Chapter 22 - 23

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Chapter 22 It must be Qiao Shenbei who stole the money!


"What am I? Even if I have a disease, I will not be infected through this. Ordinary physical contact will not cause any problems. You bunch of uneducated and ignorant women and children are just talking nonsense. Get out of here and don't go." I'll get in the car myself, and you all get out of here!"

What Qiao Shenbei said so furiously was that no one dared to get in the car, and no one dared to touch him. When he came up, everyone just hid all the way and refused to let him go. He got in the car by himself, but at this moment, the driver saw him and scolded him: "Get out! What are you doing in the car? Get out of the car! Get out of the car!"

Qiao Shenbei: "? ? ?"

Seeing that he refused to get out, the driver became even more fierce: "Get out of the car. You will never get in the car again. Don't you have a heart disease? I'm even afraid of dirtying my car." Qiao Shenbei hasn't said anything yet. What

, in the end, the driver closed the car door directly, pinching the piece of flesh on his body, and he got out of the car because of the pain.

After he got off the bus, everyone got on the bus and squeezed him underneath.

Qiao Shenbei was so confused that he didn't know why he was so unlucky and was treated like this. After he got out of the car, his face turned green with anger.

Who is spreading rumors about him behind his back?

This kind of person's tongue should be pulled out!

Qiao Shenbei had no way to go to the town. As a result, he returned to his husband's house at this time. When he arrived at the door of the house, he heard Liang Sumei crying and saying, "I don't know what's going on? I don't have any money anymore." I know where it went. My sisters in the factory gave me this money! It was money to buy bonds, not my money. I wanted to give it to the boss. But now that the money is gone, how can I compensate them? "

After Qiao Shenbei entered, he saw Liang Sumei crying like crazy.

These days, they like to buy bonds and lend them out as debtors. When the time comes, they can charge a little interest. This thing is very profitable, so everyone saves a lot of money without eating or drinking, and then uses it to buy bonds. Such a large sum of money.

As soon as Qiao Shenbei stepped through the door, he heard Huo Xixi pointing at him and saying, "Mom, let me tell you, the person who stole your money must be this big fat pig. Think about it, they were all members of our family before." You didn't lose any money when you were there, but when Qiao Shenbei came, your money disappeared, so don't you think it's suspicious? According to me, it was this fat pig who stole your money. Look After receiving so much money, she couldn't help but steal it herself." After

hearing Huo Xixi's words, Liang Sumei raised her eyes and glanced at Qiao Shenbei, with suspicion in her eyes. She probably felt embarrassed and embarrassed, so she persuaded Huo Xixi said, "Don't talk nonsense. Shenbei is not this kind of person. She is your sister-in-law. It's not good for you to slander her!"

Huo Xixi confidently pointed at Qiao Shenbei and said, "Mom, I didn't talk nonsense. Qiao Shenbei has a criminal record. He often stole money when he was at his adoptive mother's house. I heard that Su Chunhua often beat him. One time it was because he caught Qiao Shenbei stealing money on the spot. , so I want to break his legs, so he came here because his hands and feet were not clean and he stole the money now."

There was such a time in Qiao Shenbei's memory, but the reason was not that the original owner stole the money, but that Su Chunhua beat Qiao Shenbei. At that time, he was beaten with a leather whip until his flesh was bruised. He was seen by others and was afraid of being accused of being evil, so Su Chunhua found an excuse to say that Qiao Shenbei had stolen money. If he didn't beat him, he would be There was no way to improve his memory, so he beat him hard enough. Others heard and agreed with Su Chunhua. He was stealing money and his hands and feet were dirty. It would be better if he didn't beat him to death! 

Chapter 23 Huo Yanan, do you believe me?

Liang Sumei didn't dare to doubt Qiao Shenbei, but what Huo Xixi said and she was really anxious about the money, so she had no choice but to ask Qiao Shenbei: "Um... Shenbei, is that you? Yes. Did you do it? If you really did it, tell me and I won't blame you. Just give me the money. If you need money, tell me if you are short of money... There is no need to steal! "

What Liang Sumei said made Qiao Shenbei believe that he had stolen the money.

After hearing this, Huo Xixi became even more confident and encouraged her: "Mom, there is no need for you to ask him. He stole the money. Otherwise, where did the good money go? Let's do this. Go to his room and search his things. If he stole it, it must be hidden in his things. As long as we can search it out, we can conclude that he stole the money wherever his things are." Huo Xixi said to herself

She rushed in and wanted to search the room. Qiao Shenbei's wall-like body immediately blocked her and bounced her away. His tone was harsh and cold, "What evidence do you have that you can enter my room? You have to speak." Showing evidence, why did you enter my room and assume that I stole the money?"

Liang Sumei was indeed so embarrassed after hearing this that she didn't know what to choose, so she looked at Qiao Shenbei uneasily, "That ... Shenbei, Mom didn't mean to doubt you, she just said to take a look and then I can clear your name. If it's really not you who did it, you can clear your name, right?" Huo Xixi was pushing.

Looking at the thick meat on his body, "Mom, if you don't see this fat pig, you must be guilty of being a thief, so you won't let us in. We will definitely find money if we go in." Under the commotion of several people, Huo Yan'an came back from outside. When Huo Xixi saw him coming back, she immediately pointed at the big fat pig and said to him: "Brother, look at it quickly. Your new wife has dirty hands and feet. She even stole the money from the aunts in my factory to buy bonds." . And I'm pretty sure that the money must be hidden in his own things, because he didn't let us go into the room to search. So it must be in there!"

"I didn't." Qiao Shenbei yelled at Huo Xixi: " I didn't steal the money."

"If you didn't, how could you not let us go in and search? It must be the money you stole."

Looking at Huo Xixi's triumphant face, Qiao Shenbei was probably sure. Sure enough, it was a child who resorted to such slanderous tactics, which is really dirty. Maybe the money is really in the room now, but Huo Xixi hid it in his room. If she was really allowed in, she would have been caught on the spot.

When Qiao Shenbei was about to say something, Huo Yanan on the side asked him: "Qiao Shenbei, did you take it?" Qiao Shenbei was aggrieved and speechless when he heard this, and stared at him Looking forward to it, "Then do you believe I didn't take it?"

"I believe it if you say it."

"I didn't take it."

After hearing what he said, Huo Yan'an said sternly to Huo Xixi: "Huo Xixi, I heard you Did your sister-in-law say anything? Your sister-in-law has already said that he didn't take it, so let it go immediately."

Huo Xixi was heartbroken when she heard this. She looked at Huo Yan'an and felt very aggrieved: "Brother! Don't be deceived by this bad man. Yes, if it was him who took it, how could he say he didn't take it? We'll find out if we go in and search it. Whether there are witnesses and physical evidence, let's see how he can quibble." 

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