Series 4 Chapter 32: The Galactic Showdown! Part 3: Renegade

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I looked around the mysterious world. I can't believe Cyrus was here.

Cynthia: We'd better find Cyrus. The Pokémon may know about our presence by now.

And so, we pressed on into the Distortion World. The platforms were so confusing, I nearly fell, and Ambipom had to save more than five times!

Halfway through, I felt a shadow pass nearby, giving me chills.

Cynthia: You okay?

I nodded to reassure her.

Cameron: Just a little chilly. We better keep moving, though.

We kept on exploring the mysterious world as we looked for Cyrus. When we stepped onto another platform, we saw him! He sat at the edge of a cliff, overjoyed.

Cyrus: Finally.... I have a new world. Free of emotions. Free of malice. Free of tarnished content.

Cameron: Cyrus.

Cyrus turned to us, angry.

Cyrus: And then there's you. You've ruined all my other plans just to keep me in that garbage heap of a world! Don't you want to do something about the malice in that world.

Cameron: Yes. I plan to keep on being a good Trainer, as well as a good person. As long as I do that, the world may eventually become a better place.

Cyrus was unconvinced.

Cyrus: Get out of here. I'm finally in the world I desired for so long. I don't want you ruining my plans any longer!

I looked in both pity and regret. Not only pity in Cyrus, but regret in my decision.

Cameron: I guess some people never change....

Before we turned to leave, however, the Pokémon appeared at the edge of the platform. Once it was in full view, I finally viewed its data on the Pokédex.

Pokédex: Giratina, the Renegade Pokémon. A Ghost- and Dragon-type. Since the beginning of time, Giratina was banished into a distorted dimension for its destructive nature.

Giratina continued to stare at us in a sinister way. It raised its six tentacles and prepared a Shadow Ball!

Cameron: Ambipom, let's go!

Cynthia: Spiritomb, go!

Our Pokémon were facing off against a powerful Legendary Pokémon! We needed to be careful if we had to drive it away!

Cameron: Ambipom, Dual Chop!

Cynthia: Spiritomb, Dark Pulse!

Ambipom's tails became riddled in draconic power as it pounded off Giratina's attacks. Giratina was soon hit underneath by Spiritomb's Dark Pulse!

Cynthia: Use Hypnosis!

Spiritomb put Giratina to sleep with Hypnosis!

Cynthia: It's asleep. We need to get out while we still can.

When we turned around, Cyrus was gone.

Cameron: I hope you realize your mistakes, Cyrus.

We ran all the way back to the portal before Giratina woke up. When we emerged, the others were relieved. They were a little worried about my despondent face, but I dropped the topic immediately.

Cameron: Well, Giratina's asleep. We should close the portal while we still can.

Dialga, Palkia and the Lake Guardians prepared to close the portal to the Distortion World. However, Giratina appeared and attacked us! Pikachu fell off my shoulder and to the ground!

Giratina attempted to attack Pikachu!

Cameron: I'm coming, Pikachu!

Pikachu ran toward me as well!

Giratina continued its reign of terror as it kept striking blow after blow! We luckily avoided them and came together!

Cameron: I'm so glad you're okay!

Pikachu nodded and set herself back on my shoulder.

However, Giratina refused to give up and tried to attack again! Luckily, Dialga attacked from above with Flash Cannon, as well as Palkia with Hydro Pump, forcing it back onto the Distortion World and closing the portal, thus ending the chaos once and for all!

Cameron: That was close! If we were prepared, we'd definitely be able to drive it off!

Pikachu agreed with me, settling into my bag to sleep.

Cameron: Sweet dreams, gal pal.

With Giratina and Cyrus gone, Dialga and Palkia began to disappear.

Cameron: Thank you, Dialga and Palkia!

Elaine: Be safe!

The two Legendary Pokémon disappeared from the Spear Pillar, and the Lake Guardians flew back to their respective homes.

I looked in at the beautiful view of Sinnoh.

Cameron: Man, am I not gonna forget this view.

Riley: Enjoying the sights?

Cameron: Yeah. At least, while I still can. I have only one Gym Badge left before the Sinnoh League.

Elaine: After that, we have to go home.

Dawn: It's no big deal! We'll keep on having amazing adventures while we still can!

I sent out Infernape.

Cameron: Congrats to your as well for evolving, Infernape. How are you liking it?

Infernape grinned from ear to ear, enjoying its increased speed!

After checking out the view for a while, we moved on get to Sunyshore City.

Our adventure together is reaching its end. Let the adventures commence!

End of Chapter 32

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