Series 4 Chapter 31: The Galactic Showdown! Part 2: Distortion

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Mars: Purugly!

Jupiter: Skuntank!

Saturn: Toxicroak!

All three Commanders sent out their aces!

Mars: Take...

Jupiter: ...them...

Saturn: ...down!

Cameron: Pikachu, Monferno! Battle time!

Pikachu and Monferno jumped into battle!

Riley, Dawn and Elaine sent in their partners as well!

Mars: Purugly, Iron Tail!

Jupiter: Skuntank, Sludge Wave!

Saturn: Toxicroak, Brick Break!

Cameron: Pikachu, Mega Kick! Monferno, Close Combat!

Pikachu kicked Skuntank away with Mega Kick, while Monferno landed a heavy flurry of punches on Purugly!

Dawn: Luxray, use Discharge!

Luxray zapped all three Pokémon with Discharge!

Elaine: Evo, use Double-Edge!

Evo charges forward and smashes into Toxicroak with Double-Edge!

Riley: Lucario, Aura Sphere!

Monferno jumped out of the way, letting Aura Sphere take out Purugly!

Cameron: Pikachu, Thunderbolt!

Pikachu defeated the remaining Pokémon with Thunderbolt!

Cameron: Nice one, Pikachu!

Pikachu nodded valiantly!

As we headed toward Cyrus, we attempted to free Dialga and Palkia from his grasp!

Cameron: We need to break that chain!
Monferno, Flamethrower!

Monferno readied a Flamethrower, but Cyrus's Gyarados appeared and stopped it!

Cyrus: I cannot let you break this chain. I WILL have my new world, and I'll destroy anyone who stands in my way!

Gyarados starts off with Aqua Tail!

Cameron: Monferno, Flare Blitz!

Monferno charges into Gyarados with Flare Blitz!

Gyarados grabs Monferno and prepares a Hyper Beam!

Cameron: Monferno, keep attacking its face! Flamethrower!

Monferno temporarily disorients Gyarados by blasting a Flamethrower at its face!

Cameron: Now, use Close Combat!

Monferno used Close Combat, fully freeing itself from Gyarados!

Cyrus: Hydro Pump.

Gyarados fires a Hydro Pump!

Cameron: Flamethrower!

Monferno clashes with Gyarados' Hydro Pump with Flamethrower! The clash was an even match at first, but Hydro Pump began to overpower Flamethrower, slowly pushing Monferno back!

Cameron: Come on, Monferno. I know you can do it. Give it you very all!

After taking a long look at me, Monferno powers up its Flamethrower, becoming enveloped in a bright light! The flame on its tail went to its head as it grew taller. Its arms and legs were strengthened and now resembles a shaolin monk. Monferno evolved into Infernape!

Pokédex: Infernape, the Flame Pokémon. A Fire- and Fighting-type, and the evolved form of Monferno. Infernape is an adept combatant, using all four of its limbs for unique battling styles. The flame on its head indicates its fighting spirit, and no opponent can outrun it!

Infernape let out a loud yell, raising its attack power! Infernape learned Swords Dance!

Cyrus: Evolution won't let you win. Gyarados, Ice Fang!

Cameron: Infernape, Flare Blitz!

Infernape instantly defeated Gyarados with a powerful Flare Blitz!

Cyrus returned his Gyarados, staying quiet entirely.

Cameron: Not even a single compliment to your Pokémon for its effort? You're not only a selfish man, but a selfish Trainer.

Cyrus clenched his fist. I definitely touched a nerve.

Before Cyrus could retaliate, a black shadow appeared in the middle of the Spear Pillar. As it did, the stone pillars around us began to bend and distort.

The shadow soon became a portal, and emerging from its was a large creature with blood-red eyes and spiky appendages on its "wings."

I took out my Pokédex to identify it.

Pokédex: There is no found data on this Pokémon.

Cameron: What is this thing??

Cyrus, however, was undeterred and stepped up to the mysterious creature.

Cyrus: How dare you intrude my attempt to make a new world?! You will pay for this foolishness!

As he ranted, the Pokémon formed its spikes into fingers, drawing its wings back slowly...

Cyrus: I, the powerful Cyrus, will not have any more interfer-

The Pokémon grabbed Cyrus before he could finish, taking him into the portal!

Cynthia appeared aboard her Garchomp. She looked in horror at what occurred.

Cynthia: What happened??

Cameron: A weird Pokémon appeared and took Cyrus!

Cynthia: This isn't good.... We need to close that portal! If not, this distorted state will spread to all over Sinnoh, and soon, the entire world!

I agreed with Cynthia, but deep down, I felt empathetic for Cyrus. He may have done a lot of bad things in the long run, but he still deserves a second chance.

Cameron: No. Not yet. We have to help Cyrus!

Cynthia, at first disagreeing, took a look at my serious face and was ultimately along with my new resolve by signaling a nod.

Cameron: Alright. Let's go.

When the others began to follow, Cynthia stopped them.

Cynthia: It's best you all stay here. We need to go in with as less people as possible so we don't alert the Pokémon.

Dawn: Alright...

Elaine: Good luck, you guys!

Riley: And be careful.

Both me and Cynthia nodded as we jumped into the portal after Cyrus! Once we emerged through the other side, we were in a mysterious dimension, where every platform was levitating around the area.

Cynthia: Cameron, welcome to the Distortion World.

End of Chapter 31

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