Series 3 Chapter 38: The Contest Master!

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After waking up at the Pokémon Center, Elaine had something to share.

Elaine: Professor Oak called me last night. I'm due back to Kanto, so I need to go.

Cameron: Aw, man. I wish Professor Oak would let you stay for a bit longer.

Elaine: Trust me. Oak has a lot of research in his hands, so this is where I part ways with you guys.

Cameron: See you, Elaine. Good luck on your return trip!

Elaine: I sure will!

Elaine and Evo took a ferry back to Kanto, while we waved her goodbye.

May: Well, even if Elaine left, our journey will continue! Ready for your final badge?

I took a little time to think before agreeing.

Once we entered the Gym, I slipped on thick ice!

When I saw who did it, it was Wallace and his shiny Milotic, who froze the entire floor with Icy Wind!

Wallace: Oh, It's you. Sorry, we were practicing a show for a Pokémon Contest.

Cameron: It's fine. My falls were worse.

Wallace's Milotic helped me up and carried us to the battlefield.

Wallace: I assume you're here for your final Gym badge, correct?

Me and Pikachu nodded.

Wallace: Then let's get started. I may be a Pokémon Performer, but I can't refuse a battle.

Wallace sent out his first Pokémon, Walrein!

Pokédex: Walrein, the Ice Break Pokémon. An Ice- and Water-type. Walrein has powerful tusks that can smash ice floes in its path. This Pokémon's thick blubber gives it incredible defense.

Sceptile was sent out to start the battle off!

Cameron: Let's avoid hitting it physically. Use Leaf Storm!

Sceptile's tail glowed green, blowing Walrein back with a flurry of leaves!

Wallace: That won't work. Walrein, Ice Fang!

Walrein coated its tusks with ice and bit Sceptile by its tail, freezing it!

Cameron: Use Leaf Blade and knock it away!

Sceptile slashed Walrein with countless Leaf Blades, dealing a small amount of damage from each hit!

Wallace: Walrein's defense is impeccable. Not even a type advantage can defeat it.

Cameron: But this can disorient it! Swing your tail around as strong as you can!

Sceptile gathered its strength and swung its tail, loosening Walrein's grip! Once its tusks were at the edge...

Cameron: Now, use Leaf Storm!

Sceptile used Leaf Storm and blasted Walrein off, defeating it! However, Sceptile was too tired to keep battling and collapsed.

Cameron: Nice job, Sceptile. You deserve a long breather.

I returned Sceptile to his Poké Ball and readied my next one.

Wallace sent out his second Pokémon: Tentacruel!

Pikachu jumped off my shoulder and volunteered to battle.

Cameron: Alright. Good luck, Pikachu! Use Quick Attack!

Pikachu immediately scored the first hit with Quick Attack!

Wallace: You won't be going off that easy. Use Rain Dance!

Tentacruel started a rainstorm. Suddenly, it healed itself using the rain!

Wallace: Tentacruel has the ability Rain Dish, which lets it heal itself in a rainstorm. No matter what attack you use, Tentacruel will recover!

Cameron: We'll see about that! Pikachu, use Mega Kick!

Pikachu charged forward and put her foot out for a large and powerful kick!

Wallace: Use Poison Jab!

The two attacks combined in a heavy clash! Unfortunately, Tentacruel won the struggle!

Cameron: Use Thunderbolt!

Pikachu fired a Thunderbolt, scoring a direct hit!

Wallace: Grab Pikachu with Wring Out!

Tentacruel wrapped Pikachu with its tough tentacles, keeping the Mouse Pokémon restrained!

Cameron: Don't give up! Just focus.

Pikachu took a deep breath and focused herself, using a tougher Thunderbolt and scoring a critical hit!

Wallace: This won't be a loss for only me! Use Poison Jab!

Before it could faint from the damage, Tentacruel defeated Pikachu with Poison Jab, resulting in another simultaneous knockout!

Wallace: What a battle. We both have one Pokémon remaining.

Cameron: You said it. Pikachu had a good run, too!

Pikachu agreed as she laid in my arms.

So now, me and Wallace sent out our final Pokémon: Both Milotic!

Wallace: Let the true battle...begin! Milotic, Icy Wind!

Wallace's Milotic blew a cool slew of air at its opponent!

Cameron: Use Surf!

Milotic created a heavy tidal wave, which became frozen by Icy Wind!

Cameron: Dragon Tail!

Wallace: Aqua Tail!

The two Milotic engaged in tail-to-tail combat with one another! My Milotic managed to overpower Wallace's!

Wallace: Another Aqua Tail!

Wallace's Milotic repeated Aqua Tail!

Cameron: Freeze its tail with Ice Beam!

Milotic blasted an Ice Beam at its opponent's tail, freezing it and giving my Milotic an advantage!

Cameron: Use Hydro Pump!

Milotic readied a Hydro Pump!

Wallace: Use Water Pulse!

The two moves scored a direct and simultaneous hit, leaving them severely at their limit!

A stare down soon occurred, and after a long and agonizing minute, Wallace's Milotic collapsed!

Wallace: You did amazing, Milotic. I'm happy you faced such a tough opponent!

Wallace's Milotic got up and stuck by its Trainer.

Wallace: You've earned this. The Rain Badge.

Wallace gave me the Rain Badge.

Wallace: Have fun at the Hoenn League. And be sure to keep training that Milotic of yours. It sure can be a valuable ally.

I nodded toward his advice and bid him farewell.

Wally: You won your last badge!

Cameron: And next stop: Ever Grande City!

End of Chapter 38

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