want to share the beach with you, I want to go to the toilet with you and let you go." You're not afraid. What if you can't see something happen to me? I don't want to be alone outside, I'm afraid of the devil.

Huo Yan'an: ... Who is the devil now?

He is acting like a husband and a mother at the same time. There is no other way. He is so scared that he cannot be left alone outside, so he pulls him in. Two people together.

When going to bed at night, Xiang Shenbei checked the doors and windows to make sure there were no cracks and people could slip in. Then he felt more at ease. Moreover, these lights must be on. After all, it is easier to escape if there are lights, otherwise the varnish will be black. The sudden appearance of a ghost is so scary.

Sometimes these scary people are really scarier than ghosts.

Qiao Shenbei was lying in Huo Yanan's arms, holding him like this and sleeping on his hand. When the two of them hugged each other, they heard each other's breathing. The voice seemed so quiet. In such a quiet atmosphere, Qiao Shenbei actually asked him: Ah, when I left, I didn't see what the two of them looked like. After all, you still saw the child. But I have nothing, and the children don’t even know that I am their mother. Do you think we still have a chance to go back? We still have a chance to see our children sing. If we can’t go back, is that right? Does it mean that I will never see my children again in this life? But I miss them so much. I risked my life for so long to give birth to them, but none of me had a chance to look at them.

Qiao Shenbei said with a particularly embarrassed expression, his mouth flat. Thinking that I came into this world without even having time to see my child, I feel very sad and feel sorry for my child.

It would be great if I could see my child now.

However, they have all come to this world and only have one chance, so they can't go back.

I will never see the children again in this life, and I don’t know how the children will live without their parents.

After hearing this, Huo Yan'an came to kiss his forehead and didn't know how to comfort him. After all, he also missed his children now.

It has been a long time since I left the children. It has been such a long time. I don’t know how the children are doing now. Although I feel relieved to leave it to Lu Sui, they may

not be able to return to their current state. , so if you still miss the children now, you are asking for trouble.

When Qiao Shenbei was thinking this, he suddenly thought of the big bird dragon that came out when he first met him.

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