Series 3 Chapter 21: The Mt. Chimney War!

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What we saw was an all out war between Team Magma and Team Aqua! When we came out of the cable car station, we saw everything that occurred between the two groups. At the mountain's summit, Maxie was at a machine with a meteorite inside of it.

A few seconds later, Archie came up and intervened.

Archie: You aren't gonna win this, Maxie! This volcano's eruption is at the hands of Team Aqua!


We have to stop them now!

Cameron: May, Brendan. Do you think you can distract the grunts guarding the machine?

May and Brendan nodded. They sent out their starters and went up the mountain to distract the grunts!

Cameron: Wally, you're with me. We need to stop Maxie and Archie.

Wally: Okay...

Wally was nervous, but agreed. He knew this was a serious task and he can't sit around!

As May and Brendan distracted the grunts by battling them, me and Wally made it to the summit before Maxie could activate the machine!

Turns out, Maxie and Archie are battling too! When they noticed me and Wally, they turned to face us.

Maxie: I knew you meddling kids would intervene.

Archie: You little shrimps are really messing with my head.

Maxie: Fine. We must team up, Archie.

The two leaders have formed a temporary truce to take us down, once and for all!

The two sent out Camerupt and Sharpedo!

I sent in Numel, while Wally sent in his Kirlia!

Maxie: Camerupt, Earth Power at Numel!

Camerupt stomped the ground and created a geyser at Numel!

Wally: Block the attack with Psyshock!

Cameron: Use Take Down at Sharpedo!

Kirlia plugged up Earth Power with Psyshock, while Numel charged toward Sharpedo at high speed.

Archie: Sharpedo, Crunch!

Sharpedo bit Numel after Take Down connected!

Cameron: Numel!

Numel freed itself by blasting lava from its hump, burning Sharpedo! Numel learned Lava Plume!

Wally: Kirlia, use Charge Beam!

Kirlia defeated the weakened Sharpedo with Charge Beam!

All that was left was Camerupt.

Maxie: Camerupt, Earthquake!

Camerupt caused an earthquake from a heavy stomp! The tremor caused Wally to trip off the edge!

Cameron: Wally!

May: Oh no!

Kirlia, Combusken and Marshtomp jumped in to help! When the starters caught Wally, they simultaneously evolved into Blaziken and Swampert respectively!

When a landslide came down, Wally's Kirlia was hit on the head with a mysterious stone. When he touched it, it began to evolve as well. It gained sharp elbows and a tall posture to match.

Wally took out his Pokédex and analyzed his newly evolved partner.

Pokédex: Gallade, the Blade Pokémon. A Psychic- and Fighting-type, and one of the evolved forms of Kirlia. As a master of an elite form of swordsmanship, it extends its elbows in battle and uses them to fight.

Gallade smashed the rocks with its new Close Combat!

Swampert helps out using its new Hydro Cannon!

Blaziken joins in as well using its new Blaze Kick!

May: Great job, you guys!

During the turmoil, I managed to beat Maxie's Camerupt, after Numel used its new Double-Edge!

Maxie was enraged! He lost again to a kid! He called the other grunts and retreated, as well as Archie, who vowed to get us back someday!

May and Brendan were amazed at their newly evolved Pokémon. Wally and Gallade have gained a valiant relationship as well.

After things died down, Steven arrives!

Steven: I heard Teams Magma and Aqua were here at Mt. Chimney! Is everything...

He trailed off as he saw all four of us, worn out from defeating our enemies, and saw that everything was covered.

Cameron: Think you cam take us to Lavaridge Town? We need rest.

Steven: I'm happy to help.

And so, Steven led us down the Jagged Pass to Lavaridge Town. Next morning, things are getting back on track!

End of Chapter 21

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