Ch. 1: The Journey Begins!

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[Current Location: Pallet Town: Day]

Cameron: Zzzz....

Trace ran up the stairs to my room and abruptly woke me up with a deafening "UP AND AT 'EM, CAMERON!"

[I yelled in surprise and confusion]

Trace: Mornin' Cameron!

Cameron: Top of the morning to you, Trace. What's with that wake-up call?

Trace: Today's the day!

Cameron: (Sat clueless, still groggy from sleep, and soon remembers what "today" is.)
Oh yeah, it's the day we're becoming Pokémon Trainers, am I right?

Trace: Yep! And we can't be late! See you at the professor's lab!

As Trace quickly left for Professor Oak's lab, I quickly got dressed: a red and white Poke Ball-print baseball cap with a summer jacket and shoes to match with it. I greeted and hugged my mom goodbye and headed out. After I stepped out of my house, I saw truly a wonderful sight to behold: a calm flower bed, Pidgey making their morning rounds, and a calm brook of water where me and Trace used to play as children.

I made a beeline for Oak's lab, but still admired the scenery as I walked. When my attention turned to Route 1, I noticed the professor admiring the sights of three small Pidgey. When he noticed me, he sent the bird Pokémon off and walked toward me.

Oak: Why hello, young Cameron!

Cameron: Hey, Professor! I was heading to your lab earlier and noticed you out here. Trace went before me a while ago, and must've realized that he'll be waiting a while.

Oak: Today is the day I was to give you two a Pokémon, correct. I was just conducting my research by speaking with some friendly Pidgey, that's all. Anyways, how about we get going?

I was going to reply, until I heard a rustle in the grass. After more close rustling, a Pikachu ran out. It was about as tall towards my knee and had glossy yellow fur with a heart-shaped tail. It took a surprised look at my face.

Oak: Oh my, I never expected a Pikachu to come this far off from its own habitat. Well, since the opportunity has presented itself...

He stopped there and slipped a Poké Ball out of his pocket, putting it in my hands. From there, I knew exactly what he wanted me to do.

Cameron: Oh man, I can't believe this is happening!

I slowly took a step towards the Pikachu and readied the Poké Ball. Out of my surprise, Pikachu didn't react and only looked at me. I firmly threw the Poké Ball at Pikachu, and after three, slow, nerve-racking vibrations, the ball quietly clicked, resulting in the capturing of my very first Pokémon!

Oak: Look at that, you caught Pikachu! How about you pick it up and get settled?

I was going to pick up Pikachu's Poké Ball, but suddenly, the ball began to bounce! Was Pikachu bouncing the Poké Ball from INSIDE it?!

After taking two short laps around me and the Professor, the Poké Ball speedily rolled away toward the lab, with us in hot pursuit!

After we caught up, a surprised Trace gave us an insight about what happened in the lab, and the professor told him about my Pikachu, leaving him impressed!

As we examined which of the three Poké Balls contained Pikachu, the one in the middle bounced, giving a clear sign of its presence.

Oak: Go ahead and open up the Poké Ball. Your new partner is waiting!

I slowly reached my hand toward the ball as it glowed until the Pikachu I caught popped out. It really grew quite enthusiastic and curious of me.

Pikachu completely connected with me!

And from this day forward, I have a Pokémon partner!

As I held Pikachu in my arms, the Professor gestured us toward the table and showed us his invention, the Pokédex, now fully completed and filled with information on all of Kanto's native Pokémon!

Oak: Cameron, Trace. I'm happy to see you two off on your own journeys to make a living as Trainers. Just know that whatever path you go down to will affect the future and outcome of that path.

I took that advice to heart as Trace and I gave a celebratory hi-five for becoming Pokémon Trainers!

End of Chapter 1

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