Series 3 Chapter 18: The Brutality of the Winstrate Family!

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Halfway towards the desert patch of Route 111, we came across a house, where a family of Pokémon Trainers were battling each other. The man and woman were using a Linoone and a Meditite respectively. The girl and the old lady were using an Azurill and a Camerupt respectively.

When the battles were finished, the two girls' Pokémon evolved. When the family noticed us, they returned their Pokémon and walked to greet us.

Mr. Winstrate: Hey, you guys! You saw us training?

All four of us nodded, mostly at a loss for words.

Mrs. Winstrate: We're the Winstrates, a family of Pokémon Trainers who seek strength. We also have a challenge for any Trainers who wish to battle. Would you like to take on the Winstrates' Battle Challenge?

Me and Wally were psyched, but May and Brendan were unresponsive.

Vicky: Okay, Brendan, you're with my son. May, my daughter-in-law. Cameron, with me. And Wally...

Wally became tense at her pause.

Vicky: You're with her.

Vicky pointed to the Winstrate's young daughter.

Wally nodded valiantly!

Mr. Winstrate smiled and started off the battles. First was Wally and the little lady Winstrate. Her Marill proved to be tough, but Wally and his Roselia managed to win! Next was Brendan and Mr. Winstrate. Brendan used his Zigzagoon, while Mr. Winstrate used Linoone. Brendan fought his hardest, including his Zigzagoon evolving into Linoone and learning Slash, but ultimately lost to his opponent. Then, it was May and Mrs. Winstrate's turn. May's Carvanha was in a tough spot against Medicham, but evolved into Sharpedo and turned the tides, taking the win! Finally, it was my match against the Winstrate's grandmother, Vicky.

Vicky sent a confident smile and sent out her Camerupt.

I sent out Swellow. Speed against strength is a good strategy.

Vicky: Camerupt, use Fire Blast!

Camerupt initiated a Fire Blast!

Cameron: Dodge it with Aerial Ace!

Swellow stylishly flew and avoided the Fire Blast, sending its own attack return!

Vicky: Use Take Down!

Camerupt charged forward with Take Down!

Cameron: Brave Bird!

Swellow enveloped itself in a yellow streak and charged forward as well!

Swellow blindsided Camerupt and swooped in its Brave Bird, dealing heavy damage!

Vicky: Use Rock Slide!

Camerupt used a Rock Slide!

Cameron: Smash the rocks with Reversal!

Swellow illuminated its wings in red as it swung forward, destroying the rocks.

Cameron: Brave Bird!

Vicky: Fire Blast!

The two initiated their attacks and created an explosion upon the moves' impact! We both waited for the outcome, and when the smoke subsided, both Swellow and Camerupt were down. The battle was a tie!

All four Winstrates were impressed with us and encouraged us to keep training. We thanked them for the battle and continued on.

Once we reached the desert nearby, we heard a soprano voice. Was that...

Cameron: Singing?

We looked into the desert ahead and felt hypnotically allured to the voice. We all walked into the desert, unresponsive.

To be Continued...

End of Chapter 18

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