Series 3 Chapter 34: An Interstellar Arrival!

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After two hours of flying, we reached Mossdeep City. Luckily, we found Wally and filled him in on what happened.

Wally: Cool. Where's Zinnia?

Cameron: She decided to travel around the region herself to develop her skills as a Trainer.

Wally: Fair. On the bright side, you guys stopped Groudon and Kyogre, and Hoenn is safe.

Cameron: And now is the time to earn my seventh badge!

Before I took off, Brendan grabbed me by the collar, easily holding me back.

Brendan: In fact, we should check out the Mossdeep Space Center. That place researches the area of space.

Though I wanted to get my next badge, I did feel curious about the Space Center.

Cameron: Alright. You convinced me. I'm in.

Wally: So am I!

Elaine: May and I are going to have a girls' day out!

May: Have fun, you guys!

We waved each other goodbye and went to our respective destinations.

Once we got into the Space Center, we saw an amazing sight: Monitors of space, scientists examining space rocks, and a photo of a silhouette.

Space Scientist: Oh! Visitors, welcome to the Mossdeep City Space Center. Our research is underway at the moment, but tours are still available.

Cameron: Thanks!

Wally: This place does look interesting.

And so, the scientist took us around the Space Center. The monitoring room shows a satellite on Earth's orbit. While all the neat tech was impressive, there was one thing I was curious about.

Cameron: Excuse me, but do you know about the photo of that silhouette that was taken?

Space Scientist: That photo? After examining it, we theorized that that silhouette is, in fact, a Pokémon!

Brendan: A Pokémon that lives in space? Amazing! I need more details.

Space Scientists: I'm sorry, but that's all we really know. We have no other research on that Pokémon.

Brendan thanked the scientist for answering his question and continued the tour. After an amazing time...

Cameron: Thanks for showing us around. We had a lot of fun!

Space Scientist: Anytime. Come back soon!

We waved goodbye as we left the Space Center. As we walked to the Pokémon Center, I saw that Brendan was visibly lost in thought.

Cameron: You okay, Brendan?

Brendan: I wish I would be able to see that Pokémon. It looks so mysterious, I can't get my mind off it.

Cameron: You are a determined researcher, Brendan. I hope you'll take after Professor Birch. And about that Pokémon, who knows? We may be lucky enough to meet it, let alone battle it.

Brendan: Yeah, you're right. We saved all of Hoenn, after all. We may be as lucky as to see a Pokémon that rare.

Cameron: There's that spirit!

After calling it a night at the Pokémon Center, I was woken up in the middle of the night by Gardevoir. She stared out of the window, completely frozen.

Cameron: Gardevoir? You okay?

Gardevoir gestured me to look out of the window. When I did, I saw a Pokémon with a mysterious body posture. It reminded me of a DNA strand. And it was looking at us!

???: Human. Meet me at the beach, and bring only one Pokémon.

The Pokémon floated to the direction of the beach. I quickly got out of the Pokémon Center and followed the mysterious Pokémon to the beach, bringing Gardevoir along.

After reaching the beach, the Pokémon appeared behind me.

???: I am Deoxys. I came from the outer reaches of space. When I sensed a powerful disturbance at this region, I descended from the stars to investigate. I noticed a great and powerful presence in you, which is why I requested a meeting here.

I nodded as Deoxys examined me.

Deoxys: You are a human with great promise. I shall accept your challenge.

Deoxys just read my mind!

Deoxys shifted to its Attack Forme!

Cameron: Gardevoir, battle time!

Gardevoir took its stance on the beach.

Deoxys created a ball of psychic energy! As it increased in size and power, Gardevoir became more vigilant.

Deoxys soon fired its fully-strengthened Psycho Boost!

Cameron: Dodge it!

Gardevoir danced out of Psycho Boost's path!

Cameron: Use Thunderbolt!

Gardevoir fired a Thunderbolt, but Deoxys shifted to its Defense Forme, withstanding the attack's power!

Deoxys then countered the move back with Mirror Coat, knocking Gardevoir back!

Shifting into its Speed Forme, Deoxys sped over like a bullet with Extreme Speed!

Cameron: Use Double Team!

Gardevoir multiplied itself with Double Team, but Deoxys instantly got rid of the fakes, damaging Gardevoir in the process!

Gardevoir was beginning to get tired, and I needed a plan to turn the battle around. However, the Embrace Pokémon was beginning to bide more power for herself. Once she gained enough, Gardevoir created a psychic bow and fired an pink arrow of fairy energy at Deoxys, heavily damaging it! Gardevoir learned Moonblast!

Deoxys raised its defenses with Cosmic Power!

Cameron: Not yet! Gardevoir, use Moonblast!

Gardevoir repeated its new move, overwhelming the DNA Pokémon!

Deoxys got up and nodded at Gardevoir before returning to the edges of space. I managed to get a quick photo and created a Pokédex entry for it overnight.

The next morning, I woke Brendan up and showed him my newly developed Pokédex entry for Deoxys.

Brendan: Cameron, this is incredible! You saw the space Pokémon! But, where did you get the picture?

I only giggled.

Cameron: A magician never reveals his secrets.

Brendan: So unfair. Anyways, you ready for your Gym battle?

Cameron: You bet! I can't wait to battle the Gym Leader!

Brendan: Let's get everyone else and go.

I am so hyped for my seventh Gym battle in Hoenn! This will be an exciting match!

End of Chapter 34

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