Chapter 106

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Chapter 106 What a deep love this is

Huo Luqilai wanted to go back, but when he went back, he was stopped by his father.

Huo Qi saw him sneaking away and called out to him: "Huo Luqi, where are you going? Have you done everything I told you?"

Huo Luqi had no choice but to stop when he heard this. , bowed to him respectfully, "I'm sorry, father, I didn't do it. Bai Bai

Nanxing doesn't like me. I have tried my best to pursue him, but he just doesn't have any feelings for me."

Huo Qi heard this His blood pressure was about to rise. He slammed the table excitedly and said angrily: "You can't do it or don't do it? You pursue him with this condition, and he still doesn't like you? Didn't you grow up with him since you were a child? Don't you feel it?"

Thinking of the way he was kicked out by Bai Nanxing several times in a row, he became angry and could only grit his teeth and endure: "Yes. The person he likes is not me."

Huo Qi thought. She didn't even think about scolding him, but gave him a photo, threw it to him and said: "Look at this person, if you can deal with this person, I won't care about you if you can't handle this matter about Bai Nanxing." Yes."

When Huo Luqi heard this, he went up and took the photo and took a look. The person in the photo was Qiao Shenbei.

He watched the man lost in thought and looked up at Huo Qi.

Huo Qi persuaded him and said: "Lu Qi, when you grow up, dad and I have been fighting for this position all because of you. This position belongs to us. It's just that Huo Yan'an's father used a trick to harm us. I know You have always been dissatisfied with my position and don't want to listen to me. You think that dad is doing this for power and for your own selfish desires. In fact, it is not the case. Dad is doing this all for you. Dad is already this age and I am old too. There is no way to stay in this position for much longer, so you will always be the one who inherits it in the future. I am fighting for this position for you!" "I

know you are kind-hearted and there are many things you cannot do, but we, father and son, have already He was forced to a dead end and had no choice. He could still sleep peacefully without knowing Huo Yanan's existence before, but now that Huo Yanan has appeared, if he successfully seizes power, then this position will be his. If he really becomes the new president, First, do you think he will let us go? He hates me so much and thinks I killed his parents, so he will definitely deal with me immediately after becoming a regular employee. If something happens to me, I won’t be able to protect you, and something will happen to you too. You Think about it carefully."

After Huo Luqi left, the men next to Huo Qi asked him: "Sir, are you sure you want the young master to do this? He has been powerless since he was a child. Are you sure he can do it? Do you have to kill people?"

Huo Qi gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't, you have to, he is my son, Huo Qi, so he must listen to me. As the future successor to the chief executive, how can he not have such courage! This It's just to give him experience. And among the people around us, only he can get close to Huo Yanan. Huo Yanan doesn't know him or his existence, so it's easy for him to get close to Qiao Shenbei." After Huo Luqi

agreed , left that room.

After going out, he returned to the room, closed the door, and looked at the information in his hand.

The man he saw just now was named Qiao Shenbei, and there was his information at the back, which turned out to be Huo Yanan's information. For some reason, Huo Luqi felt that Qiao Shenbei was particularly familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

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