Series 4 Chapter 14: The Curse of the Forbidden Pokémon!

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At Route 209, I felt uneasy after my nightmare. The others have tried to lighten the mood.

Elaine:, what's been going on? You've been quiet ever since we left Hearthome City.

Cameron: I...don't really want to talk about it.

However, Riley's Lucario read me through its Aura, seeing right through me. After that, Lucario gave the information to its Trainer.

Riley: You had a nightmare. About a Pokémon that was bound to a stone. Is that it?

I was heavily shocked! I turned and shared the events of my nightmare to everyone.

Cameron: I feel like I remember that Pokémon. I don't know, but I want to find out more.

Dawn: Don't worry! We're here to help!

As I described the Pokémon in my dream, Dawn was pretty surprised of the outcome.

Dawn: I read about this in Professor Rowan's lab. The Pokémon you described is called Spiritomb.

Cameron: Spiritomb?

Dawn: It was known as the Forbidden Pokémon. It was sealed away in a fissure after performing heinous deeds 500 years ago. A keystone was a main source to release Spiritomb. Maybe...we can find out more about it if we release it.

Cameron: Where are we going to find it?

Dawn: Easy.

Dawn pointed to a large tower.

Riley: That's the Lost Tower. Ghost-type Pokémon are very common there.

Cameron: Are you sure we should search there?

Elaine: That place reminds me of Pokémon Tower...

Cheryl: It doesn't look very safe.

Dawn: Of course! If the keystone is in there, we will definitely search the Lost Tower!

And so, we all entered the Lost Tower. Once we did, a cold, cold air gave me a devastating chill.... I was more nervous about this place than my nightmare!

Dawn: Let's start looking. We can split up and search each floor. Good luck.

As we searched the entire floor for the keystone, I started to feel substantially weak. I wasn't hungry or dehydrated, but something else was ultimately at play...

After a little while, the keystone wasn't anywhere in the floor. So we decided to go upstairs. When I took the first step, I nearly fell before Elaine caught me!

Elaine: Are you alright?

Cameron: I'm fine. I'm just a little dazed, but I can keep going. I want to find out more about that keystone.

Elaine was concerned, but she agreed. As we looked around, I began to feel weaker and weaker. Someone or something is doing this to me, I don't know what or who is at play! I needed to take a rest.

When I turned to leave, I hit an invisible barrier! I couldn't escape!

Cameron: Uh, guys? We're trapped...

Cheryl: Really?

Cheryl put her hand out, but nothing was there.

Cameron: But...

Cheryl: Maybe your uneasiness is making you stress out.

Just as Cheryl reassured me, Dawn found the keystone!

Dawn: I found it!

Just as she did, the tower went dark. Ghost-type Pokémon have taken charge!

A Dusclops appeared and tried to attack us! However, Piplup jumped out and protected me!

Other Ghost Pokémon were attacking us! Dawn sent out Drifblim, Elaine sent out Buizel, and Cheryl used Gar.

Riley took out one of the Pokémon with Lucario's Dark Pulse!

Cameron: I may be ill, but I won't sit by! Piplup, use Water Pulse!

Piplup fired a Water Pulse, confusing the Dusclops that attacked me!

Cameron: Now, use Peck!

Piplup charged in with Peck, becoming enveloped in a bright light. Its flippers became sharper and gained a crest on its head as it grew taller and thinner. Piplup evolved into Prinplup!

Pokédex: Prinplup, the Penguin Pokémon. A Water-type, and the evolved form of Piplup. Prinplup's flippers are very sharp, able to slice through fully grown trees. Prinplup will commonly live a very solitary life in the wild.

Prinplup nodded and showed off its new move, Metal Claw, by defeating a Duskull with it!

Cameron: Good job, Prinplup! Use Metal Claw!

Prinplup took out another round of Ghost Pokémon with Metal Claw, driving them away!

Though we managed to get rid of the ghosts, I fainted from my condition.

Almost two hours later, I woke up at a Day Care Center. Dawn sat nearby.

Dawn: Cameron! You're up!

Cameron: Yeah. What happened? Where are we?

Dawn: We're at Solaceon Town. We decided to go the rest of the way to find help for you.

Cameron: Thanks, Dawn. And I'm sorry. We lost the keystone.

Dawn: I should be saying that. You were uneasy and I didn't support your decision. I'm really sorry.

Cameron: It's cool. At least, we can explore the town and see what it has to offer.

Dawn: Yeah. Let's.

Pikachu jumped onto my lap and cuddled me to help me feel better.

Cameron: Thanks to you too, Pikachu. You caring is just what I need to get back on my feet.

Pikachu nodded and cuddled me even more, accidentally zapping me when her cheeks conducted electricity from the friction!

End of Chapter 14

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