Chapter 16 - 17

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Chapter 16 He actually felt like he had some ideas

"You guys are going too far." Su Chunhua wanted to act up, but Huo Gongyi was on the side with a broom and rushed at her: "Go away, go away, get out of here quickly, you mother and son are simply bullying others, take the treasure back by yourself." Just keep it, we only have one person in Shenbei."

Before Su Chunhua could say anything, she was pushed out. She was so angry that she kicked the door of his house with her feet, "You just wait for the family to suffer misfortune. Both of them are fools and blind, and they want such a fat pig to come in!"

After Liang Sumei and others left, she grabbed Qiao Shenbei's hand very distressedly and said, "Shenbei, don't worry, your mother doesn't care. You, I will feel sorry for you from now on, just treat me as your biological mother."

Qiao Shenbei nodded and thanked him very gratefully: "Thank you, Mom."

He said, looking at Huo Yanan on the side, bumping into his deep Sight.

He thought about it and realized that it was only a matter of time before he divorced Huo Yanan. Although it had nothing to do with who Huo Yanan would be with after the divorce, he just didn't want Huo Yanan to be with Qiao Shennan. , although Huo Yanan didn't treat him well, but after all, he was a good person, and he must not be harmed.

But Huo Yanan looked at Qiao Shenbei, thinking with deep eyes: My wife has lived such a miserable life, I must treat him better in the future.


Qiao Shenbei went back to the house and started making the clothes he wanted. There was a sewing machine in this house, probably because the original owner Qiao Shenbei knew how to sew, and he probably went to a tailor shop, so he had the memory of the original owner. Naturally, I can also sew and mend clothes.

Qiao Shenbei made a plus version of jeans based on the impression of jeans he wore in his previous life.

Fat boy jeans.

After he finished it, he thought about the trend, so he made the middle of the jeans into ripped pants and poked a few holes. It is the most fashionable and fashionable!

After Huo Yanan took a shower outside, he walked in and saw Qiao Shenbei's butt facing the door. He was twisting and turning busily, so what came into view was his... fat butt.

Don't tell me, it looks quite curvy and big.

Huo Yanan looked at it and swallowed hungrily, feeling that he didn't know what was going on, but he actually felt impulsive.

He walked without making a sound. Qiao Shenbei was doing this seriously again. He was so attentive that he didn't hear anyone coming in. He turned his back to the door, thinking that no one came in, so he pushed his round body and slowly pulled off his pants. I took them off and put on these new jeans to see if they were the right size.

He didn't notice Huo Yanan behind him during the whole process. Seeing Qiao Shenbei take off his pants and change clothes so boldly, Huo Yanan was so scared that he didn't even dare to breathe. He just looked at him... and did this A gorgeous scene.

After Qiao Shenbei changed into the jeans, he felt that the size was just right. He turned around and was about to take two steps. Oh my god, he was scared to death. When he turned around, he saw Huo Yanan's eyes staring at him. He was frightened. He took a step back and grabbed the stool to support himself, "Huo Yanan, why don't you make any noise when you walk? You're scared to death."

Huo Yanan came to say something, but he saw Qiao Shenbei's jeans. After the hole, Qiao Shenbei frowned when he saw him and asked him: "Huo Yanan, how are you? Do my ripped jeans look good?"

Huo Yanan couldn't figure it out at the moment, and his frown deepened. Asked him: "Qiao Shenbei, why did you want to change your previous pants?"

Qiao Shenbei was confused by the question: "Because my previous pants had a few holes!"

Huo Yan'an: "... Think for yourself whether you are stupid."

Qiao Shenbei: "???" 

Chapter 17 Huo Yanan confidently said: I will never leave!

Qiao Shenbei walked out confused, intending to ask others for their opinions. However, when Liang Sumei saw a few holes in his pants, she quickly called him: "Oh, Shenbei, why are your pants so torn? There are so many holes. Take them here and Mom will repair them for you. If you really can’t throw them away, ask Yanan to take you to the market to buy new ones tomorrow."

Qiao Shenbei: "..."

Why no one can understand His fashion?


Qiao Shenbei went back dejectedly and put on his pajamas, went out and took a shower, but then he started to have a headache about sleeping.

There is only one big red bed, and he and Huo Yanan sleep on the same bed. He can't squeeze into the same bed with Huo Yanan. It's just this bed. If he lies down, he won't be able to sleep on the same bed as Huo Yanan. A place to stay.

He glanced at Huo Yanan, who ignored him and lay down on the bed. Seeing him like this, Qiao Shenbei couldn't share a bed with him, so he was going to find another quilt to sleep on the floor.

As a result, at this moment, Huo Yanan lay down and called him: "What are you fussing about again? Get on the bed and sleep."

Qiao Shenbei: "..." He resisted and looked at him on the bed, weakly He said, "That's not good. After all, we don't know each other well."

"You are already my wife, so we are not familiar with each other yet?" Huo Yanan's face sank, "Do you want me to come up here by myself, or do you want me to carry you up?" ?"

Qiao Shenbei resisted sleeping with him. It was already very miserable for him to travel to such a world where he married a man. Now he has to sleep with a man... It's better to let him die.

He doesn't like Huo Yanan.

Qiao Shenbei explained the matter to him seriously and sat on the edge of the bed. As soon as he sat down, he felt that the bed had sunk in half. He whispered to Huo Yanan: "Your parents didn't hear here, so I just told you, Huo Yanan, let’s find a time to go to the county to get the divorce certificate, and then we can live our own lives. From now on, we won’t be in conflict with each other, so we’d better not sleep together.”

Every time Qiao Shenbei said a word, Huo Yanan's face became darker and darker. When Qiao Shenbei looked at Huo Yanan's eyes, he was startled and frightened. Was he going to eat him?

"We can't leave."

Huo Yanan answered him word by word through his teeth.

Qiao Shenbei thought he was worried about the issue of property division, so he continued: "Oh, don't worry, I don't want your money." Huo Yanan couldn't help but look bad at this

, staring at him with blazing eyes. : "Due to the nature of my work, I cannot get divorced. I am legally prohibited from getting divorced."

Qiao Shenbei looked at him in shock: "Are you a soldier?"

Huo Yanan shook his head: "No." "

Then you How can it be possible to ban divorce, and you want to lie to me?"

"You don't know that all professions that work for the country prohibit divorce."

Qiao Shenbei: "..." What a strange world this is!

Is there such a rule that is not democratic?

But Huo Yanan works for the country? This aroused Qiao Shenbei's strong curiosity: "What do you do?"

Huo Yan looked at him quietly, and then explained: "Pilot."

Qiao Shenbei was so impressed when he heard this. , he is too awesome, the pilot is the captain, and those who can fly airplanes these days are all awesome people.

"But this is confidential for the time being. Just know it and don't let it spread outside."

"Then about our divorce..."

"You're dreaming."

Qiao Shenbei: "...Okay."

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