Series 3 Chapter 14: The Trick Master's Challenge!

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At the next Route outside of Slateport City, me and May trained together while Brendan studied the habitats of Pokémon in the area. As we continued our personal tasks, a man appeared in a cloud of smoke, surprising us!

Trick Master: Hello, Trainers!! I am the Trick Master, here to challenge you to an amazing bet! Do you accept?!

Cameron: Firstly, why? Secondly, should we trust you? You just appeared out of thin air!

Trick Master: You'll see!

With a snap of his finger, he transported us to a weird room. It looked like a habitat for Electric-type Pokémon. Pikachu was a bit supercharged.

Before we even took a step, a Voltorb attacked! It fired a Charge Beam!

Brendan sent out his Marshtomp as the Mud Fish Pokémon took the attack! It soon retaliated with Bulldoze and defeated the wild Voltorb!

Trick Master: You must find an evolutionary stone hidden in this area. A Pokémon in this area is also hiding. Catch it and find the stone to complete the task.

We shrugged and mover forward. Once we reached a fork in the road, we took the middle path. While walking, a wild Pikachu wandered into our pathway. May quickly reacted and caught the Pikachu.

As we continued, May's Pikachu turned out to be as tough as mine! It defeated 3 Magnemite on our way. After a while, we arrived in a large room with a generator. We saw a Thunder Stone on the table. Once we grabbed it, a wild Manectric appeared and protected it!

Me and May's Pikachu fought it. The Manectric powered up our moves with Electric Terrain!

Cameron: Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!

May: Pikachu, Thunder!

The two Pikachu zapped Manectric!

The Manectric used Fire Fang!

Cameron: Iron Tail!

Pikachu clashed with the Manectric, knocking it into the table! The Thunder Stone on it fell!

May's Pikachu quickly ran to get it! But Manectric blocked its way! The little Pokémon barreled past it with Wild Charge! Once it grabbed the Thunder Stone, it evolved into Raichu!

Raichu blasted Manectric away with a new move: Hyper Beam!

May: Great job, Raichu!

The Mouse Pokémon blushed as its Trainer embraced it!

The Trick Master appeared to congratulate us.

Trick Master: Great job! You won! I'll take you back, right after...

Cameron: No.

Trick Master: But-

Cameron: NO!

Trick Master: Darn...

The Trick Master snapped his finger and sent us back to Route 107.

After we settled in camp, May sat and spoke with her Raichu. Me and Pikachu decided to join her, conversing and playing together.

End of Chapter 14

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