Series 4 Chapter 22: The Legend of Time and Space! Part 1

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As we arrived in Celestic Town, I was ready to find the woman that Riley mentioned. However, how am I going to find her?

Elaine: Wow. Celestic Town is so peaceful. I never saw a view this amazing!

Cameron: You can say that again.

When we stepped into town, an elderly woman appeared out of nowhere and surprised us!

???: Why, hello. I was expecting you.

Cameron: Really?

???: No! Despite my reputation, I am as average as every other person in Sinnoh!

Cameron: Sorry! We didn't-

The woman laughed, amused at my reaction.

Wilma: I am amused at your humorous reaction, young man. I am Wilma. I am willing to train you and your Pokémon to strengthen their bonds. Are you ready?

Cameron: Yes.

Wilma fitted me with padded armor, strong enough to withstand a Pokémon's attacks!

Wilma: To know your Pokémon in battle, you need to know how hard they hit. All six of your Pokémon will send the toughest moves in their arsenal toward you. All you need to do is stand your ground and copy your Pokémon's movements.

Cameron: Okay.

Pikachu was up first. She gave a tough hit with Quick Attack! I ran with Pikachu for a little before letting Prinplup go next. Its Water Pulse instantly drenched me. Next, Monferno and I practiced over Mach Punch, and caused Monferno to learn Close Combat! Next, Cacnea pulled a flurry of Needle Arms so much, I was completely dizzy from the limitless impacts! Then, Honchkrow practiced using Dark Pulse, gaining more power within its Dark-type moves!

Finally, Staravia was the last to go up. She became nervous when she readied an attack.

Cameron: It's okay, Staravia. This armor's tough enough to withstand a strong move, so go wild!

Staravia shot ahead using Take Down! However, before the hit could land, Staravia was hit by a Sludge Bomb!

Saturn: Good job, Toxicroak. Your power is surely unwavering.

Cameron: Staravia!

Staravia was struggling to stay up after that blind strike. She was poisoned, and needed help!

Saturn: If you intervene again, Team Galactic will unfold their wrath upon miscreants like you.

Cameron: Whatever you are looking for, I won't let you get it!

I quickly healed Staravia with an Antidote as the Starling Pokémon took off toward Toxicroak!

Saturn: Hm. Use Brick Break.

Toxicroak prepared a Brick Break!

Cameron: Use Aerial Ace!

Staravia avoided the Fighting-type attack and scored a hit with Aerial Ace!

Saturn: Grunts, get the artifacts. I'll deal with this little brat.

Luckily, Cynthia appeared before Saturn could call another attack!

Cynthia: Garchomp, Draco Meteor!

Garchomp dropped an army of meteors upon Team Galactic! The Grunts went inside the cave in the middle of town!

Cynthia: Hurry to the cave! I'll deal with them!

Riley: I'm coming with you, Cameron!

Me and Riley quickly rushed to the cave, where Cyrus had picked up two mysterious stones.

Cyrus: Finally, the Adamant Orb and the Lustrous Orb. They are mine at last. My goal for a new world will soon begin!

Cameron: Not by a long shot, Cyrus!

Cyrus turned to me and Riley as he gave the orbs to the Grunts, who quickly escaped with them!

Riley and Lucario quickly followed!

Cyrus: Finally. I was wanting to get you alone.

Cameron: For what?

Cyrus: You've become a frequent pest in the efforts of Team Galactic. I won't let you ruin my plans again. Therefore, I challenge you to a rematch.

Cameron: What?

Cyrus: It will be a Double Battle. Once I win, your friends will be captured and taken care of when I give the word.

Cameron: You can't?!

Cyrus: I will. Accept my terms?

I had no other choice. My friends were at stake, so...

Cameron: I accept your challenge, Cyrus.

End of Chapter 22

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