Ch. 3: First Catches of the Day!

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[Current Location: Viridian Forest]

As me and Elaine entered Viridian Forest, it was dark and had a few patches of sun. Nonetheless, there were Bug-type Pokémon everywhere we looked. About 10 minutes ago, I caught a Caterpie, and Elaine only watched in delight for my achievement. I noticed she had two Pokémon, but rarely let it out, other than Evo.

I'm curious about what Pokémon it is.

Cameron: Elaine, I did notice before that you have two Pokémon. Why don't you let that one out?

Elaine tensed up a bit when she heard my question.

Elaine: It''s none of your business!

Wow. That was a bit of a letdown.

I decided to leave the question for another time and kept walking.

As we were less than a mile to the exit...

Cameron: Elaine, look over there!

We both turned our attention to a wild Bulbasaur. It was smaller in height, but looked otherwise sturdy for a Grass-type.

Elaine: A Bulbasaur?

Cameron: Yes. I need that Pokémon for my Gym battle.

Elaine: Gym battle?

Cameron: You don't know about Gym battles?

Elaine: No. Back home, I mostly was a stay-at-home type of person.

I quickly but thoroughly explained Gym battles and Gym Leaders to Elaine, who quickly caught on as she listened.

Elaine: Oh, yeah! I live in Celadon City, so I remember a Pokémon Gym there. There was a tree blocking the path, so I couldn't go any farther.

Cameron: Cool! Now that I've explained, let's get that Bulbasaur!

As we turned, we found that Bulbasaur was gone...

Cameron: Darn...

But as I sulked, I found tracks. I checked the footprints system on my Pokédex and found that the tracks were from the Bulbasaur that escaped.

Cameron: We found Bulbasaur!

Elaine: Alright! Let's look for it!

As Elaine and I slowly followed the footprints, we saw a hidden path in the trees leading deeper into the forest. The farther we walked, the darker that path got. Pikachu helped us by dispersing electricity as a substitute for a light. After reaching the end of the path, we found a haven of Bulbasaur! The haven was filled to the brim with Bulbasaur, with all of them protected by an elderly Venusaur. But our delight turned to trouble when the Venusaur commanded his guards, two Ivysaur, to attack! Me and Elaine sent our partners to the task.

Cameron: Pikachu, Thunder Shock

Pikachu blasted a jolt of electricity at one of the Ivysaur.

Elaine: Evo, Use Tackle

The Eevee went charging forward and slammed headfirst into the other Ivysaur.

The Ivysaur recoiled from the attacks.

Before the Ivysaur committed another attack, a side of the haven suddenly engulfed in flames. When we noticed,  a trio of Magmar appeared. From the way it looked, they had unfinished business with Venusaur.

The Magmar were on edge, yelling as they spoke to Venusaur, whom the Grass-type spoke in a calm manner.

The Magmar were challenging Venusaur to a battle.

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