Ch. 9: The Sight of Something Red!

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As me and Elaine left the Pokémon Center after spending the night, we found a nearby house. A police officer was guarding the door there.

Cameron: Excuse me! What happened here?

Officer: Team Rocket happened here. The owners of this house were robbed.

Elaine: What was taken?

Officer: A Diglett.

Me and Elaine tensed at the answer. Who knew Team Rocket managed to nab another Pokémon?

Cameron: Can we help?

Officer: Sorry kids, you can't get in here.

Suddenly, a Squirtle jumped from a nearby bush and took the officer's walkie-talkie.

Officer: Hey! Give that back!!

The Squirtle playfully taunted the officer before running away.

Officer: Hey! Get back here, you pesky Pokémon!

We had an open opportunity, so me and Elaine let ourselves in to a very obvious crime scene: toppled furniture, dirty footprints and... A giant hole in the wall??

Cameron: Excuse us, sir.

The man faced us as he heard my words.

Cameron: Can you tell us what transpired here?

Man: Some thug barged in and messes up my house, taking my Diglett to use in his crimes, which is the cause for that hole!

Cameron: Thanks.

Elaine and I went through the hole as we looked for the Grunt. Once we heard parting footsteps...

Grunt: Can't get me now, you meddling kids!

Cameron: Butterfree, use Stun Spore!

Butterfree released a paralyzing spore from its wings, stopping the Grunt in his tracks.

Cameron: Give us back that Diglett!!

Grunt: Over my dead body, I will!

The Grunt broke through the paralysis and sent out a Drowzee.

Elaine sent out a Nidorina, as I kept Butterfree close.

Elaine: Use Bite!

Nidorina ran towards the Drowzee, baring its teeth.

Cameron: Butterfree, Bug Buzz!

Butterfree created a deafening sound with its wings.

Both attacks hit, resulting in an instant defeat.

Grunt: Arrgh, okay! Here's the Diglett back!!

The Grunt returned Diglett as he ran away. The man ran to his Pokémon as he rejoiced his its safe return.

Man: Thanks so much, you two. I'm glad you got my Diglett back.

Cameron: No big deal! I'm glad we could help.

But after my reply, more Team Rocket Grunts appeared and surrounded us!

Grunt A: Got you now, you pests!

Suddenly, a beam of light came from above and blasted the Grunts away!

A Solar Beam? But where and who did it come from??

After the smoke cleared, it revealed a young boy with a Venusaur. He looked slightly older than us, but his face has a serious look.

Cameron: Hello! Thank you for saving us.

The boy responded with only a firm nod.

Cameron: You are pretty strong. How about a battle?

The boy nodded with a small but visible smile.

???: Hold on!

As a stray voice was heard, we turned our attention to another young boy. He had hair resembling a hedgehog, but slipped to the front. He did have an arrogant tone on his voice.

???: No battle happens without me seeing it!

Cameron: Who are you?

???: Blue's the name, and the boy you challenged here is Red, my good friend and rival.

Red nodded at the compliment.

Cameron: Wait? Red and Blue?! You two are the greatest champions in all of the Kanto region!!

Blue: You're spot on, kid. I'm putting out here that Red is the toughest Trainer in the world. I should know, since we battled for the title 3 years ago.

Cameron: Nonetheless, he's a Trainer I admire. Come on, Red! Let's battle!!

Red thought about it for a minute, and agreed.

We went to Route 5, just outside the city to battle.

Just before the battle, Blue gave me a pro tip.

Blue: Just so you know, Red's mute. He commands an attack by giving hand gestures. Be prepared.

I nodded as we took our positions. Red sent out his Venusaur, as I used Pikachu.

Red sent a fast hand gesture to Venusaur, and it charged forward, going faster. It's using Double-Edge

Cameron: Use Headbutt!

Pikachu charged with her head face down, clashing with Venusaur's Double-Edge! In one fell-swoop, both Pokémon recoiled from the impact!

Red's next hand gesture had Venusaur use Solar Beam.

Cameron: Ready a Thunderbolt!

Pikachu charged up as she waited for Solar Beam to fire. As the move completed charging, Pikachu and Venusaur fired their moves simultaneously, clashing in a powerful shockwave. As Solar Beam began to overpower Pikachu, I knew she needed more motivation.

Cameron: Pikachu. Know this: If or even if we win or lose, I'm having fun with my partner. That's what matters. Even if we lose, we'll keep on training until we surpass even the Champion, heck, we could even become the new Champion. Remember that.

My speech raised the spirits of not only Pikachu, but me as well. This time we were predicting Red's next attack. We were feeling, hearing, and thinking as one. We were in sync!

Red's next attack came in a whirlwind: Power Whip!

Cameron: Evade with Quick Attack!

Pikachu dodged the Power Whip with Quick Attack.

Cameron: Don't let Venusaur catch you! Run around!

Pikachu ran out and about the battlefield, attempting to confuse Venusaur by going as fast as it can!

Red had his Venusaur attack with Sunny Day. Suddenly, Pikachu was slammed down with a Power Whip, creating a cloud of smoke on impact.

After the smoke cleared, Pikachu was still standing, but soon fainted from the excessive damage.

I ran to pick up my partner as Red returned his Venusaur to its Poké Ball.

Before we parted ways, I turned back to give Red a handshake.

Cameron: I appreciate the chance that I battled you. I learned a lot about myself... and my partner, too.

As I rejoined Elaine, we moved in to our next destination, and as my mind dazzled, the battle with Red will be a day to remember.

I hope my next Gym battle will be the same way!

End of Chapter 9

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