Chapter 50 - 51

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Chapter 50 I’m going on a date with your sister-in-law

Huo Yanan nodded with a cold face, showing an expression as if you forced me to do it to satisfy you, but when he turned his head, the corners of his lips were slightly raised.


Qiao Shenbei went out early the next morning. At midnight last night, he went into the space again and collected a lot of medicinal materials, ready to sell them.

When Huo Yanan got up in the morning, he didn't see his wife who was still wondering where she was going. He thought about today, the day when the two of them were going on a date. When he thought about it, he suddenly understood the so-called fun.

He thought that this should be the first official date between the two of them, so he went to the closet and looked through it to see what would look better on him. Later he thought that if he wore something that looked too good, he might be embarrassed. Qiao Shenbei felt that he dressed up deliberately to make him think that he cared more, so he still wore ordinary clothes.

Then I combed my hair before going out.

Out the back.

Huo Xixi saw her brother going out and immediately called him: "Brother, where are you going?"

Huo Yanan left her back, "I'm going on a date with your sister-in-law. I won't be back for dinner today. That guy has to stay out with me." Eat the head."

Huo Xixi: "..." Damn, this fat pig! Eat, eat, eat, he eats all day long, no wonder he is so fat!


Qiao Shenbei dragged a lot of medicinal materials to the medicine shop to find the boss. But today the boss said that he had something to do and he had to go back to his hometown. His son was here to look after him. It turned out that the boss's son was... This was not Huo Yanan's last time... …brother?

When Jiang Jingchen heard about it, he saw this damn fat man as soon as he came out. With this damn fat man growing up like this, it was hard to forget that he had really turned into ashes and everyone could recognize him. As soon as he came out, he saw He turned to leave, but he immediately stopped him: "Hey, damn fat man, you just leave when you see me. What do you mean? I haven't hurried out yet, so you just look at me and leave. Stay here, you Why are you here at my house?" When

Qiao Shenbei heard this, he immediately understood that the so-called boss's son was him.

Qiao Shenbei was not a person who didn't do anything if he had money, so he put the medicinal materials in front of him and said to him: "I usually sell these medicinal materials to your father, so if your father is not here, you can take a look. How much are these medicinal materials? I said I would charge them according to the price your father gave me."

Jiang Jingchen listened to him and put out the medicinal materials in the sack on his hand. He was shocked when he saw that most of them were precious and precious medicinal materials. ah.

Last time, his father said that someone was selling this medicinal material, and there was a lot of it. His father was very happy, because if this medicinal material was tinkered with and sold in big cities, the money earned by selling it to rich people would be countless, so some time ago Made a small profit.

He also said that the person who sells this medicinal material can find so many rare medicinal materials if he has something to do, but now it makes him feel incredible that the person selling this medicinal material is actually this damn fat man. How could he have heard that this fat man has a bad family background, and He doesn't have a job, is uneducated, doesn't know a few Chinese characters, and can't even write his own name. How can he still have so many precious medicinal materials now?

So Jiang Jingchen stared at these medicinal materials and asked him: "Damn Fatty, where did you get these?"

"I'm not called Fatty, I have a name." Qiao Shenbei stared at him: "And, I'm here to sell these , you are only responsible for collecting it. Where I come from is none of your business. This is my channel. If I tell you, wouldn’t it be known to you? Then how can I sell it in the future"

Chapter 51 I am just a child, an eighteen-year-old child! 

Jiang Jingchen snorted, "You are so sharp-tongued. I really don't know what Huo Yan'an sees in you. He can see you with such a fat pig's bad character. It's a blessing you have cultivated in your previous life."

Qiao Shen Bei was simply tolerant. He saw that he was Huo Yanan's favorite and sweetheart, so he didn't care so much about him!

It's all for Huo Yanan's sake.

But these two people are really jealous.

Because he is married to Huo Yanan, he has been targeting him. What kind of fairy love is this? It is also a bit miserable.

After Jiang Jingchen saw this fat man rolling his eyes at her, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he casually sent the fat man away and said: "No, no, hurry up, take your things and get out of here, I won't accept your things." ."

Qiao Shenbei was confused: "Why?"

"Because I don't like you. So it's okay if I don't like your things. If you want to continue to cooperate with me, that's okay. You divorce Huo Yan'an, don't do it anymore. It drags him down and doesn't want to be ruined by you. He has such a good family background, and he can find a good family by marrying any woman. Wherever he needs to find a man like you who doesn't even know a few characters, If you stay with him, you will harm him." Jiang Jingchen made it clear.

Qiao Shenbei held his forehead, he really didn't understand why it was so troublesome for a man to be jealous, and now he even wanted to cut off his business because of jealousy.

Qiao Shenbei sighed and explained to him, comforting him and saying, "Actually, you don't have to treat me like this. I know you can't stand me being with him, and you also blame me for stealing your sweetheart." , but, let me tell you, you have to strive for happiness by yourself. There is no need for you to blindly point the gun at me, because I have no real relationship with him. We all live our own lives, and there is no truth. We are married, so we have no relationship. We just can’t get divorced. If you really like him, you can pursue him. There is no need to target me. I am just a child, an 18-year-old child. I can’t stand being so grown up. Frustration."

Jiang Jingchen: "???"

He didn't understand and quickly interrupted him: "You haven't lived as a couple since you got married. Are you pretending to be married? No, it's really wrong. You said I like him. ? Since when did I like him? Fatty, don't insult people, the relationship between me and him is innocent."

Qiao Shenbei nodded to express his understanding: "I understand, I understand, you were exposed by me, so I don't know the number in my heart. I understand that I don't have any jokes. You like a man. What's the point of being embarrassed?"

Jiang Jingchen: "...!!!"

Jiang Jingchen saw that he was clearly arranged by this fat man. I was very speechless.

He defended righteously: "I have nothing to do with him, we are just brothers! It's not like you think, I don't like him." "

That means, he likes you?" Qiao Shen Bei was shocked.

Jiang Jingchen was startled when he heard this, "Isn't it possible? He doesn't look like he likes me."

Qiao Shenbei gave him a touch up, "He likes you, you are in danger."

Jiang Jingchen: " … …"No way?

Qiao Shenbei said that he didn't want it, so he put the medicinal material away and planned to sell it to the next family.

When Jiang Jingchen saw this, he immediately interrupted his fat hand, "What are you doing?" 

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