Series 4 Chapter 38: Grimsley, the Master of Darkness from Unova!

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As morning dawns, it was finally time for my semifinal match. Once I got onto the battlefield, I saw my opponent. He wore a jacket with a yellow scarf. He had a Unovan Pokémon by his side.

Cameron: It's time.

The Trainer was tossing a coin as he took his spot on the battlefield.

Grimsley: Hello, young Trainer. I heard you're from the Kanto region. I can't wait to see how you battle.

The match was one-on-one. Grimsley sent out a Tyranitar!

Cameron: Ambipom, let's go!

Ambipom jumped around, showing its excitement to battle!

Grimsley: An Ambipom? I'll take care of it easily. Tyranitar, Ice Fang!

Tyranitar readied an Ice Fang!

Cameron: Dodge it and use Dual Chop!

Ambipom avoided Ice Fang and scored the first hit with Dual Chop!

Grimsley: That Ambipom is strong. Use Stone Edge!

Ambipom's speed wasn't faltered as it dodged Stone Edge as well!

Cameron: Focus Punch!

Grimsley: Dragon Claw!

The two Pokémon engaged in hand-to-hand combat, striking each other at any spotted opening!

Grimsley: This will leave you darkened! Stealth Rock!

Tyranitar laid invisible rocks around Ambipom in a circle. When it took a step, Ambipom was struck by a rock!

Cameron: Watch your back!

Ambipom walked slowly, watching for any sign of another Stealth Rock hitting.

Grimsley: You can't avoid Stealth Rock. It will leave you defeated!

I had an idea after Grimsley's statement. If I can't avoid it, I can use it to my advantage!

Cameron: Keep watch, Ambipom! I have an idea!

Ambipom kept walking until it triggered another Stealth Rock! Time to put my plan in motion!

Cameron: Jump once it appears, then break it apart with Double Hit!

Ambipom jumped once the Stealth Rock appeared and smashed it!

Cameron: Now throw the shards at Tyranitar!

Ambipom used its tails to fling the shards at Tyranitar! Tyranitar was hit little by little by the fragments of rock!

Grimsley: Your strategy is good, but not enough! Use Stone Edge!

Cameron: Ambipom!

Ambipom started emitting electricity and bided it into a bolt of energy! Ambipom learned Thunderbolt!

Ambipom's Thunderbolt heavily damaged Tyranitar!

Cameron: It all comes down to this! Use Focus Punch!

Grimsley: Use Dragon Claw!

The two Pokémon engaged in a final clash! The attacks resulted in a simultaneous hit, knocking both Pokémon down! We both waited for our Pokémon to get back on their feet. Ambipom and Tyranitar raced to get up, but Ambipom was too tired to move. Grimsley won the battle.

I was a little disheartened, but I thanked Ambipom for the battle before returning it to its Poké Ball.

Grimsley: You are impressive, but you'll need loads of work to beat me. In fact, why not head to Unova someday. You may learn a whole lot from there.

Cameron: Thanks for the advice.

Me and Grimsley concluded out conversation with a light nod before going our separate ways.

The others were waiting for me when I returned from the battlefield.

Dawn: Sorry you lost...

Elaine: It's a real bummer you got beat.

Riley: Are you alright?

Cameron: Don't worry, guys! I take losses by stride, so I'm okay.

I walked out of the stadium as the others watched. Sure, I was disappointed, but even if I lose, I'll always find a way to bring up my spirits.

After today, we all sat together with our Pokémon as we prepared to plan our next adventures.

Cameron: Since I'm disqualified, me and Elaine should get back home.

Dawn: Really?

Elaine: Yeah. Our ferry shouldn't be arriving until tomorrow.

Riley: Then we should do one last surprised for you both tomorrow morning.

Cameron: What do you have in mind?

Riley: You'll see.

I wonder what Riley is planning for us when we leave....

End of Chapter 38

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