Series 3 Chapter 28: The Feathery Flying-type Festival!

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After a long but relaxing trek, we finally made it Fortree City. We were lucky to arrive, as the town was having a festival celebrating Flying-type Pokémon.

We were all excited, as Brendan planned to study the Pokémon in the area, while Wally and I wanted to partake in the battle tournament. Once we were signed up, the tournament kicked off! I had awesome battles against other Flying-type Trainers, and Swellow managed to knock them all in the dust! Wally managed to reach the quarterfinals, but lost to a Trainer and his Gyarados. Since I was in the quarterfinals, I was ready to avenge Wally.

Once the semifinals rolled around, my opponent happened to be a familiar face: Ethan!

Cameron: Ethan?!

Ethan: Long time, no see, Cameron!

Cameron: What are you doing in Hoenn?

Ethan: I came for the Flying-type festival, just like you! Now that we're back together, let's have a no-holds-barred battle!

Cameron: You're on!

Once the referee counted us off, I quickly issued an attack!

Cameron: Swellow, use Aerial Ace!

Swellow flew in loops and air drifts toward Gyarados!

Ethan: Here it comes, Gyarados! Use Ice Fang!

Gyarados coated its canines in ice and charged toward Swellow! Swellow dodged the attack and scored the first hit!

Ethan: Use Dragon Dance!

Gyarados spun in a circle, raising its attack power and speed!

Cameron: Speed for speed! Use Agility!

Swellow flew up and dove down, increasing its speed!

The two Pokémon were facing each other down as Swellow continued to dive!

Ethan: Use Hydro Pump!

Gyarados blasted a heavy torrent of water!

Cameron: Charge straight through it with Brave Bird!

Swellow hammered straight into the Hydro Pump with Brave Bird, knocking Gyarados back!

It's down to one move.

Ethan: Use Hurricane!

Gyarados stirred up a raging hurricane, encasing it and Swellow in the storm!

Swellow began getting thrashed around in the Hurricane, beginning to get dizzy!

Cameron: Don't give up, Swellow! Find a way!

Swellow had an idea: Swellow wildly flapped its wings, kicking up an updraft. Then, its wings started glowing, slashing Gyarados with the updraft! Swellow learned Air Slash!

Once Gyarados was hit, the Hurricane stopped as the two Pokémon stared each other down. We waited for a short 4 minutes until...Swellow collapsed.

Referee: Swellow is unable to battle. Gyarados wins. The match goes to Ethan.

I lost. And it feels amazing! I get to see Ethan again.

We stepped up and shook hands, not only as Trainers, but as old friends.

Cameron: Good luck in the finals.

Ethan: Thanks.

After walking to the others, May and Wally congratulated me for my effort.

May: You did amazing! Your Swellow even learned Air Slash!

Cameron: Thanks, you guys. Where's Brendan?

Wally: He's out at Route 118 studying Pokémon. He'll be back later today.

Cameron: Cool, because I am beat! Let's get a bite, shall we?

We got our lunches out and ate at the Pokémon Center until Brendan got back from his research.

Brendan: Hey, guys! How was the festival?

Cameron: The best!

Wally: I know!

May: We had fun.

Brendan: Well, we ought to turn in tonight. Cameron does have a Gym battle tomorrow.

Cameron: Right! And now that I'm done.

I quickly ran up to the room we rented and got in bed, soon asleep after 15 minutes.

May: That was fast.

Brendan: Agreed.

Wally: Night, everyone!

End of Chapter 28

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