Ch. 8: The Tomboyish Mermaid!

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Cameron: Come on everyone! Let's see your strength!

I was at Route 24, training up my team for the next Gym Battle. Everyone is growing exceptionally well. Though I'm excited to use my new Charmander, I can't be compelled to, due to Cerulean's Gym using Water-types. Though I'm sad Charmander can't experience his first battle immediately, he can at least be a last resort if the battle is getting troubling.

I helped everyone practiced their moves together.

First, Pikachu, who recently learned Headbutt.

Second, Butterfree, who learned Bug Buzz.

Third, Bulbasaur, who didn't learn any moves yet.

And finally, Charmander. Though his Fire-type moves will be potentially thwarted, his Scratch and Dragon Rage can be useful.

After a short and powerful pep talk, I caught up with Elaine, who was shopping, and made our way to Cerulean City's Pokémon Gym.

Once we got in, I saw the entire Gym was a giant pool. It did have a bit of a humid atmosphere. I gestured Elaine to the spectators' seats as I made my way to the Gym Leader. She was upbeat and looked as if was ready to wash me out of the door if she had the chance.

Misty: Hey there, Trainer! Welcome to my Gym. I knew you may have been something else once you stepped in here. So... You're itching for a battle?

Cameron: Yep! I'm ready for you, Misty!

Misty: We'll see about that...

With one screwball throw, her first Pokémon, Psyduck, was at the field.

Cameron: Go for glory, Pikachu!

Pikachu jumped from my shoulder as she landed in a battle posture.

Cameron: Use Thunder Shock!

Pikachu quickly fired a Thunder Shock, but...

Misty: Use Hydro Pump!

Psyduck blasted a powerful torrent of water from its mouth. Pikachu was blasted back to my side, completely wet.

Cameron: You okay?

Pikachu replied as it shook itself off.

Cameron: Alright, I'm glad you're fine. Ready to go?

Pikachu bravely replied in a readying tone.

Cameron: Use Headbutt!

Pikachu shot forward toward Psyduck, ready to slam into her opponent headfirst!

Misty: Psyduck, Confusion!

The Psyduck generated psychic power and lifted Pikachu up in the air.

Misty: Drop it down!

Psyduck forcefully dropped Pikachu back onto the field. Pikachu began to lose its temper, so I needed to calm it down. Before I could do so, Pikachu jumped up and fired a powerful shock of electricity at Psyduck.

Misty: Psyduck, watch out!

Psyduck was too late as the shock hit Psyduck. A super-effective win!

Cameron: Wow. That was more powerful than your Thunder Shock.

Elaine: That's because Pikachu learned Thunderbolt!!

Once I heard her voice, I turned and saw Elaine standing from her seat as she rooted for me.

Cameron: Cool.

Misty: Hmph! Lucky shot.

Misty sent out her last Pokémon, Starmie.

Cameron: Pikachu, want to keep going?

Pikachu shook her head as she expressed her complete fatigue from the last battle and using her new Thunderbolt move. Pikachu walked back to my side and laid down.

Cameron: Okay, as long as she's resting, that's good. Okay, here I come!

My next Pokémon sent out was... Charmander!

Misty: Tough move, kid. Starmie, use Water Pulse!

Starmie created a pulsating torrent of water and lauched it at Charmander.

Cameron: Charmander, Dragon Rage!

Charmander fired a bluish-white ball of draconic energy at the direction of the oncoming Water Pulse.

Misty: Rapid Spin!

Cameron: Scratch!

As Charmander charged forward with its claws out, Starmie started spinning in a horizontal motion. As both moves clashed, Charmander kept its pace with Starmie on tight edges.

Cameron: Fire Fang!

Charmander fired up its teeth and went toward Starmie head-on!

Misty: Water Pulse!

The Water Pulse hit Charmander as it got close, resulting in an explosion.

As the smoke cleared, Charmander laid face-down, completely beaten.

Cameron: Thanks, Charmander. Take all the rest you need.

Returning Charmander to its Poké Ball, I sent out Bulbasaur. I knew the battle would be evenly matched, due to Starmie's Psychic-type end against Bulbasaur's Poison-type end.

Misty: Starmie, Psychic!

Cameron: Dodge it, Bulbasaur!

After Bulbasaur dodged an oncoming Psychic...

Cameron: Use Seed Bomb!

Bulbasaur fired seed-like projectiles from its bulb at Starmie!

Misty: Rapid Spin!

Once Starmie started spinning, the seeds bounced around the Gym as the spectators ducked from them.

Cameron: Bulbasaur, grab a seed with your vines!

Bulbasaur caught a seed with its vines and swung around from side to side. Starmie's Rapid Spin was interrupted as the seed hit it, exploding on impact!

The explosion left Starmie fainted.

Cameron: We did it, Bulba-

I stopped mid-sentence as Bulbasaur was enveloped in a bright light. It slightly grew, with its bulb gaining small leaves. It evolved into Ivysaur!

Cameron: Good job, Ivysaur.

Ivysaur replied happily!

Misty: Wow! You really blew me away! You earned the Cascade Badge.

Cameron: Thanks, Misty.

Misty: No problem. Just doing my job as Gym Leader, after all.

As we exited the Gym, Elaine and Evo congratulated me and my Pokémon for winning the battle.

Elaine: You got your second Gym Badge!

Cameron: Two down, six to go.

Elaine: Ready to relax?

Cameron: Yep!

I can't wait for more battles in the future, especially for my newly evolved Ivysaur!

End of Chapter 8

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