Series 3 Chapter 27: A Weathering Whirlwind!

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We are still on our way Fortree City. After enduring multiple climbs and treks, we stopped at the Weather Institute. Who we saw there were the wrong people.

Cameron: Team Aqua!

One of the grunts heard me! We hastily hid in the tall grass before the grunts could see us.

Wally: Why are they here?

Brendan: They must be after something at the Institute.

Cameron: Really? What could they be after??

May: Who knows? We can find out once we get past these guards.

Luckily, we had a plan. I sneak to the guards and play a prank on them. One of them will believe that one of the others did it and will prank them back, starting a prank war.

Once the diversion went off like a charm, we snuck past them and entered the Weather Institute.

Once we got inside, there were Team Aqua grunts raiding everything!

One grunt soon spotted us!

Grunt: Hey! What are you doing here?

The grunt sent out a Gulpin!

Pokédex: Gulpin, the Stomach Pokémon. A Poison-type. Gulpin's entire body is mostly made of its stomach. The stomach fluid in its body contain special enzymes that can dissolve anything!

Grunt: Gulpin, use Sludge Bomb!

Gulpin fired balls of sludge!

I sent out Camerupt, while May, Brendan and Wally sent out Wynaut, Armaldo, and Altaria respectively!

Cameron: Camerupt, use Earthquake!

Brendan: Armaldo, X-Scissor!

Wally: Altaria, Dragon Pulse!

All three Pokémon executed their moves and scored a direct hit on Gulpin, but the Stomach Pokémon was still going!

Grunt: Use Sludge Bomb on Wynaut!

Gulpin's aimed its Sludge Bomb at May's Wynaut!

May: Wynaut, use Mirror Coat!

Wynaut countered the move back with double the power, defeating Gulpin!

After Gulpin's defeat, May's Wynaut successfully evolved into Wobbuffet!

Pokédex: Wobbuffet, the Patient Pokémon. A Psychic-type. Wobbuffet's main initiative in battle is enduring and countering attacks. When it gets hit on the tail, it prepares to take its opponent with it using Destiny Bond.

Cameron: Nice job, May! You too, Wobbuffet!

Wobbuffet performed the salute posture in accord to my compliment.

Once the grunt was defeated, the others, intimidated by our strength, fled. We went upstairs and saw a woman in a Team Aqua outfit. She had black hair and brown eyes and skin.

Shelly: Who are you? You Trainers won't stop us. I just found some startling research about what we are planning, but that won't stop me from defeating you!

Shelly sent out a Sharpedo!

Before I stepped in, Wally stopped me.

Wally: I'll take this one.

I felt worried, but I agreed to let him battle Shelly. Once the two had enough space, Wally sent out Gallade!

Shelly: Sharpedo, Poison Fang!

Sharpedo steeped its teeth with poison and prepared to bite Gallade! Suddenly, Gallade swiftly scooted to the side!

Shelly: What?!

Wally: Gallade, use Close Combat!

Gallade relentlessly pummeled Sharpedo with Close Combat!

As if in an instant, Sharpedo was defeated!

Shelly, shocked by her sudden and immediate loss, returned her Pokémon.

Shelly: Retreat!

Shelly, along with the rest of the grunts in the room, ran away!

Cameron: Wally, that was amazing!

Brendan: Did you really manage a win like that?

Wally: I...guess I did. Even I was amazed. Me and my Pokémon constantly trained, because we want to be as strong as you three.

Cameron: If so, that training is paying off. Keep up the good work!

Wally blushed at my compliment.

The researchers suddenly came out of hiding and thanked us for saving the Institute.

Researcher: Thank you so much for driving away those thugs! They were looking for the main aspect for our weather research.

Cameron: About that...what is it you guys are researching for weather?

Researcher: I'm glad you asked.

The researchers showed us the main pinnacle of their meteorology research: A Pokémon called Castform.

Pokédex: Castform, the Weather Pokémon. A Normal-type. Castform's ability can change its form during rain, snow, and sun. Upon that, the Pokémon's feelings change as well.

Researcher: As the Pokédex stated, Castform can change form in the weather, making it the very pinnacle of our research. We were so caught up, poor Castform never saw the world outside the Institute, so we would like you to take Castform along for your adventure.

Wally: I can take Castform.

Cameron: Cool. Me, May and Brendan have full teams, so Castform is all yours.

Wally gracefully accepted Castform, receiving its Poké Ball from the researchers.

Researcher: Come back anytime.

Cameron: We will. Thank you!

We all waved goodbye to the researchers as we continued our journey to Fortree City.

Along the way, I was lost in thought.

Brendan: What's up?

Cameron: It's about Teams Magma and Aqua. What could these guys be planning, especially when it comes to raiding a museum, a manufacturing company, and a research institute?

May: Who knows? It may not be even the last time we see those goons.

Cameron: I hope not...

End of Chapter 27

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