Series 4 Chapter 28: An Act of Selflessness Toward Another!

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After crossing Route 216, we arrived at Route 217. It was covered in chest deep snow.

Cameron: This is it.

Riley: There is blizzard setting in. We need to hurry so we can reach Snowpoint City.

As we walked through the frigid route, I saw something from the corner of my eye. I stopped abruptly as I noticed.

Elaine: Are you alright?

Cameron: Something's wrong over there.

As I walked slowly to the spot, I saw Lucas and Aipom again. Lucas was definitely upset, but more than ever!

Lucas: I've been losing so many battles because of you! I'm done! And don't even bother following. I don't need you!

Aipom was shocked at Lucas's words as the boy walked away. Aipom was released....

I felt so bad for Aipom, I walked over to comfort it.

When it saw me, Aipom jumped back in fear!

Cameron: Whoa, wait! It's okay.

Aipom was too anxious to listen and ran away!

Cameron: Aipom, wait!

I quickly ran to find Aipom, leaving everyone else behind.

Elaine: Cameron, stop!

I ran and ran until I reached another large lake. I read a nearby sign, identifying the area as the Acuity Lakefront.

Cameron: Lake Acuity.

Nearby, I heard whining near the trees. I walked over and found Aipom, shivering from the cold.

Cameron: Aipom.

Aipom jumped and tried to run again!

Cameron: Wait! I just wanted to help you. If you don't want it, I can take a hint.

I sat under the tree as Pikachu settled into my lap. Soon after, I drifted to sleep. Almost half an hour later, I woke up to not only Pikachu in my lap, but Aipom on my head.

I felt its body and noticed its dropping temperature! It needed help!

As I got up, Pikachu hopped back onto my shoulder. I ran, desperately looking for help, until I ran into the others!

Cameron: Guys! I'm sorry I left, but Aipom needs help! Its body temperature is dropping, and we need to get to a Pokémon center!

Dawn: Don't worry.

Riley: We forgive you. You were just trying to help Aipom.

Elaine: Snowpoint City is just half a mile south. Let's hurry!

Together, we all ran to Snowpoint City. It would be nice to see the sights, but Aipom came first!

We quickly rushed into the Pokémon Center and placed Aipom on the desk.

Cameron: Nurse Joy! We need help!

Nurse Joy: What's happening?

Cameron: This Aipom is losing heat! Can you help it?

Nurse Joy: I will! Just leave it to me! Blissey, come help!

Nurse Joy's Blissey ran over with a small stretcher. After placing Aipom on it, she rushed into the hall!

Dawn: We did it.

Elaine: It's lucky we did.

Riley: Now that Aipom is safe...

Riley trailed off as he saw me, heavily worried for the Long Tail Pokémon.

Riley: ...let's stay and wait for Aipom.

Dawn and Elaine were confused at first, but after looking at me, they understood. And so, we waited at the Pokémon Center for Aipom's recovery. We all talked, ate, and played games together. After spending what felt like an endless night, Nurse Joy came to inform us of Aipom.

Nurse Joy: I've done it! I managed to raise most of Aipom's body temperature. But it still needs a little time, so bear with me.

Cameron: Okay. Thanks a lot, Nurse Joy.

Nurse Joy: I'm just doing my job.

Nurse Joy was soon back to work as she and her Blissey tended to Pokémon belonging to other Trainers. We decided to help her out to pass some extra time. Some time later, Barry came in.

Barry: Oh, hey, Cameron! What brings you working here?

Cameron: Oh, just passing time. Come for the Gym?

Barry: Yeah. My team has gone through a wind of training, and we're all ready.

Cameron: Then, good luck to you, Barry!

After Barry left, Nurse Joy called us over.

Nurse Joy: Aipom is officially healthy. Thank you for your help and kindness. It means a lot to me and Blissey.

Cameron: It's no problem. We just wanted to help out and get things done.

Nurse Joy: Do you want to see Aipom now?

I nodded. Nurse Joy opened the door and gestured me inside. Aipom was sad but content.

Cameron: Hi, Aipom. Are you alright?

Aipom stayed quiet, unsure of the answer.

Cameron: Need some time to yourself?

Aipom refused and grabbed my shirt, forcing me to stay. I stayed with Aipom for a little before taking it outside.

Cameron: Well, I guess you should go now. Be careful, Aipom.

Aipom soon left after I put it down. I felt a little unhappy, but relieved. Before I turned to leave for the Gym, Aipom came back, hugging my face!

Cameron: Aipom? What are you doing?

Aipom looked at me with a high desire. It wanted to join my team!

Cameron: Really? Are you sure?

Aipom nodded. As I took out a Poké Ball, I tossed it, landing on Aipom's head. After three small vibrations, the catch was successful!

Cameron: Glad to have you, Aipom.

Riley: However, you have seven Pokémon. You need a free space to add Aipom to your team.

We soon got back to the Pokémon Center and, after calling Professor Oak, sent Honchkrow to the corral and added Aipom to my team!

Cameron: Welcome to the group, little Aipom!

Aipom delightfully jumped onto my other shoulder and joined the ride with Pikachu. Aipom's silliness caused me to chuckle.

Now, with Aipom by my side, I'm ready for anything the world throws at me!

End of Chapter 28

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