Series 4 Chapter 23: The Legend of Time and Space! Part 2

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Cyrus sent out a Crobat and Weavile! I needed to win this so everyone can stay safe. So, Staravia and Prinplup are my long shots! Let's hope this goes off slow.

Cameron: Staravia, use Take Down on Crobat! Prinplup, Water Pulse on Weavile!

Prinplup hit Weavile with Water Pulse, but Crobat dodged the oncoming Take Down!

Cyrus: Crobat, Cross Poison at Prinplup! Weavile, use Ice Punch on Staravia!

Cameron: Staravia, get out of there! Use U-turn!

Staravia avoided Ice Punch, attacking Weavile in the process! Prinplup, however, was brutally damaged by Cross Poison!

Prinplup shook off the hit and reassured me that it's ready to keep going!

Cameron: Alright! Staravia, Aerial Ace on Weavile! Prinplup, Metal Claw in Crobat!

Prinplup engaged in wing-to-wing combat with Crobat, while Staravia flew agilely to avoid any other attack from Weavile!

Cyrus: Your attempts to battle put me to sleep. Weavile, Night Slash!

Weavile closely waited before striking Staravia with Night Slash!

Cameron: How am I going to beat this one?

Pokédex: Weavile, the Sharp Claw Pokémon. A Dark- and Ice-type, and the evolved form of Sneasel. Weavile form packs in cold regions, using the power of coordination to thrive. Up to five are in a single pack.

Cyrus: Weavile, Ice Punch!

Cameron: Keep going, Prinplup! We can't let Crobat escape! Staravia, Take Down!

Staravia charged head-on with Take Down, resulting in a heavy clash! Staravia powered on against Weavile, but when Ice Punch began to overpower it, Staravia exerted more of its energy, becoming enveloped in a bright light. It grew substantially bigger, gaining a large hairdo above its forehead. Its wings were so long, they could outstretch even an Arbok! Staravia evolved into Staraptor!

Pokédex: Staraptor, the Predator Pokémon. A Normal- and Flying-type, and the evolved form of Staravia. Staraptor leaves the flock right after it evolves. Its extremely muscular wings allow it to fly for long periods of time without resting them.

Cameron: Cool! You are so awesome, Staraptor!

Staraptor nodded before dodging a Night Slash from Weavile! It retaliated when the red tip of its hairdo glowed white before slashing it in multiple directions, dealing massive damage! Staraptor learned Close Combat!

Weavile, weakened but still standing, continues to persist!

Cyrus: Don't let it attack! Use Night Slash!

Weavile rushed in with Night Slash! However, its leg cramped, giving a quick opening for Staraptor. The Predator Pokémon soon finished off Weavile with Take Down! Prinplup managed to outspeed Crobat and defeated it with Drill Peck!

Cyrus, even though he was beaten, smiled with a sinister look on his face.

Cyrus: No matter. Even if you beat me, we've already won!

I quickly became concerned and ran outside. What I saw scared me: Dawn and the others were captured and put in large bubble-like cells by Team Galactic!

Cameron: Cyrus...I won't let you continue the root of your plan any further. Leave, put the orbs back, and free my friends.

Cyrus: Your threats don't scare me. If I give the word, your friends are finished.

I was once again stuck. I can't let Cyrus go, and I can't lose my friends either. However, Staraptor made the choice for me by flying up and swooping down at high speed toward the cells!

Cyrus: Stop it!

Staraptor avoided being pinned by the Grunts and reveals another new move it learned to cause fractures into the cells: Brave Bird!

Once everyone broke out of their confinements, we all teamed up to take down Team Galactic!

Elaine: Evo, Double-Edge!

Dawn: Luxray, Swift!

Cheryl: Froslass, Ice Beam!

Riley: Lucario, Aura Sphere!

Cameron: Pikachu, Thunderbolt!

And Cynthia jumped in last!

Cynthia: Garchomp, Fire Blast!

The attacks were so powerful, some Grunts were knocked unconscious. The remaining units escaped, with Cyrus in tow!

Cameron: We did it!

Elaine: We all sure did! We drove Team Galactic away!

As we celebrated, Looker and Gunky appeared!

Looker: I heard that Team Galactic took this town hostage! Is everything...

He looked at the unconscious Grunts, as well as us, before smiling.

Looker: Well, it looks like things are careful here. Let's go, Gunky.

Gunky nodded and followed Looker. Shortly after, Wilma appeared!

Wilma: I see your bonds were tightened even further?

Cameron: They sure were! My Staravia evolved!

Staraptor winked!

Wilma: Not just your Pokémon, but...

Cameron: ...My friends? Our bonds are stronger than ever before. I didn't want them to get hurt, so I did what I can.

Wilma: You did more. You care for your friends just as you care for your Pokémon! You are not only a great Trainer, but a great person.

I was heavily enlightened by Wilma's words. So enlightened, that I dashed out of town before everyone else!

Cameron: Come on! Let's get back to Hearthome City! I've got a badge to win!

Elaine laughed before following ahead. As we all left Celestic Town, I did realize that Cyrus had escaped with the orbs! Instead of worrying about what would happen, I continued on the earn my last four badges for the Sinnoh League!

End of Chapter 23

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