Chapter 13 - 15

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Chapter 13 Qiao Shenbei replaced Qiao Shennan, your wife should be Qiao Shennan

No matter how Qiao Shenbei explained to Huo Yanan that he had good intentions along the way, this stubborn man just didn't believe it. Whatever he told him, he stubbornly believed that he, Qiao Shenbei, was so horny that he couldn't help but kiss in the street. He also sticks out his tongue.

Qiao Shenbei felt tired and didn't want to explain anymore. Just let it be what you said, as long as you were happy.

When the two of them arrived at the door of the house, Su Chunhua and Qiao Shennan were also at the door of Huo's house. Seeing Qiao Shenbei and Huo Yanan coming back, they happily called to Huo Yanan: "Yan'an, hurry up. Come in, I have something to tell you, it's about your marriage."

The Huo family's parents didn't know what was going on, but Su Chunhua came. After all, they were in-laws, so it was hard to drive them away, so they Let them all in.

Going inside, Su Chunhua pulled Qiao Shennan and explained to the two elders of the Huo family: "This is my biological son, he is Qiao Shennan."

At this time, Qiao Shennan obediently greeted them and said: "Hello, uncle and aunt."

Liang Sumei had a headache: "Well, mother-in-law, what's going on with you?"

At this time, Su Chunhua sighed and said to them pretentiously: "I'm sorry for you, it's my fault. That's why this happened. Let me explain to you, in fact, it was not my adopted son Qiao Shenbei who was originally married to your family, but my biological son Qiao Shennan." Su Chunhua said this. When he came out, everyone present except Qiao Shenbei was surprised.

Qiao Shenbei listened to Su Chunhua's words. Sure enough, as he had guessed, Qiao Shennan disliked Huo Yanan for being ugly and didn't want to marry him before, but now that he knew that Huo Yanan was handsome, he thought about it and now wants to go back. .

Huo Gongyi glanced at Qiao Shenbei in shock, and then asked Su Chunhua: "This... mother-in-law, what's going on? Didn't you say that this Shenbei is our daughter-in-law?"

Su Chunhua took out a handkerchief and gave it to herself He pretended to wipe his tears and said, "This matter is really my fault. It's all because of my incompetence in raising my son. My adopted son Qiao Shenbei has been arrogant and domineering since he was a child. He has a bad character and likes to compete with his brother. Shen Nan always liked to compete for everything when he was growing up, and he had to win over him. Shen Nan came to our house yesterday and was already dressed up for marriage. Qiao Shenbei was so vicious that he gave him sleeping pills and then asked him to sleep. He took his place. He came to the wedding and lied to me that Shen Nan didn't want to attend the wedding and let him come. No, I trusted him too much and had no doubts, so I let him come."

"After returning, Shen Nan followed I said he was knocked unconscious by this vicious Qiao Shenbei, so he didn't go. I thought, how could such a vicious person be your daughter-in-law? We were all deceived by Qiao Shenbei. Ah, so now I just want to restore everything and don’t let Qiao Shenbei get enlightened. Let’s do this. I will take Qiao Shenbei back. We Shennan will be your daughter-in-law, just like before. Don’t worry, we Shennan will be your daughter-in-law. I've brought Nan's luggage. I'll just stay at your house and live with Yan'an."

As soon as Su Chunhua finished speaking, Qiao Shenbei saw the baggage she had already packed in her hand. Sure enough, she deliberately Came to the door.

But others didn't know the situation, especially the Huo family. After hearing what Su Chunhua said, they were shocked and looked at Qiao Shenbei with doubtful eyes. They couldn't believe that such an innocent Qiao Shenbei was such a person.

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