Ch. 18: Fighting Grass with Grass!

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At Celadon's Pokémon Gym, I headed to the tree in the middle to face Erika.

Cameron: Excuse me? Ms. Erika?

Erika was completely dozing in her spot...

Erika: Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be sleeping like that. I get relaxed to the point of dozing off. Welcome to Celadon City's Grass-type Gym. You are here to challenge me, correct?

I nodded at her question.

Erika: Very well. I may not like battles much, but I am good enough to give you a run for your money.

Erika sent out her first Pokémon: Weepinbell.

I sent Wartortle into battle.

Erika: Use Razor Leaf!

Weepinbell launched a Razor Leaf at Wartortle!

Cameron: Dodge it and use Ice Punch!

Wartortle ran past the Razor Leaf and readied an Ice Punch!

Erika: Leaf Blade!

Weepinbell clashed in a punch-out with Wartortle. Both moves were super-effective against the other, knocking both back to their respective Trainer's sides.

Erika: Use Sunny Day!

Weepinbell increased the sunlight in the Gym.

I know this strategy...

Erika: Solar Beam!

Weepinbell speedily began charging!

I need a plan to stop that Solar Beam!

Wartortle suddenly yelled as it pointed its hands in the air. After a minute, it started raining!

Cameron: You learned Rain Dance!

Weepinbell was fully charged, firing a Solar Beam straight to Wartortle!

Cameron: Dodge it!

Wartortle ducked down, avoiding the attack!

Cameron: Now! Ice Punch with all your might!!

Wartortle closed in on Weepinbell and defeated it with a super-effective Ice Punch!

The rain stopped.

Wartortle jumped for joy for its victory!

Cameron: Nice win! Want to keep going?

Wartortle nodded.

Cameron: Ok. I'm letting you stay.

Erika's second Pokémon was Vileplume.

Cameron: Ice Punch!

Wartortle charged in for another Ice Punch, but...

Erika: Use Energy Ball!

Vileplume fired a ball made of meadow energy and Wartortle was instantly defeated by it.

I returned Wartortle after praising it for its hard work. I sent out my next Pokémon: Ivysaur!

Cameron: Use Sludge!

Ivysaur blasted poisonous sludge from its mouth!

Erika: Vileplume, Sludge Bomb!

Both moves collided, creating a poison cloud! Ivysaur was charging in with Double-edge!

Erika: Use Energy Ball!

Vileplume fired another Energy Ball!

Cameron: Knock it back with Power Whip!

Ivysaur batted the Energy Ball back to the sender with a powerful slam from its vines!

Vileplume faced a bit of damage.

Erika: Use Sludge Bomb!

Vileplume fired another Sludge Bomb!

Cameron: Dodge it and use Double-Edge!

Ivysaur went in for a powerful tackle after dodging another Sludge Bomb!

Vileplume was overwhelmed by the attack, but after the hit...

Erika: Energy Ball!

The move hit Ivysaur directly, defeating it as well!

Erika sent out Tangela, her final Pokémon, while I used Charizard.

Erika: Tangela, Power Whip!

Cameron: Use Wing Attack!

Both moves hit both Pokémon back.

Erika: Use Growth!

Tangela increased its growth, raising its attack power.

Cameron: Fire Fang!

Charizard went in with Fire Fang!

Erika: Use Poison Powder!

Charizard missed the Poison Powder!

Erika: Knock Off!

Tangela grounded Charizard with a downward slam.

Charizard got serious and began pulsating its body in a fiery aura.

Cameron: Charizard?

Erika: That's Charizard's Ability, Blaze. It powers up its Fire-type attacks if in a pinch.

Cameron: Cool! Let's burn up the battle! Flamethrower!

Charizard blasted a power-up Flamethrower at Tangela!

Erika: Hyper Beam!

Tangela collided the attack with Hyper Beam! Hyper Beam was no use when Flamethrower broke through and defeated Tangela.

Charizard roared in delight!

Erika: Hooray! You won! Honestly, I was rooting for you, yet I didn't want to make the battle easy! Since you beat me, you earned the Rainbow Badge!

After giving me the Gym Badge, Erika was nice enough to teach Ivysaur a new move: Solar Beam!

I caught up with Elaine, who said goodbye to her parents as she ran to my side.

Elaine: Did you win your Badge?

Cameron: Sure did! And Erika tutored a new move to Ivysaur!

Elaine: Cool! What move is it?

Cameron: It's...a secret! Hehehe!

Elaine: Come on! Tell me! Please?!

Cameron: No way!

Elaine: What with this all of a sudden??

Cameron: I just felt like pushing your buttons!

End of Chapter 18

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