Series 4 Chapter 11: Washing Water, Burning Fire and Verdant Grass!

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The Eterna Gym was an indoor flower meadow! However, they were almost four feet tall, and was able to slow someone's movement.

Gardenia: Hello! Welcome to the Eterna City Gym. I am Gardenia, a specialist in Grass-type Pokémon. If you can make it past that flower field in five minutes, you earn your Gym battle.

Cameron: You're on.

I walked speedily but firmly into the flower field. The bunched-up flowers began to make me lose my footing!

Gardenia: Be sure to take it slow, or else you'll trip and fall!

I needed a plan to traverse the area. Then an idea rang. I sent out Snorunt and executed my plan.

Cameron: Snorunt, Icy Wind!

Snorunt froze a path for us with Icy Wind! I slid toward to battlefield with no worries about the flowers. Once I reached the battlefield, I jumped to my feet and walked to the challenger's side of the field.

Gardenia: You are one smart kid, I'll give you that. But I won't let you get a finger past me in battle. Let's begin!

Gardenia sent out her first Pokémon, Cherrim!

Pokédex: Cherrim, the Blossom Pokémon. A Grass-type, and the evolved form of Cherubi. Cherrim is very sluggish in its Overcast form, but will become more active in strong sunlight, where its Sunshine form peaks at its strongest!

Gardenia: Use Sunny Day!

Cherrim intensified the sun with Sunny Day, transforming into its Sunshine form!

I sent out Murkrow to start off the battle!

Gardenia: Get ready! Use Solar Beam!

Thanks to the sunlight, Solar Beam charged very fast and fired before Murkrow could make a move!

Murkrow luckily avoided the attack with Double Team!

Cameron: Sweet move! Use Night Shade!

Murkrow blasted beams of spectral power from its eyes, narrowly hitting Cherrim when it jumped to the side!

Gardenia: Cherrim, use Petal Dance!

Cherrim began spinning, causing flower petals to flurry around and attack Murkrow!

Murkrow was brutally struck from the sky!

Cameron: Oh no! Murkrow!

Murkrow quickly fixed itself and was safely flying. It then flew on toward Cherrim!

Cameron: Split up with Double Team and use Night Shade!

Murkrow, after multiplying with Double Team and surrounding Cherrim, blasted a Night Shade!

Gardenia: Quick! Use Protect!

Cherrim saved itself with Protect, just before Night Shade hit! Cherrim let its guard down when all the fakes disappeared, but no attack came.

Suddenly, Murkrow emerged from a tree and flew toward Cherrim!

Cameron: Drill Peck!

Murkrow finished off Cherrim with Drill Peck!

Gardenia: Good job, Cherrim!

Gardenia returned Cherrim and sent out a Grotle as her next Pokémon!

Pokédex: Grotle, the Grove Pokémon. A Grass-type, and the evolved form of Turtwig. Grotle can sense where water wells up from anywhere it sits. It also carries fellow Pokémon to where the water may be on its back.

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