Series 3 Chapter 30: The Mt. Pyre Mystery Stones!

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After leaving Fortree City, we set off for Lilycove City to find Team Magma and Team Aqua, who're headed the same way.

On our way, my phone gave some startling news.

News Anchor: It has been reported that Team Magma and Team Aqua have entered Mt. Pyre, the Hoenn region's known cemetery. We have no idea of their intentions, but it can't be good.

Cameron: That was surprising.

Brendan: Mt. Pyre is nearby Lilycove. We just need to ride our Pokémon to the entrance by water.

And so, me, Brendan and May rode our Water Pokémon, while Wally rode his Altaria, into Mt. Pyre. Once we got in the cemetery, it gave me déjà vu. This reminded me of Pokémon Tower!

As we looked for the mercenaries, we heard a heavy commotion high above us.

Cameron: Found 'em.

When I ran to the exit, I was blocked by a Trick Room. Who put it up...was behind me: a Dusclops.

Pokédex: Dusclops, the Beckon Pokémon. A Ghost-type. Dusclops can absorb anything, no matter the size. By hypnotizing its victim, Dusclops can easily control them!

Cameron: Uh oh.

Dusclops readied a Shadow Punch!

???: Evo, Shadow Ball!

The Dusclops was defeated by a Shadow Ball and was caught!

When I saw who it was, I was relieved and happy: Elaine and her Eevee!

I ran over to give my friend a quick hug!

Cameron: What are you doing in Hoenn?

Elaine: I was sent by Professor Oak for research on Mt. Pyre. When I saw you in danger, I had to help.

Cameron: I'm glad you came.

I quickly filled Elaine in on our objective!

Elaine: Wow. That is tough. But you gained an extra ally. I'll help in any way I can!

Cameron: Thanks. Let's go!

And so, all five of us reached the top of Mt. Pyre, where an entire army of Grunts from each Team were busy with one another. Once we moved on...

Grunt: Hey! Get those kids!

The Grunts sent out one Pokémon from each individual.

Brendan, May, Wally and Elaine sent out their partners and fought the Grunts.

Brendan: We've got this! You go!

I nodded to my friends and continued on. When I reached the very top, Maxie and Archie had two stones, one red and one blue.

When they turned to run, they saw me. I sent out Milotic to block the way.

Maxie: You again. You will not interfere with my plans any longer!

Maxie sent out his Camerupt! Archie, however, ran away once the time was right, telling Team Aqua to retreat with the blue stone.

I returned my focus to the battle.

Maxie: Camerupt, use Fissure!

Camerupt stomped on the ground, creating a large fissure towards Milotic!

Cameron: Look out!

Milotic jumped away from the fissure!

Cameron: Use Scald!

Milotic blasted hot water from its mouth at Camerupt, scoring a critical hit!

Camerupt jerked back from the hit!

Maxie: Not again!! Use Stone Edge!

Camerupt slammed the ground, erecting large edges of rock at Milotic! Milotic was unable to avoid it and was defeated!

I thanked Milotic for her effort and returned her to her Dive Ball. I sent out my Camerupt to fight Maxie's.

Camerupt growled at its opponent.

Cameron: Take it easy.

Camerupt nodded and readied itself to attack.

Cameron: Use Double-Edge!

Camerupt charged at its opponent with Double-Edge!

Maxie: Stop it!

The two Camerupt butted heads at each other! As the struggle of brute strength lingered, my Camerupt won the struggle!

Maxie, even angrier from another loss, returned his Pokémon.

Maxie: You may have won again, but when my true plan comes to light, not even you nor the Champion will stop it.

Maxie ran away with the red stone before I could take it back.

After a while, the others caught up.

Cameron: You guys okay?

Brendan: Yeah. Luckily, we drove them away.

???: Not for long.

We turned to a mysterious woman who came through the thick fog that started to form.

Woman: I am a guardian of the Red and Blue Orbs.

Cameron: Orbs? They looked more like rocks.

Woman: They are more than rocks, young man. They hold greater power than you could ever imagine.

And so, the woman explained the true purpose behind the Red and Blue Orbs: they were keys to summoning the Legendary Pokémon of Hoenn.

Brendan: I never researched these Pokémon. What are their names.

Woman: They are known as Groudon and Kyogre. For millennia, they have shaken the nature of this region with devastating battles to gain full control of nature. Groudon represents the land, and has the ability to cause a harsh sunlight and occur droughts. Kyogre represents the sea and has the ability to cause rainstorms. If they awoke...destruction will envelop the entire Hoenn region.

We were scared of all of that information. Destruction? Devastating battles? It's all nerve-racking!

Woman: This information may be too raggedly overwhelming, but don't let that stop you from living the best adventure.

After thanking the woman for her advice, we left Mt. Pyre and went back to the path toward Lilycove City.

Cameron: Elaine, what are you planning on doing in Hoenn, since you completed your research?

Elaine: I might stay in Hoenn for a while. How many badges did you get?

Cameron: Six.

Elaine: Sweet! I can witness you earning the last two!

Cameron: Again, I'm glad you came, Elaine. You're going to love Lilycove City!

Elaine nodded in agreement as we continued on to one of the greatest cities in Hoenn!

End of Chapter 30

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