Ch. 15: The Struggles of a Parent!

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It was about an hour after we entered Rock Tunnel, and we still haven't found a way out. Elaine tried looking for an exit using her new Farfetch'd, but found nothing to no avail.

Cameron: We need something to help us out of here.

After thinking over ideas, Elaine spoke up. She stated that I could catch a Pokémon that knows the cave well, and would be willing to lead us to the exit.

After Elaine and I searched the cave, we found an incredibly rare Pokémon in the area: the Parent Pokémon Kangaskhan.

Cameron: A Kangaskhan!

Elaine: Look!

Out of nowhere, Team Rocket has come to Rock Tunnel!

Grunt: You're coming with us, Kangaskhan.

When one of the Grunts takes Kangaskhan's baby in a pinch, it got angry!


The mother used Outrage, attacking everything in sight!

I needed to calm her down!

Cameron: Elaine, get the baby back! I'll try and pacify the mother.

Elaine: Ok. Good luck!

Elaine ran towards the Grunts as I sent out Charmeleon to subdue Kangaskhan, in any way I possibly can.

Cameron: Use Metal Claw!

Charmeleon rushed towards the enraged mother, readying a Metal Claw!

The Kangaskhan retaliated using Mega Punch!

Cameron: Look out!

Charmeleon dodged the Mega Punch and raked Kangaskhan with Metal Claw!

The mother started using Reversal, but was a bit held back in damage due to Kangaskhan still able to keep going.

Cameron: Brick Break!

Charmeleon jumped in for a swift chop,  but Kangaskhan tried to shake him off! Once it did, it attacked Charmeleon with Hyper Beam!

Cameron: Charmeleon!

Charmeleon broke free of the Hyper Beam, but started falling when it passed out. I tried to wake Charmeleon up by yelling to it. Charmeleon suddenly jumped awake, enveloping itself in a bright light. It fell a bit slower, gaining large and powerful wings! It evolved into Charizard!

Cameron: Wow.

Charizard began throwing punches, until they got coated in electricity. Charizard learned Thunder Punch!

Cameron: Alright, then! Use Thunder Punch!

Charizard swooped down and hit Kangaskhan with its new Thunder Punch, paralyzing it!

Cameron: You paralyzed it! Now, Flamethrower!

Charizard blasted its Flamethrower, finally defeating Kangaskhan and calming it down.

Cameron: Kangaskhan. I know your baby is in trouble, but I can help. My friend went deeper to rescue your kid, so can you lead me down the cave to catch up with her?

Kangaskhan nodded as she got up. She led me to Elaine, where she happened to be at the exit from Rock Tunnel!

She was in trouble.

Cameron: Come on, Kangaskhan. Let's get your baby back!

The mother nodded as she knocked out 5 Grunts using her Hyper Beam!

Elaine: Nice of you to catch up.

Cameron: Nice of you to find the exit.

The last Grunt, who kidnapped the baby, sent out Scyther! I sent Charizard out as Elaine used her Farfetch'd.

Cameron: Fire Fang!

Elaine: Aerial Ace!

The mother attacked with Mega Punch!

All three attacks hit, making the grunt drop the baby as he and his Pokémon blasted off!

After we stepped out of the cave, the baby Kangaskhan returned to its mother's pouch.

Cameron: I'm glad we helped you. You are a tough Pokémon to battle with!

Kangaskhan nodded.

Cameron: How about joining my team? You can have tons of fun with us.

After thinking it over, Kangaskhan agreed to come with us. I caught Kangaskhan in a Friend Ball I bought at Cerulean City a while back. After three small vibrations, the ball clicked, signaling a successful catch.

Elaine: A new member of your team. Ready to keep going?

Cameron: You bet.

I hope our next adventure won't be as crazy as the last!

End of Chapter 15

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