Series 4 Chapter 16: A Galactic Revelation!

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Veilstone City was nice and well by the time we arrived. People were walking around, some heading to the Dept. Store, and others heading home or out of town.

We stopped at a Pokémon Center to rest off the trek.

Cameron: What a walk!

The only one who wasn't tired was my Prinplup! It wanted to battle more often, and got a little insistent when we stopped to rest.

Prinplup kept sharpening its battle style by slashing in circles with Metal Claw!

Cameron: Okay, I guess a little training would do nicely.

I got up as everyone else rested to go back to Route 210 and train my team. On my way out, I saw the spiky blue-haired man again. He stood as Team Galactic Grunts were setting up a mysterious machine.

Grunt: Sir Cyrus, all the generators are running. The ESD is ready for use.

Cyrus: Excellent.

He is the leader of Team Galactic!

Before I could leave, two Grunts were behind me and tried to pin me down! I luckily bolted from them before they grabbed me and sent out Murkrow!

Cameron: Murkrow, we have to stop them! Use Steel Wing on that machine!

Before Murkrow could destroy the machine, a Honchkrow appeared and slammed him away!

Pokédex: Honchkrow, the Big Boss Pokémon. A Dark- and Flying-type, and the evolved form of Murkrow. Honchkrow sends its underlings to take down an opponent. It will only include itself when the opponent is at its limit.

Cyrus walked over to his Honchkrow and blocked the machine.

Cyrus: You. I heard about you from my Commanders. You sure love to meddle in our affairs, don't you?

Cameron: I have to! Whatever you built, it could endanger the lives of so many people and Pokémon in this town. I won't let you activate it!

Cyrus pulled an irritated look at me. Then he decided a proposition.

Cyrus: We battle. One-on-one. If you win, we'll stop the device. If I win, you walk away and stop meddling. Deal?

It was a tough proposition, but I knew I couldn't afford to lose. So, I agreed to his terms.

Cyrus sent his Honchkrow to battle!

Cameron: Good luck, Murkrow!

Murkrow nodded and took off!

Cameron: Use Drill Peck!

Murkrow charged in with Drill Peck!

Cyrus: Sucker Punch.

Honchkrow struck Murkrow before Drill Peck landed with Sucker Punch!

Cameron: Night Shade!

Murkrow fired a Night Shade!

Cyrus: Use Night Shade as well!

Murkrow's Night Shade was overwhelmed by Honchkrow's, causing the Darkness Pokémon to get slammed to the ground!

Murkrow luckily broke free and flew back to my side.

Cyrus: Honchkrow is very powerful. You might as well forfeit.

Cameron: Not on my watch, I will!

Murkrow, inspired by my drive to battle, flew into my bag and pulled out the stone he gave me when we first met. As Murkrow held the stone, it became enveloped in a bright light! Its wings grew larger and gained a bulky body composition. Murkrow evolved into a Honchkrow itself!

Cyrus: What?!

Cameron: Oh, I see. That stone you gave me was a Dusk Stone. You decided to evolve to get a tougher edge on Cyrus! Great job!

Honchkrow nodded and took off once more! Before Cyrus's Honchkrow could attack, my Honchkrow's wings became riddled with light blue slashes and struck the other Honchkrow down! Honchkrow learned Night Slash!

Cyrus, visibly disappointed for his loss, simply turned away.

Cyrus: Since you won, I'll stop it.

However, Cyrus activated the device instead, beginning to siphon electricity from Veilstone City!

Cameron: Cacnea, go!

Cacnea jumped toward the device!

Cameron: Needle Arm!

Cacnea smashed the machine with Needle Arm!

Cyrus: No! You meddling mouse! You will face the wrath of Team Galactic if you return! Heed my warning!

After that, Cyrus stormed off, and the Grunts followed!

Cameron: We did it! Great job, Cacnea and Honchkrow!

Both Pokémon rejoiced in our victory!

Cameron: And don't worry, Prinplup. Tomorrow's Gym Battle will be your chance to shine!

Prinplup was excited for the battle, so it dragged me back to the Pokémon Center to rest for the night. Since it was so excited for the match, I planned to let Prinplup go first. I can't wait for how this next battle will play out!

End of Chapter 16

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