Chapter 5 -8

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Chapter 5: Fat!

Seeing that Qiao Shenbei didn't speak, I thought he was shy.

After all, the bride is thin-skinned.

Liang Sumei thought about this and stared at Qiao Shenbei's butt.

She especially liked the big buttocks.

Although this person is said to be fat or not, there is no old man who doesn't like being fat. Fat is good, and fat makes it easier to have children.

For someone like Qiao Shenbei, it's probably no problem to have a litter! Thinking about it this way, she became even happier!


Qiao Shenbei's craftsmanship is really good, and he won over the Huo family's parents with just one breakfast.

In order to lose weight, Qiao Shenbei had a cup of salt water to moisten the intestines and a very light boiled egg for breakfast, so he controlled himself and stopped eating. Then in order to lose weight, he did housework, cleaning and burning belly fat.

Huo Yanan's father Huo Gongyi and Liang Sumei were very satisfied with the way Qiao Shenbei worked so hard. Huo Gongyi also looked at it. A daughter-in-law who had spent so much money to marry into his family couldn't just return the money, so he would just suffer the loss. Fortunately, this daughter-in-law was not as lazy as the outside world said. At least He can also cook, and his skills are not bad. He is still doing housework and sweeping the floor.

Huo Yanan's sister Huo Xixi was not happy when she heard their praise. She looked disgusted at Qiao Shenbei who was showing off.

Her brother got married yesterday, and she was very happy to invite her classmates to a banquet. Her brother was so good-looking, so her sister-in-law should also be a beautiful lady, but she didn't expect that she turned out to be a fat man! She's so ugly and covered in fat, even fatter than her pigs! Then her classmates burst into laughter, saying that her brother was a flower stuck in cow dung like Qiao Shenbei.

She hated Qiao Shenbei the moment she saw him. It was this big fat pig that made her embarrassed in front of her classmates! No face! Therefore, she will not recognize this sister-in-law. She must get this sister-in-law out of her house and divorce her brother!

So Huo Xixi sneered with dissatisfaction and deliberately raised her voice so that Qiao Shenbei could hear it: "Mom and Dad, are you blind? You were deceived by this fat pig. Go to the next village to find out. Who wouldn’t say that this fat pig is lazy, never does housework, and loves to eat? Otherwise, how could he have grown so fat? So do you really think he works because he is hardworking? Isn’t it just because he wants to work? Are you just pretending to be ugly in front of you? He just knows that he is ugly and is afraid that you will break off the engagement, so he just pretends to be ugly. It won’t take long for his true colors to be revealed. I heard that he is a very squeamish person. I am afraid that he will need you to take care of him in the future. That's right."

Huo Xixi's words made Huo Gongyi and Liang Sumei not sure how to deal with it. After all, they had only known Qiao Shenbei for such a short time, and everyone in his village had known him for so long, so his reputation was so bad. They were very resistant at the beginning, but now they are told that they regret it.

What would you do if you married an ancestor and returned home?

After Qiao Shenbei swept the floor, he put the broom away. He heard what Huo Xixi said just now, so at this time, he walked up to Huo Xixi and asked her with a smile: "Xixi, I heard your classmates said you were at school We're in love."

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